This is what the original was... I made some modifications about a week ago though I don't remember what they were lol... :
$caption_item = '<div class="caption_item">';
if ( $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) )
$caption_item .= "<a href=\"{$site['groups']}orca/forum/{$sForumUri}-0.htm#action=goto&new_topic={$sForumUri}\">{$sPostNewTopic}</a> | ";
$caption_item .= "<a href=\"{$site['groups']}orca/forum/{$sForumUri}-0.htm\">{$sViewAllForum}</a>";
LINE 426: $caption_item .= '</div>';
return DesignBoxContent( _t("_Group forum"), $sRet, 1, $caption_item );
My file:
// display file
LINE 426: echo $file_contents;
$sViewAllForum = _t( '_View all topics' );
$sPostNewTopic = _t( '_Post a new topic' );
$caption_item = '<div class="caption_item">';
if ( $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) )
$caption_item .= "<a href=\"{$site['groups']}orca/forum/{$sForumUri}-0.htm#action=goto&new_topic={$sForumUri}\">{$sPostNewTopic}</a> | ";
$caption_item .= "<a href=\"{$site['groups']}orca/forum/{$sForumUri}-0.htm\">{$sViewAllForum}</a>";
$caption_item .= '</div>';
return DesignBoxContent( _t("_Group forum"), $sRet, 1, $caption_item );
So I should comment out echo $file_contents; ?
Like, <!--echo $file_contents;-->
And that should do it?