'EMBEDDING VIDEO FAILED' is an error message you may see when you attempt to use the 'Embed' option when adding a new video to an album. Dolphin displays this generic, and uninformative error message whenever a YouTube API request fails. Most often, the API request fails because certain videos cannot be accessed via the YouTube API. These include videos tagged as 'porno', 'sex', for example. To allow these videos to be retrieved via the API, the request must be modified.
In the file:
Find the code below:(about line 61)
define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_RSS", 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q="#video#"&safeSearch=none&v=2');
Add the code in red. The 'safeSearch=none' directive instructs the YouTube API to NOT filter any results. (Even if you are requesting a specific video, if it contains certain tags, the API will filter it) The 'v=2' option sends the request to the most recent version of the API, now at version 2.
Do not make this change if you do not want your users embedding any type of sensitive or adult content. Maybe Boonex will add this as an admin option in the video module.