Earthball (AndrewP)

AndrewP "Earthball" support thread is here.

product itself

Quote · 16 Jul 2010

hello there,


the earthball is not shown on my homepage ...

the "Our Visitors" block is located in the second column of the page,

it is set visible for guest and members.


do you have an idea how to solve it?



misterpopper - your resource for Dolphin Pro
Quote · 7 Sep 2011

You can move that block to any position at your website (via builder of homepage), isn`t it?

so just drop it to any wished place

Quote · 9 Sep 2011

it was just a cache issue, it is working correctly now ... sorry and thank you! - your resource for Dolphin Pro
Quote · 9 Sep 2011

Earthball blocks the drop-down top menu and also those pop-up menus when you hold mouse over user's thumbnail. It essentially blocks everything, I've tried to play with z-indexes for the menus with no visible change. So currently, it is difficult to keep it on top of the page, the same for the bottom position (which doesn't make sense since I want guests/members to see it without scrolling), where it obscures the pop-up menus for notifications, friends etc. 

Quote · 29 Jan 2012

Make attention - that this plugin is flash element, so you can't put another html element over it (by default), without changing wmode property of that flash element.

so, most easy solution - pull this block to more bottom position

Quote · 29 Jan 2012

Can the html for this be set to opaque? That way the flash will not  sit above everything else.

Quote · 29 Jan 2012

We can use this flash object as is, because result SWF file is located at original website (, and we have only their JS code.

This code draw result embed code for that flash object.

and it contain

<param value="window" name="wmode">


Quote · 29 Jan 2012

Smile No problem, I managed to correct it in the meantime. And the Earthball is still on top of the page. Wink

Quote · 29 Jan 2012

I have a question about eartball: My site is showing that I am receiving over 900 visist per day and google  analytics  showing 5 visits only. I went to and get new code and installed in my site but still showing a lot of visit per day and almost no visit for google is that I am doing something grong ?


Quote · 28 Feb 2012

You should have your own key for revolvermaps service. You can visit to generate your own design of earthball. And then I will show you where to put result code.

Quote · 28 Feb 2012

Seems like Revolvermaps started to insert ads from inside the html block - does anyone know if it's ok, since I've seen it only now and only in one window open, on a profile page, to be specific, otherwise there was no ads so far, or even today on any other page the widget is on.

My main question is, is it done by revolvermaps and if yes, can it be somehow blocked (maybe blocking the cookie from but that would need some clear explanation how to do it on various browsers since members hate to do anything that is even remotely more than one or two clicks away).

In case of a need, I have a screenshot of the whole ad strip...

Quote · 2 Dec 2013


My main question is, is it done by revolvermaps and if yes

 In short, no, that is not coming from them, I have used them for couple years on several sites and never had this.

Either you have spyware on your own PC or somehow your server.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 2 Dec 2013

Correct. It did show underneath a photo in the photo module, too.


I'm attaching two screen-shots, you may notice that this thing has Chrome Reload (tiny title but still, it's there, half-covered by Revolvermaps link and on the second capture, actually at the bottom of the photo, in grey font - actually it says ChromeReload...). It happens only in Chrome and it happens only on the profiles that are from the US, or so it seems.


What it seems to be, is that the Chrome is actually inserting ads onto the page (??). Now, does anyone know if this is correct and if it is, how to deal with it?


EDIT: It seems it could be ChromeReload extension (lol, good and smart detective work here), at least according to - does anyone has some experience with the extension, so that I can advise the affected member/members?



My main question is, is it done by revolvermaps and if yes

 In short, no, that is not coming from them, I have used them for couple years on several sites and never had this.

Either you have spyware on your own PC or somehow your server.


chrome1.jpg · 103.1K · 340 views
chrome2.jpg · 268K · 336 views
Quote · 3 Dec 2013


What it seems to be, is that the Chrome is actually inserting ads onto the page (??). Now, does anyone know if this is correct and if it is, how to deal with it?

 If only in Chrome, then it is a "plugin" that has been installed. Go to the settings, find the plugins and remove what you do not use.

If it was in all browsers then it would be in your control panel under programs.

I can do PC work from my office if you need PC repair/tuneup, will do this at no charge. 

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 3 Dec 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.