Error "Import"

I have this message when I wish to import a database



Requête SQL:

-- -- Contenu de la table `bx_ads_category` -- INSERT INTO `bx_ads_category` (`ID`, `Name`, `CEntryUri`, `Description`, `CustomFieldName1`, `CustomFieldName2`, `Unit1`, `Unit2`, `Picture`) VALUES (1, 'Jobs', 'Jobs', 'There is Jobs description', 'salary', 'salary', 'EUR', 'EUR', 'bx_ads.png'), (2, 'Music Exchange', 'Music-Exchange', 'music exchange desc', 'price', 'price', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (4, 'Housing & Rentals', 'Housing-Rentals', 'Housing & Rentals desc', 'rental', '', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (5, 'Services', 'Services', 'Services desc', 'price', '', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (7, 'Casting Calls', 'Casting-Calls', 'Casting Calls desc', '', '', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (8, 'Personals', 'Personals', 'Personals desc', 'payment', '', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (9, 'For Sale', 'For-Sale', 'For Sale desc', 'price', 'price', '$', '$', 'bx_ads.png'), (10, 'Cars For Sale', 'Cars-For-Sale', 'Cars For Sale desc', 'price', 'price', '€', '€', 'bx_ads.png'), (11, 'Sport', 'Politiques', [...]

MySQL a répondu: 

#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1

Quote · 8 Jul 2012

Requête SQL:

-- -- Contenu de la table `Profiles` -- INSERT INTO `Profiles` (`ID`, `NickName`, `Email`, `Password`, `Salt`, `Status`, `Role`, `Couple`, `Sex`, `LookingFor`, `Headline`, `DescriptionMe`, `Country`, `City`, `DateOfBirth`, `Featured`, `DateReg`, `DateLastEdit`, `DateLastLogin`, `DateLastNav`, `aff_num`, `Tags`, `zip`, `EmailNotify`, `LangID`, `UpdateMatch`, `Views`, `Rate`, `RateCount`, `CommentsCount`, `PrivacyDefaultGroup`, `allow_view_to`, `UserStatus`, `UserStatusMessage`, `UserStatusMessageWhen`, `Avatar`, `Height`, `Weight`, `Income`, `Occupation`, `Religion`, `Education`, `RelationshipStatus`, `Hobbies`, `Interests`, `Ethnicity`, `FavoriteSites`, `FavoriteMusic`, `FavoriteFilms`, `FavoriteBooks`, `FirstName`, `LastName`) VALUES (34, 'FIVE', '', 'b802cc22f4f2fcd7effb0a9512e9f51d9c03a2fc', 'MGI5NzVi', 'Active', 3, 0, 'male', '', 'L'ÊTRE AU PLUS HAUT !', '<p>Nous nous efforçons de rendre l''information sur notre site web la plus précise et facil[...]

MySQL a répondu:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '34' for key 1

Quote · 8 Jul 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.