Dropdown Date Selector

This is the support forum for my new Dropdown Date Selector mod. http://www.boonex.com/m/dropdown-date-selector

Quote · 25 Aug 2013

I noticed a slight problem... 

When our administrator goes to look at another users account from the admin console, the Admin's birthday shows up as the birthday for the member. I confirmed this as well when I logged in as an admin and went to view the account. My birthday showed up. However, when I checked the database, the date was correct.

Deano, if  you need to logon to our site to see this, let me now and I will send you some credentials.


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 30 Aug 2013

Yea, you found a bug. It's showing the birth date of the logged in member, not the member actually being viewed.

I fix it as soon as i can.

Quote · 30 Aug 2013

New version 1.0.1 released.

Bug fixed that shows admins DOB when admin is editing someone else's profile.

Also corrected css class used for selectors so selectors appear more consistent across different browsers.

Quote · 30 Aug 2013


Thanks for the fix.. All appears to be good now... :)


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 3 Sep 2013


We a request from a customer to change their birth date. Our support person went in to change this for her, and the members account was deleted.

So, I re-created the customer's account, logged in as an admin and attempted to change the year of birth.

Sure enough the members account was deleted and the following message was displayed.

For the moment, I have notified our support peeps not to modify the birth date of a member until  I hear back from you. I have also confirmed that the site is not in maintenance mode when the attached message displays.



membergetsdeletedmessage.png · 49.1K · 427 views
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 4 Nov 2013

That is not this mod.

It's the fact that when the DOB is saved the profile is saved. That message is from the spam filter. When an account is saved the account is rechecked by the filter for links in the profile description. That is what actually had to have been the cause.

Quote · 4 Nov 2013

So, is this your spam filter causing the problem or boonex spam filter? I'm pretty sure I deleted all the boonex stuff.

I need to make this problem go away :) 


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 4 Nov 2013


When you edit a profile, make sure no links exist. Or shut off the link check options...

Ban links in profile headline:
Ban links in profile description:    

By default links are not allowed in a profile description or headline. Email addresses are not allowed either. So restore the profile, whitelist the email address and there ip address. If they do not know their ip address they can get it by going to http://whatismyipaddress.com/

You kinda need to look at the profile. I am sure the reason it was banned was most likely due to link in their profile description. If you need to allow your members to do that, then those options must be shut off. 99% of the time, only spammers put links in there profile description, so it's not very common a legit user would do it.

Quote · 4 Nov 2013


Thanks for your help.

I will try this again. However, I recreated the profile so there were no links.

I then approved the profile.

From the admin console, I looked up the member. I then selected a new year from the drop down list and then poof the profile was deleted. I will try this again today and update accordingly.


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 5 Nov 2013

I am unable to recreate on my site. I also have both mods installed and it does not happen to me.

Quote · 5 Nov 2013

Released version 1.0.2.

Release Notes.
Nov 30, 2013 - Fixed bug where dropdown date selector did not replace old date picker on profile edit in some cases.
Nov 30, 2013 - Released verion 1.0.2

Quote · 30 Nov 2013


This is the support forum for my new Dropdown Date Selector mod. http://www.boonex.com/m/dropdown-date-selector

 If you have a couples site , the drop down date selector will NOT let anyone join if their profile type is selected as couple. This would make it a waste of money on my part since 99% of my members are couples.

Quote · 8 Jul 2014

I will look into it and try to get a fixed version out as soon as possible.

Quote · 8 Jul 2014

Version 1.0.3 released.

July 8, 2013 - Date selector would not work on couples profiles. Fixed.
July 8, 2013 - Released version 1.0.3

Quote · 8 Jul 2014
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.