Edit contacts.php?


After a lot of trying, I have to give up.

I cant find the file where to edit the contacts.php content. I want to delete some different sections.

Best regard

Quote · 27 Jul 2009

What would you like to edit/delete



Quote · 27 Jul 2009

I want to delete some few sections. More specific the "Members who have blocked me" and also both concerning "invite". At last I want to move the "friends" section to the top.

I just dont know which file to edit :)


Quote · 27 Jul 2009

Dolphin root, same level that has all the folders starting with Admin as the first one.


Open contacts.php


You will see this as the complete file, or something simliar as mine is modified.




*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -----------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
*     website              : http://www.boonex.com/
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com

require_once( 'inc/header.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'utils.inc.php' );

// --------------- page variables and login

$_page['name_index'] = 129;
$_page['css_name']  = 'contacts.css';

$logged['member'] = member_auth(0);

$memberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$_page['header'] = _t( "_My Contacts" );
$_page['header_text'] = _t( "_My Contacts" );

$free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0;

$_ni = $_page['name_index'];

// do actions
if( $_POST['HotList_i_del'] )        delFromList( 'HotList',       'ID',     'Profile' ); 
if( $_POST['FriendList_i_del'] )     delFromList( 'FriendList',    'ID',     'Profile' );
if( $_POST['BlockList_i_del'] )      delFromList( 'BlockList',     'ID',     'Profile' );
if( $_POST['VKisses_i_del'] )        delFromList( 'VKisses',       'ID',     'Member' );
if( $_POST['ProfilesTrack_i_del'] )  delFromList( 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile' );

if( $_POST['VKisses_me_del'] )       delFromList( 'VKisses',       'Member',  'ID' );
if( $_POST['FriendList_me_del'] )    delFromList( 'FriendList',    'Profile', 'ID' );
if( $_POST['ProfilesTrack_me_del'] ) delFromList( 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member' );

if( $_POST['FriendList__del'] )      delFromList( 'FriendList',    'ID',     'Profile', true );

if( $_POST['HotList_me_add'] )       addToList(   'HotList',       'ID',     'Profile' );
if( $_POST['BlockList_me_add'] )     addToList(   'BlockList',     'ID',     'Profile' );

if( $_POST['FriendList_me_add'] )    approveFriendInvites();

switch( $_GET['show'] )
 case 'hot':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'HotList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'HotList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
 case 'friends_inv':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'FriendList', 'ID', 'Profile', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
 case 'friends':
  $ret .= PageCompListMembers( '', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=1' );
 case 'block':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'BlockList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'BlockList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
 case 'greet':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'VKisses', 'ID', 'Member', ', `Arrived`, `Number`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'VKisses', 'Member', 'ID', ', `Arrived`, `Number`, `New`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
 case 'view':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
 case 'all':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'HotList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'FriendList', 'ID', 'Profile', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'BlockList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'VKisses', 'ID', 'Member', ', `Arrived`, `Number`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'HotList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'BlockList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'VKisses', 'Member', 'ID', ', `Arrived`, `Number`, `New`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  $ret .= PageCompListMembers( '', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=1' );

$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $ret;


function PageCompListMembers( $list, $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom, $sqlSelectAdd = '', $sqlWhereAdd = '', $sqlOrderAdd = '' )
 global $memberID;
 global $site;
 global $tmpl;
 $form = "{$table}_{$list}";
 if( $list == '' )
  $query = "
    IF( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID, `$table`.`$sqlWhom`, `$table`.`$sqlWho` ) AS `$sqlWhom`,
   FROM `$table`
   LEFT JOIN `Profiles`
    ON `Profiles`.`ID` = IF( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID, `$table`.`$sqlWhom`, `$table`.`$sqlWho` )
    ( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID OR `$table`.`$sqlWhom` = $memberID )
   ORDER BY $sqlOrderAdd `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC
  $query = "
   FROM `$table`
   LEFT JOIN `Profiles`
    ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `$table`.`$sqlWhom`
    `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID
   ORDER BY $sqlOrderAdd `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC
 $rMembers = db_res( $query );
 if( $num_res = mysql_num_rows( $rMembers ) )
  $sWhole = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl.html" );
  $aMyTmpl = preg_split( "/\{\/?InsertRows\}/", $sWhole );
  $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
  $sWhole  = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
  $InsertRows = '';
  $tr_class = 'odd';
  while( $aMember = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMembers ) )
   $aReplace = array();
   $aReplace['ID']            = $aMember[$sqlWhom];
   $aReplace['CheckBoxName']  = "mem[{$aMember[$sqlWhom]}]";
   if( $aMember[$sqlWhom] > 0 )
    $aReplace['Thumbnail']     = get_member_icon( $aMember[$sqlWhom], 'left' );
    $aReplace['NickName']      = "<a href=\"".getProfileLink($aMember[$sqlWhom])."\">{$aMember['NickName']}</a>";
    $aReplace['SendGreet']     = sendKissPopUp( $aMember[$sqlWhom] );

    $aReplace['SendMsg']       = "
      <a href=\"{$site['url']}compose.php?ID={$aMember[$sqlWhom]}\" title=\""._t('_Send Message')."\">
     <img src=\"".getTemplateIcon( 'compose.png' )."\" alt=\""._t('_Send Message')."\" />
    $aReplace['Thumbnail']     = '' ;
    $aReplace['NickName']      = _t( '_Visitor' );
    $aReplace['SendGreet']     = '';
    $aReplace['SendMsg']       = '';
   $aReplace['Times']         = $aMember['Number'] ? _t( "_N times", $aMember['Number'] ) : '&nbsp;';
   $aReplace['PicNew']        = $aMember['New'] ? '<img src="'.getTemplateIcon('new.gif').'" class="pic_new" />' : '';
   $aReplace['Date']          = $aMember['Arrived'] ? $aMember['Arrived'] : '&nbsp;';
   $aReplace['tr_class']      = $tr_class;
   $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
   foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
    $sInsertRow = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow );
   $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
   $tr_class = ( $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' );
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['InsertRows /'] = $sInsertRows;
  $aReplace['Self']         = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $_GET['show'] . '&amp;list=' . $_GET['list'];
  $aReplace['FormName']     = "{$form}_form";
  $aReplace['CheckAll']     = _t('_Check all');
  $aReplace['UncheckAll']   = _t('_Uncheck all');
  $aReplace['Actions']      = getButtons( $form );
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sWhole = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole );
  // unset "new" flag for kisses
  if( $table == 'VKisses' and $list == 'me' )
   db_res( "UPDATE `VKisses` SET `New`='0' WHERE `Member`=$memberID AND `New`='1'" );
  $sWhole = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl_nores.html" );
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['NoResults'] = _t('_No members found here');
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sWhole = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole );
 $sWhole = str_replace( '{TableCaption}', getTableName( $form, $num_res ), $sWhole );
 return $sWhole;

function getTableName( $form, $num_res )
 switch( $form )
  case 'HotList_i':        $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED' ); break;
  case 'FriendList_i':     $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_INVITE_YOU_FRIENDLIST' ); break;
  case 'BlockList_i':      $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED' ); break;
  case 'VKisses_i':        $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED' ); break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_i':  $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED' ); break;
  case 'HotList_me':       $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED_BY' ); break;
  case 'FriendList_me':    $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_INVITED_FRIENDLIST' ); break;
  case 'BlockList_me':     $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED_BY' ); break;
  case 'VKisses_me':       $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED_BY' ); break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_me': $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED_BY' ); break;
  case 'FriendList_':      $ret = _t( '_Friend list' ); break;
 if( $num_res )
  $ret .= ": $num_res";
 return $ret;

function getButtons( $form )
 $aButton = array();
 switch( $form )
  case 'HotList_i':        $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  case 'FriendList_i':     $aButton['del'] = _t("_Back Invite"); break;
  case 'BlockList_i':      $aButton['del'] = _t("_Unblock");     break;
  case 'VKisses_i':        $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_i':  $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  case 'HotList_me':       $aButton['add'] = _t("_Add to Hot List"); break;
  case 'FriendList_me':    $aButton['add'] = _t("_Add to Friend List");
                           $aButton['del'] = _t("_Reject Invite");   break;
  case 'BlockList_me':     $aButton['add'] = _t("_Block");           break;
  case 'VKisses_me':       $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');          break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_me': $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');          break;
  case 'FriendList_':      $aButton['del'] = _t("_Delete from Friend List"); break;
 $ret = '';
 foreach( $aButton as $sAct => $sTitle )
  $ret .= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"{$form}_{$sAct}\" value=\"$sTitle\" disabled=\"disabled\" class=\"submit_button\" /> ";
 return $ret;

function delFromList( $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom, $two_way = false )
 global $memberID;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) )
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val )
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   /*if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )
   $query = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWho`=$memberID AND `$sqlWhom`=$ID";
   db_res( $query );
   if( $two_way )
    $query1 = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWhom`=$memberID AND `$sqlWho`=$ID";
    db_res( $query1 );

function addToList( $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom )
 global $memberID;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) )
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val )
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )
   $tmpArr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWho`=$memberID AND `$sqlWhom`=$ID" );
   if( (int)$tmpArr[0] == 0 )
    $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` SET `$sqlWho`=$memberID, `$sqlWhom`=$ID";
    db_res( $query );

function approveFriendInvites() {
 global $memberID;
 global $site;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) ) {
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val ) {
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )

   $query = "UPDATE `FriendList` SET `Check`='1' WHERE `Profile`=$memberID AND `ID`=$ID";
   db_res( $query );
 header( "Location:{$site['url']}viewFriends.php?iUser={$memberID}" );




You will need to comment out several sections so it looks like this:



*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -----------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
*     website              : http://www.boonex.com/
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com

require_once( 'inc/header.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'utils.inc.php' );

// --------------- page variables and login

$_page['name_index'] = 129;
$_page['css_name']  = 'contacts.css';

$logged['member'] = member_auth(0);

$memberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$_page['header'] = _t( "_My Contacts" );
$_page['header_text'] = _t( "_My Contacts" );

$free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0;

$_ni = $_page['name_index'];

// do actions
if( $_POST['HotList_i_del'] )        delFromList( 'HotList',       'ID',     'Profile' ); 
//if( $_POST['FriendList_i_del'] )     delFromList( 'FriendList',    'ID',     'Profile' );
//if( $_POST['BlockList_i_del'] )      delFromList( 'BlockList',     'ID',     'Profile' );
if( $_POST['VKisses_i_del'] )        delFromList( 'VKisses',       'ID',     'Member' );
if( $_POST['ProfilesTrack_i_del'] )  delFromList( 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile' );

if( $_POST['VKisses_me_del'] )       delFromList( 'VKisses',       'Member',  'ID' );
//if( $_POST['FriendList_me_del'] )    delFromList( 'FriendList',    'Profile', 'ID' );
if( $_POST['ProfilesTrack_me_del'] ) delFromList( 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member' );

//if( $_POST['FriendList__del'] )      delFromList( 'FriendList',    'ID',     'Profile', true );

if( $_POST['HotList_me_add'] )       addToList(   'HotList',       'ID',     'Profile' );
//if( $_POST['BlockList_me_add'] )     addToList(   'BlockList',     'ID',     'Profile' );

//if( $_POST['FriendList_me_add'] )    approveFriendInvites();

switch( $_GET['show'] )
 case 'hot':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'HotList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'HotList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
 //case 'friends_inv':
  //if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'FriendList', 'ID', 'Profile', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
  //if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
 //case 'friends':
  //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( '', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=1' );
 //case 'block':
  //if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'BlockList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
  //if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'BlockList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
 case 'greet':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'VKisses', 'ID', 'Member', ', `Arrived`, `Number`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'VKisses', 'Member', 'ID', ', `Arrived`, `Number`, `New`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
 case 'view':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
 case 'all':
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'me' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'HotList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'FriendList', 'ID', 'Profile', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'BlockList', 'ID', 'Profile' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'VKisses', 'ID', 'Member', ', `Arrived`, `Number`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'i', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Member', 'Profile', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  if( $_GET['list'] != 'i' )
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'HotList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=0' );
   //$ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'BlockList', 'Profile', 'ID' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'VKisses', 'Member', 'ID', ', `Arrived`, `Number`, `New`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
   $ret .= PageCompListMembers( 'me', 'ProfilesTrack', 'Profile', 'Member', ', `Arrived`', '', '`Arrived` DESC, ' );
  $ret .= PageCompListMembers( '', 'FriendList', 'Profile', 'ID', '', 'AND `Check`=1' );

$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $ret;


function PageCompListMembers( $list, $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom, $sqlSelectAdd = '', $sqlWhereAdd = '', $sqlOrderAdd = '' )
 global $memberID;
 global $site;
 global $tmpl;
 $form = "{$table}_{$list}";
 if( $list == '' )
  $query = "
    IF( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID, `$table`.`$sqlWhom`, `$table`.`$sqlWho` ) AS `$sqlWhom`,
   FROM `$table`
   LEFT JOIN `Profiles`
    ON `Profiles`.`ID` = IF( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID, `$table`.`$sqlWhom`, `$table`.`$sqlWho` )
    ( `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID OR `$table`.`$sqlWhom` = $memberID )
   ORDER BY $sqlOrderAdd `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC
  $query = "
   FROM `$table`
   LEFT JOIN `Profiles`
    ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `$table`.`$sqlWhom`
    `$table`.`$sqlWho` = $memberID
   ORDER BY $sqlOrderAdd `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC
 $rMembers = db_res( $query );
 if( $num_res = mysql_num_rows( $rMembers ) )
  $sWhole = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl.html" );
  $aMyTmpl = preg_split( "/\{\/?InsertRows\}/", $sWhole );
  $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
  $sWhole  = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
  $InsertRows = '';
  $tr_class = 'odd';
  while( $aMember = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMembers ) )
   $aReplace = array();
   $aReplace['ID']            = $aMember[$sqlWhom];
   $aReplace['CheckBoxName']  = "mem[{$aMember[$sqlWhom]}]";
   if( $aMember[$sqlWhom] > 0 )
    $aReplace['Thumbnail']     = get_member_icon( $aMember[$sqlWhom], 'left' );
    $aReplace['NickName']      = "<a href=\"".getProfileLink($aMember[$sqlWhom])."\">{$aMember['NickName']}</a>";
    $aReplace['SendGreet']     = sendKissPopUp( $aMember[$sqlWhom] );

    $aReplace['SendMsg']       = "
      <a href=\"{$site['url']}compose.php?ID={$aMember[$sqlWhom]}\" title=\""._t('_Send Message')."\">
     <img src=\"".getTemplateIcon( 'compose.png' )."\" alt=\""._t('_Send Message')."\" />
    $aReplace['Thumbnail']     = '' ;
    $aReplace['NickName']      = _t( '_Visitor' );
    $aReplace['SendGreet']     = '';
    $aReplace['SendMsg']       = '';
   $aReplace['Times']         = $aMember['Number'] ? _t( "_N times", $aMember['Number'] ) : '&nbsp;';
   $aReplace['PicNew']        = $aMember['New'] ? '<img src="'.getTemplateIcon('new.gif').'" class="pic_new" />' : '';
   $aReplace['Date']          = $aMember['Arrived'] ? $aMember['Arrived'] : '&nbsp;';
   $aReplace['tr_class']      = $tr_class;
   $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
   foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
    $sInsertRow = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow );
   $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
   $tr_class = ( $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' );
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['InsertRows /'] = $sInsertRows;
  $aReplace['Self']         = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $_GET['show'] . '&amp;list=' . $_GET['list'];
  $aReplace['FormName']     = "{$form}_form";
  $aReplace['CheckAll']     = _t('_Check all');
  $aReplace['UncheckAll']   = _t('_Uncheck all');
  $aReplace['Actions']      = getButtons( $form );
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sWhole = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole );
  // unset "new" flag for kisses
  if( $table == 'VKisses' and $list == 'me' )
   db_res( "UPDATE `VKisses` SET `New`='0' WHERE `Member`=$memberID AND `New`='1'" );
  $sWhole = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl_nores.html" );
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['NoResults'] = _t('_No members found here');
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sWhole = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole );
 $sWhole = str_replace( '{TableCaption}', getTableName( $form, $num_res ), $sWhole );
 return $sWhole;

function getTableName( $form, $num_res )
 switch( $form )
  case 'HotList_i':        $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED' ); break;
  //case 'FriendList_i':     $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_INVITE_YOU_FRIENDLIST' ); break;
  //case 'BlockList_i':      $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED' ); break;
  case 'VKisses_i':        $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED' ); break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_i':  $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED' ); break;
  case 'HotList_me':       $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED_BY' ); break;
  case 'FriendList_me':    $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_INVITED_FRIENDLIST' ); break;
  //case 'BlockList_me':     $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED_BY' ); break;
  case 'VKisses_me':       $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED_BY' ); break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_me': $ret = _t( '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED_BY' ); break;
  case 'FriendList_':      $ret = _t( '_Friend list' ); break;
 if( $num_res )
  $ret .= ": $num_res";
 return $ret;

function getButtons( $form )
 $aButton = array();
 switch( $form )
  case 'HotList_i':        $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  //case 'FriendList_i':     $aButton['del'] = _t("_Back Invite"); break;
  //case 'BlockList_i':      $aButton['del'] = _t("_Unblock");     break;
  case 'VKisses_i':        $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_i':  $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');      break;
  case 'HotList_me':       $aButton['add'] = _t("_Add to Hot List"); break;
  case 'FriendList_me':    $aButton['add'] = _t("_Add to Friend List");
                          // $aButton['del'] = _t("_Reject Invite");   break;
  //case 'BlockList_me':     $aButton['add'] = _t("_Block");           break;
  case 'VKisses_me':       $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');          break;
  case 'ProfilesTrack_me': $aButton['del'] = _t('_Delete');          break;
  case 'FriendList_':      $aButton['del'] = _t("_Delete from Friend List"); break;
 $ret = '';
 foreach( $aButton as $sAct => $sTitle )
  $ret .= " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"{$form}_{$sAct}\" value=\"$sTitle\" disabled=\"disabled\" class=\"submit_button\" /> ";
 return $ret;

function delFromList( $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom, $two_way = false )
 global $memberID;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) )
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val )
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   /*if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )
   $query = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWho`=$memberID AND `$sqlWhom`=$ID";
   db_res( $query );
   if( $two_way )
    $query1 = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWhom`=$memberID AND `$sqlWho`=$ID";
    db_res( $query1 );

function addToList( $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom )
 global $memberID;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) )
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val )
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )
   $tmpArr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE `$sqlWho`=$memberID AND `$sqlWhom`=$ID" );
   if( (int)$tmpArr[0] == 0 )
    $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` SET `$sqlWho`=$memberID, `$sqlWhom`=$ID";
    db_res( $query );

function approveFriendInvites() {
 global $memberID;
 global $site;
 if( $aMem = $_POST['mem'] and is_array( $aMem ) and !empty( $aMem ) ) {
  foreach( $aMem as $ID => $val ) {
   $ID = (int)$ID;
   if( !$ID or $val != 'on' )

   $query = "UPDATE `FriendList` SET `Check`='1' WHERE `Profile`=$memberID AND `ID`=$ID";
   db_res( $query );
 header( "Location:{$site['url']}viewFriends.php?iUser={$memberID}" );



Do not just copy paste this in, as my site has multiple modifications that may cause errors on yours, just go through and note all the places I have commented items out and it will help you see where and what you need to do with yours.


Quote · 27 Jul 2009

Thanks a lot. I was actually hoping I had to delete some few lines in an another file :)

But now I have a pretty good guideline, thanks!

Quote · 27 Jul 2009

thanks. this should help me get started..

Quote · 14 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.