ERROR view=edit on profiles

ERROR in viewing profiles with user #1....

it shows up as the usrs editing page where you can edit upload freinds etc. which should only appear on your page only. this is random too boot only happens on a few profiles. does anyone know where to look to fix this problem?

some of the profiles are showing up as normal profiles but i got many that don't they go to the user edit profile page.




its goes to the title my profile insteadf of the user profile. it displays the user profile perfectly, it's just the menu options that are bad.. when i press on edit profile in the user profile it brings me to mine.



ok testing it out further i find that i am user #1.. all users that have te first digit as #1 ie 11,12,13,14,15 and up when i view their profile it gives me the MY PROFILE MENU. on all users that do not have #1 as the first digit in their user ID it gives the USERS PROFILE MENU.. how do I FIX THIS?

Quote · 20 Mar 2009

Bump.  Boonex, how about a hand on this one, it could be a but that needs to be fixed ASAP


Reporting to Boonex for you.

Quote · 22 Mar 2009

Hello roaringbiz!


Please, kindly provide us with the screenshots of this problem (when you see the edit link of someone's profile) and your admin access at

We need to see the problem and check since never heard and faced with such issues.


Thanks in advance.

Quote · 23 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.