Is there any way of decreasing the thumnail size for the images of modules, e.g. events and ads. They are just too big when they are listed on the homepage. Id even prefer that they didnt have an image at all, rather than have a huge thumnail that takes up most of the space.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ADS module
Edit file modules/boonex/ads/templates/tmpl_uni/css/ads.css
add this code to it (.ads_Unit and .ads_Pic is 100px smaller than default)
.ads_Unit {
height: 185px;
.ads_Pic {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
All code on the file ads.css will be
@import url(../../base/css/ads.css);
.ads_Unit {
height: 185px;
.ads_Pic {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
Edit file modules/boonex/ads/classes/BxAdsModule.php
Find this code att the top of the file,
class BxAdsModule extends BxDolModule {
//max sizes of pictures for resizing during upload
var $iIconSize = 32;
var $iThumbSize = 140;
var $iBigThumbSize = 340;
var $iImgSize = 600;
Edit var $iThumbSize = 140;
To: var $iThumbSize = 40;
this will change the ads thumb image everywhere, I belive.:)