Edit logo background area?

Dolphin 6.1.5 Templ_uni:

I have a nifty logo with a nice background on it and of course, it doesn't work too well with the white block where the Hello Member section is.  The logo fits nicely with the theme (Not graphic), that I am going for on the site so this is the only place I would like to have it changed.

The logo area where it greets the user with the hello username or Join/Login is placed is where I am talking about.

Any clues?

Quote · 16 May 2009


Open --> ./templates/tmpl_uni/css/general.css


Look for the entry for "topBlock"

To change the background color for the logo area, add a field to that style.


background-color: #000000;

(This would make it a black background.)

Hope this helps =D

Quote · 16 May 2009

Thank you very much!  That was the ticket, I was in the Hello member area and of course couldn't make it work just right.  Word to the wise, NEVER mix late nights with troubleshooting if you are really really tired like I was.  :D

Quote · 16 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.