700 is a good start. have a think about the kinds of applications members fo your community could and would like to use, ask yourself what would be useful to them? The build this functionality into your site, The "paid gigs" and the Give away" mods are both new, but look useful for a general community. Do you have chat rooms that are set to different muslim themes or discussions? (I have a dance site and have chat rooms for salsa, balrrom, street dance etc). The jobs and Resumes mods are also good for a general site.
If there is nothing in the market considder having a mod developed just for your site. This will be a unique selling point for the site. Our site has a competition developed for it that no one has on dolphin. This makes us unique to our customers.
Once you have the tools and functionality on your site that will attract members, develop a marketing stratergy to hepl the site grow. Think of offers using the "voucher code" mod? Think of how you are going to promote the site and how you are going to get the members to promote the site?
Have you thought of using an affiliate system so your members can earn credit or goods for inviting others to join?
These things will make your site grow in size. As your site grows in numbers so advertisers will comt to you.
Hope this helps,