Errors with fresh install of 7.1

Video upload does not work

If you change the home page - it goes blank.

I'm glad I got this software for the lower price - I would be very mad if I had paid FULL price.

I've had this software for several years and it has always had errors(but still ahead of everything else in options - just wished they all worked).  I keep hoping and praying that it will work someday - but this is just another "same crap - different day" upgrade.  I will of course check back in a few weeks to see if it is working then.

Good luck to everyone and also to Boonex. 

Kind Regards to all.

Added error: If you go to the Alt Theme - the forums crash the site - the UNI one works okay but not the Alt theme.

I'm going to try another fresh install to see if the errors go away.  I'm hoping and praying that it will work the second time. But hey it is a beta and I've had worst beta's in 20 years of this industry.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012


Video upload does not work

If you change the home page - it goes blank.

I'm glad I got this software for the lower price - I would be very mad if I had paid FULL price.

I've had this software for several years and it has always had errors(but still ahead of everything else in options - just wished they all worked).  I keep hoping and praying that it will work someday - but this is just another "same crap - different day" upgrade.  I will of course check back in a few weeks to see if it is working then.

Good luck to everyone and also to Boonex. 

Kind Regards to all.

 Also forgot -there are no icons - just stupid little FO12 or FO39 or FO..... 

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

Only way to get "your" problems fixed is to report them. It is BETA remember, now's your chance.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

I have 2 fresh install, video uploads work on both with no problems. Must be something in your server setting maybe? 

What do you mean be changing the home page?

Quote · 5 Nov 2012


I have 2 fresh install, video uploads work on both with no problems. Must be something in your server setting maybe? 

What do you mean be changing the home page?

 Hi Daihlo.

Thank you for the info.  Now let me try to answer your question:

When I went and changed the Homepage, only the left side showed up.  The right was blank. I did a fresh install and this is the results. I've been using Dolphin for 5 years so this is not my first rodeo with this software. I'm in the process of deleting everything and doing a 100% fresh install. I'm just reporting my outcomes to see if there is similar outcomes - if so - then it is a problem that must be addressed ASAP. i don;t want to waste Boonex time on operator errors, but just report errors that happen to more than one user.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

Try this, make "new" albums for your uploads and see if your automatically redirected to the "upload" page, this worked for me but the "+ Upload" button does not work, nor do sounds or photos.

Making new albums first for each will allow uploading.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Nov 2012

Just an update on my progress:

The first install was with Foxfire. It installed but had errors.

Then on second install I tried IE 8 it timed out on install.

Will try a third install using Foxfire again.

This is only a progress report to inform others. It could be my ISP is slow or anything else - just reporting my results.

BTW: Thanks newton27 for the input - will take your advice on next install.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012


If you attempt to delete the Russian language - it will crash the whole site.

Also after third install - the icons still do not work.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

 When you say you made changes to homepage and only the one side then showed up... do you mean you moved some page blocks? 

I bet you left outline block on one side and other on the other side right?


If so, then outline column will not display anything until you add content to it such as blog, photo, vids etc....

Until content is added, if you only have outline block in one column then that whole column will not be displayed! If its on the left, then whatever is on the right column will move across to left until outline has content in it...


If this is the case, then you dont need to re-install, just add some content.

If this is not the case, please explain exactly whats happening, or screenshots?


I have 2 fresh install, video uploads work on both with no problems. Must be something in your server setting maybe? 

What do you mean be changing the home page?

 Hi Daihlo.

Thank you for the info.  Now let me try to answer your question:

When I went and changed the Homepage, only the left side showed up.  The right was blank. I did a fresh install and this is the results. I've been using Dolphin for 5 years so this is not my first rodeo with this software. I'm in the process of deleting everything and doing a 100% fresh install. I'm just reporting my outcomes to see if there is similar outcomes - if so - then it is a problem that must be addressed ASAP. i don;t want to waste Boonex time on operator errors, but just report errors that happen to more than one user.


Quote · 5 Nov 2012


Try this, make "new" albums for your uploads and see if your automatically redirected to the "upload" page, this worked for me but the "+ Upload" button does not work, nor do sounds or photos.

Making new albums first for each will allow uploading.

 After reinstall - still will not take videos.  But, this is only one of many problems. But thanks for the info.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012


  After reinstall - still will not take videos.  But, this is only one of many problems. But thanks for the info.

 Could you identify what error you receive when attempting to upload videos?


I have run into many situations where I thought there was a bug, but it was really just a misunderstanding of how 7.1 operates due to my previous expectations of 7.0.9. 


Having the outline not shot up until there was content really threw a lot of us for a loop :)

Skype: shawn.nelson
Quote · 5 Nov 2012

After attempting to upload video - I get a second Home page displayed and an access denied message.  I checked the permission and it all looks okay - but I could be wrong.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

Still getting these wired icons on the bottom taskbar and on most of the site: Please see attached photo of bottom right of website.

Untitled.jpg · 396.7K · 421 views
Quote · 5 Nov 2012

My update install went great! I just noticed this error;

Warning: substr_compare() [function.substr-compare]: The length cannot exceed initial string length in
/home/content/n/u/r/xxxxxxx/html/xxxxxxxx/inc/classes/BxDolTwigTemplate.php on line 43

This shows when you click on MY EVENTS...

Anyone else

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

 Thumper - may not be the issue but did you change your file permissions for modules after installing a clean install?


and scroll to bottom to see module changes...

like I said, may or may not help.  

Quote · 5 Nov 2012


 Thumper - may not be the issue but did you change your file permissions for modules after installing a clean install?


and scroll to bottom to see module changes...

like I said, may or may not help.  

 Thank you, confirmed the file permission on the modules like you suggested - but still not luck. Still getting the wired icons all over the site. Anyone else getting them - take a look at the photo I uploaded and look at the lower right of the screen. It is just images of FO12 or FO 39 or FO??  Anyone else getting this? It seams to not happen with Google Chrome and IE8 - but icons don't seam to work with Foxfire.

Quote · 5 Nov 2012

It looks like some required font files are missing or damaged, try to re-upload files from /templates/base/fonts/ folder, the following files should be there:


Make sure that you use BINARY mode during file transfer in FTP manager!


  Thank you, confirmed the file permission on the modules like you suggested - but still not luck. Still getting the wired icons all over the site. Anyone else getting them - take a look at the photo I uploaded and look at the lower right of the screen. It is just images of FO12 or FO 39 or FO??  Anyone else getting this? It seams to not happen with Google Chrome and IE8 - but icons don't seam to work with Foxfire.


Rules →
Quote · 6 Nov 2012

Can't reproduce, but it may be the case for some PHP versions:

My update install went great! I just noticed this error;

Warning: substr_compare() [function.substr-compare]: The length cannot exceed initial string length in
/home/content/n/u/r/xxxxxxx/html/xxxxxxxx/inc/classes/BxDolTwigTemplate.php on line 43

This shows when you click on MY EVENTS...

Anyone else


Rules →
Quote · 6 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.