Support forum for new mod.
Enhanced Block Visibility
Version 1.0
This mod could also be referred to enhanced block permissions.
Normally dolphins page blocks can be set visible to either guests, members or both. But that’s it.
This mod extends that. With this mod you can set the block to be visible by the following options.
1) Any site configured membership levels. 2) Couples 3) Any site configured sexes. 4) Age ranges from sites set min to the sites set max.
Now blocks can be setup with far greater flexibility as to whom they are displayed to.
Product located here. |
What is the 'cashe for seconds' for? Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Not my feature. Thats dolphin 7.0.3 page block cache. Apparently you're not running 7.0.3 yet or you would have seen that already. |
Hi Deano, Im interested in this mod to add age control per block on my site.
Does this run fine alongside the Page Access Contol mod that is now standard in Dolphin?
Just asking as this also offers block access control, as does your block tools that I also have...
Wasnt sure if 3 mods offering similar things would clash!
It has not been fully tested but i see no reason why there would be a problem. It is currently in use on my site and is not causing any problems with the page access control module.
I however do not see where my block tools mod falls into this. The tools mod allows blocks to be copied that can be copied, creates and deletes blocks of type php and html but however provides absolutely no access control at all so does not even fall within this category. |
Thanks. Have purchased :-) |
Does this mod work for 7.0.8?
And also can it stop user changing some privacy options ?
Yes. It works for 7.0.8.
It controls the visibility of page blocks only. Privacy settings are a different matter. |
Hello deano I am getting this folllowing error on my page blocks:-
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/*********/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php on line 330
Please Help !! -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Did this occur after the install of the mod before beginning any changes to the blocks? or after changing the blocks settings.
What pages?
Which blocks?
Unfortunately the error is not providing any information that can be used to track the exact location. So a step by step process must be done to determine exactly when and where it occurs.
Start by uninstalling the mod, then restore backups of the altered files.
Then any page blocks you edited after the mod was installed will have to be edited again to reset the default member/guest view settings.
Then then start over this time keep track of exactly when, where and at what page the problem occurs.
Also. if you have been using the page access control mod that comes with newer versions of dolphin. No one has reported any conflicts with that module, but it's best to be safe and uninstall it. |
Also, one more question.
Other than membership levels, the mod can contol visibilty based on age and gender as well.
Have any of those other default profile fields been altered or removed? |
Hello Deano,
the issue does not happen with all blocks. Only when I change setting within blocks for different things (I mean who can view the block)
The error is not visable on any particular pages but in 'pagebuilder' .... I noticed when I refresh page the error goes away from the block and like I said it seems to happen every other few blocks I edit if that makes sence ?!
Also, one more question.
Other than membership levels, the mod can contol visibilty based on age and gender as well.
Have any of those other default profile fields been altered or removed? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
the mod is doing its job however i am having to go through all my pages and page blocks editing settings as the install seems to allow all blocks to be shown for example members signed in to site could see login block and other things only guest should see ?!
this is a little pain but its cool -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
All existing blocks should have retained the default values until they are edited. In other words, the logon block should have remained the same unless you opened it in page builder and saved it without editing it's values.
You are describing an issue i have not seen happen before. I have also opened and edited several blocks on my site now to see if i could reproduce the error you said occurs after several edits and i could not reproduce it.
You have not however answered my question about the profile fields for sex and age. Have they been altered?
Is the boonex page access control module installed? |
nope, everything is as normal as far as age & sex etc.....
if the page access mod you mean is the option whether to show pages to visitors or members then yes I have it and its normal..
All existing blocks should have retained the default values until they are edited. In other words, the logon block should have remained the same unless you opened it in page builder and saved it without editing it's values.
You are describing an issue i have not seen happen before. I have also opened and edited several blocks on my site now to see if i could reproduce the error you said occurs after several edits and i could not reproduce it.
You have not however answered my question about the profile fields for sex and age. Have they been altered?
Is the boonex page access control module installed? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
No. This as taken from the modules section in admin.
Page Access Control version 1.0.8 by Boonex
New to Dolphin 7.0.7/8
I will have to post a screen shot of the module i mean. It's now standard in dolphin and if you have it, it already has page block restrictions by membership levels built-in. It's the module that was mentioned in this topic. by newton27 that you seems to ether have problems with, or could not find it or something. Maybe your not running dolphin 7.0.7 or 8
I am just trying to determine if your issues are related to interference with this module.
I'll see if i can get a screen shot showing the module posted. |
I purchased a Profile Splitter Module from AntonLV. Will this product work for moving the different profile types to a new page? I know you don't mention blue blocks but they are in fact blue blocks if that matters. |
I do not have that mod, thus cannot test it.
And the mod regardless does not move anything to a new page. The mod allows you to set visibility on blocks restricted by membership, and, or gender. It does not allow you to move anything. So part of your question i am not understanding. |
I'm experiencing a serious problem with the Enhanced Page Block Visibility module. When I hide a block (Shoutbox) from non-members, I found the block was hidden from *both* non-members *and* members (except for the primary admin, ID#1). Then when I UN-hide the same block it became visible to non-members but *NOT* the members. Nothing I do will bring it back into view. I repeated this with other blocks on the home page, eg. Quick Search.
I'm not sure what might have triggered this bug to appear. I assume there's a conflict with another module or somehow my database was corrupted during a module installation. Note: I have AntonLV's Profile Type Splitter Premium and Membership Level Splitter modules installed. I also have Boonexpert's Multi-Admin Access module installed. |
I will need site access for testing. I will need everything. Admin access to dolphin, FTP and cpanal to access database.
Also. When checking other members, i will need a list of ALL member accounts you verified this with, and you need to verify that those member accounts have all profile information filled out. primarily age must be properly set and gender set properly. As my module relies on these to properly show blocks.
I also need to know if you have recently updated dolphin after the module was installed.
You need to also be aware that during my work on the site, i may need to reset blocks back to dolphin defaults that have settings stored for my module. So your current visibility settings may be lost.
If it has been determined that my module is not compatible with a module on the site then i will have to remove it and issue a refund. My time is currently limited and i will not have the time needed to find and rewrite my module to make it compatible with someone elses. |
I very much appreciate you looking into the problem and pointing out the necessary setup change. I'm still unsure of how that happened but confirm that after ensuring proper setup your module functions perfectly... thank you very much for your help. |
1. will this be made compatible with 7.0.9? And will it work to block profile pages from being viewed by non-members or not-logged-in users even if they know the URL to a user's profile page?
2. i'm using the page access control module and realize that my profile pages can be viewed if I type in the URL of the profile.
- I can't seem to block them generically as each page has a unique address. So i have to enter each profile in to the page access control form and limit them individually.
- I changed the default view and typed the address and the subscribe button is viewable so anyone can still get an update on the profile if things are changed.
3. Is there a wildcard or code for blocking profile pages?
actually I just found this is true for my groups as well and I presume everything else.... do i really have to set permissions for every page if so why do i even bother having a log in?
Not sure if related but i also have this module installed
If my problem isn't related to Page Access Control could it be related to this module? Do you have any idea what is the problem? Or is this a "feature" bug?
This mod is compatible with dolphin 7.0.9. However your request is to block pages. That is not what this mod does.
This mod adds additional options in the page builder for controlling who is able to see specific page blocks.
So the mod is specifically for page blocks. Not the page itself.
So the page access control mod is the closest mod that would fit your needs. I do not know if it supports wild card pages.
However. Have you looked at dolphins regular memberships. You should be able to block viewing of most features simply by not allowing guests to access specific site features.
Given that your question does not fit this module, please make a request on the standard dolphin 7 forums. Describe what you want to do and someone should be able to offer suggestions. |
The requirements for my site have changed so members do *not* have to give their age or birth date if they don't want to. What changes need to be made to the code to remove the references to 'age'?
Has anyone modified the code to work without reference to AGE... and is willing to share.
Please and thank you,
Paul |
I am working on a new version to make the checks for age, gender and membership types optional so they can be shut off if you don't want to use them.
I will try to have this new version out within the next day or so. |
Hi Deano, thx for this great mod. I do also use your facebook Connect mod and he works also great. My problem with your Page Block Visibility Mod is that if I change the settings in a page blocks they are not saved.
I have done the installation as you have described it (I've done it at best I hobe). Also the sql script is executed successfully.
Does my question sound familiar to you? I've also tried to clear cache etc.
thx for a short replay! kind regards
No. Saving of the blocks settings has not been an issue that has been previously reported. The only conclusion i can come up with is a step must have been missed.
You should have made backups of each file prior to editing it. Restore those backup copies so your code is back to what it was before the install, and then try the install again.
If you still have problems, then again do a restore of those files, edit any blocks you tried to edit while the mod was installed to make sure they are also setup the way they were, then contact me with cpanal and dolphin admin access and i can try to do the install myself and see if i can find the reason why. |
Hi Deano,
thx for your fast reply! It was like you thought :-) just do the installation again step for step! Now it workx fine!
Kind regards
If you can base visibility on age, can you base it on other criteria. For example, I would like to present a block on a member page encouraging a user to fill out their profile description if it is currently null or, say, less than a certain number of characters. |
If you can base visibility on age, can you base it on other criteria. For example, I would like to present a block on a member page encouraging a user to fill out their profile description if it is currently null or, say, less than a certain number of characters.
That is beyond the scope of this mod. But that should be able to be done programmatically using a php block.
That however is not within the topic of this forum. So start a new topic describing what you want to do. Someone should be able to help you. |
Hi Deano,
thx for your fast reply! It was like you thought :-) just do the installation again step for step! Now it workx fine!
Kind regards
Your welcome. |
deano is it possible to set all blocks visible to all membership levels as default please ?
its a pain having to set each and every block especially if you have a ton of pages !
thanks for time ;) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
As i mentioned in the other topic. I will have to look into it.
My mod does not change or save visibility settings until it is edited and saved for the first time. So prior to that is follows dolphins visibility settings for member/guest |
ok cool thanks ... it would be super handy ...
I think you would agree that its easier to choose which blocks you don't want to show as its most likely webmasters would want 90% of blocks shown to all levels ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
here I send you the original files.
we are running on 7.08 version.
Thank you for your help.
Ok. I have re-attached modified versions. |
when is it going to be available for 7.1? |
"It's now standard in dolphin and if you have it, it already has page block restrictions by membership levels built-in"
I created a block on "Account" page visible only to "Standard Members" suggesting to Upgrade account, but blocks are still visible to all members after setting visibiliy to Standard Members.
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
"It's now standard in dolphin and if you have it, it already has page block restrictions by membership levels built-in"
I created a block on "Account" page visible only to "Standard Members" suggesting to Upgrade account, but blocks are still visible to all members after setting visibiliy to Standard Members.
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
That is not the same as my mod. You also have another topic on that, and it was answered there. This is not a support question on my visibility module. |
Yes i know I was just reading in a comment here that it is standard now in dolphin now - so I was just adding my problem w dolphin standard pageblockaccess while waiting to see response to when available for 7.1
sry i will try to check for the other response
thankfor your help
Yes i know I was just reading in a comment here that it is standard now in dolphin now - so I was just adding my problem w dolphin standard pageblockaccess while waiting to see response to when available for 7.1
sry i will try to check for the other response
thankfor your help
Some of the features my module offers are now standard as part of another module, But not all. And that one has some that mine does not.
But thats not the point. They are two different modules, so they work differently so your question does not apply to this topic because they are not setup and configured the same way.
Your asking about the Built in Page access control module which is a dolphin module, so your question belongs in the standard dolphin 7.0 or 7.1 forums.
I can't help you with that module because i do not use it. |
We are all waiting for the answer, since the default page access control for blocks does not work right......7.1 anytime soon?
when is it going to be available for 7.1?
Working on it now.
There have been some changes in 7.1 that prevent the mod from working. I have to do a re-write. It will take a while. Maybe a couple more days. |
Product now updated to version 1.0.1. Now compatible with dolphin 7.1. |
Product updated to version 1.0.2
Bug was found that prevented content of html blocks from being saved. |
Thanks Deano for updating the module but now i have a problem.
I had your module installed before and now i can only set which sex can view to most blocks.
Some others do have the membership level option available.
Hope you know how to fix this
Thanks Deano for updating the module but now i have a problem.
I had your module installed before and now i can only set which sex can view to most blocks.
Some others do have the membership level option available.
Hope you know how to fix this
The update was not expected to be installed on a site that already had it. It was released to support dolphin 7.1. I did not expect people would actually try to upgrade to the new version on sites that already had it installed because it has so many source changes and thus not easy to do.
If you installed this new version on a site that already had it installed then you will need to run the following querys from phpMyAdmin.
UPDATE `sys_page_compose` SET `Visible`= 'non,memb' WHERE `Visible`='' UPDATE `sys_page_compose` SET `Visible`= 'non' WHERE `Caption`='_Member Login' |
Thanks for you fast reply.
Sadly after running the provided query's and clearing cache i'm still unable to set membership levels on most blocks
Run the queries again.
And show me a screen shot.
If the screen shot shows the membership spot is there, but with no check boxes then the queries did not take. I would most likely need access to the database to confirm that is the problem. |
After running the same query's, still only a few blocks work.

Not sure why this is happening because visibility is set in sys_page_compose on all blocks
Like timeline was not set before because it didn't exist, but still this block does not show the membership level options.