Hi, your can try this
1) Go to your phpMyAdmin
2) Look for sys_objects_actions
3) Insert the follow:
ID: According to the ID number
Caption: _bx_videos_action_download
Icon: action_download.png
Url: http://www.yourdomain.com/flash/modules/video/files/{ID}.flv
Order: 0
Type: bx_videos
bDisplayInSubMenuHeader: 0
Remember to clear the cache...
Adult Asian Tube
I tried to create this button in the block Download Actions:
INSERT INTO `sys_objects_actions` (`id`, `caption`, `Icon`, `Url`, `script`, `eval`, `Order`, `Type`, `bDisplayInSubMenuHeader`) VALUES
(200, '_bx_videos_action_download', 'action_download.png','', 'window.open ('' flash / modules / video / files / {id}. Mp4'','' _blank'','' width = 500 , height = 380, menubar = no, status = no, resizable = no, scrollbars = yes, toolbar = no, location = no'') ','', 0,' bx_videos', 0);
But the same when you click download, the access denied.