Attempting to set Events so members can comment on them, however running into an error with one string of code and not enjoying it at all...
in inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php I am trying to set the following code:
$this->oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('eventposts', (int)$iEventID);
$sPostComm = $this->oCmtsView->getExtraCss();
$sPostComm .= $this->oCmtsView->getExtraJs();
$sPostComm .= (!$this->oCmtsView->isEnabled()) ? '' : $this->oCmtsView->getCommentsFirst();
$sPostComm = DesignBoxContent (_t('_Comments'), $sPostComm, 1);
$sCommentsSect = <<<EOF
<div class="clear_both"></div>
Immediately after:
$sActionsSectFDB = <<<EOF
So that it looks like this when I'm done:
$sImageSectFDB = <<<EOF
<div class="photoBlock">
<div class="clear_both"></div>
$sImageSect = DesignBoxContent($sEventC.' '.$sPictureC, $sImageSectFDB, 1);
$sActionsSectFDB = <<<EOF
$this->oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('eventposts', (int)$iEventID);
$sPostComm = $this->oCmtsView->getExtraCss();
$sPostComm .= $this->oCmtsView->getExtraJs();
$sPostComm .= (!$this->oCmtsView->isEnabled()) ? '' : $this->oCmtsView->getCommentsFirst();
$sPostComm = DesignBoxContent (_t('_Comments'), $sPostComm, 1);
$sCommentsSect = <<<EOF
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<div class="clear_both"></div>
This worked beautifully on D6.1.6 but is not working at all on 6.1.4. There are several other changes and the creation of a table for events comments in the sql that are all doing as they should. What am I missing on this that's causing this string to error on 6.1.4 Input on this is greatly appreciated.