I have see this problem posted a lot but this seems some what different. I usually dont post for help if I can help it. Normally I try a knowledge base or google but I am now stumped.
Whilst installing Dolphin 6.1 I get the following problem. The installation appears to be going fine (i am pasted the permissions, past the paths, past the database pages) until I hit the next button on the configuration page. This would normally bring me to the cron jobs page so it indicates. The I get a internal server 500 error. One unusual thing that occurs during the installation is that I get the following message at the top of the path page "Warning: popen() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/fhlinux160/c/cbassthefish.co.uk/htdocs/test/install/index.php(1630) : runtime-created function on line 3".
I have tried a few suggestions suggestions:
1) Tried uploading dolphin and extracting zip file on web server 2) Tried unzipping dolphin file on PC and then uploading 3) Tried renaming every instance of .htaccess in the extracted dolphin directory to htaccess_old 4) made sure I chmod my main public web server folder to 755
I did find someone who reported exactly the some problem as me on the site however there was not solution posted and they have not reponded to be yet.
Any ideas?
Thanks Paul
Seen that post earlier and tried that but it was of no use i.e. changing the permission. Still had the same problem. |
fopen is a necessary function for proper working Dolphin. But you said you recieve a 500 error like it couldn't connect to Database and build.? which if it fails here you'll never get to cron.
I have had this happen a few times and it was directly due to improper SQL database set-up. Make sure your DB name is 7 characters or less. Ensure you have all privilleges in your DB activated. And lastly ensure you input your Db username and passwrd correctly. Also ensure you don't need an IP rather then "localhost" local host" works 99% of the time.
Check you fopen first. Could be just a matter onf activating that.
Thx for the reply. Have not had much time.
The database I was requesting help on was certainly being populated upon install, however the population of it would stall at various stages i.e. sometimes all the table up until v* would be populated, upon reinstall all the tables in the database that were created only reached tables beginning with l*, after that and another reinstall I had problems with tables starting with a different letter...
So nothing wrong with database name, password or login just some sort of time out on the servers part I have to assume.
where are you hosted? and have you sent a support ticket on your mysql timing out? by default it is 300 seconds i do believe which should be plenty of time for the default dbase to be install. if the popen() has been disabled, and this is an essential part of the install, have you asked your host to enable it.
so what i would suggest is finding a host who has a server configured to run dolphin, and you will find you are going to run into a lot less problems.
later, DosDawg
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Very very helpful. Not really too late as I have been stuck with this first web provider for about 6 months anyway now. They could not provide a default install of Magento, as they do not support certain php requirements for it, which I consider a bit remiss as Magento is getting a lot of recoginition now... Anyway I was busy, I forgot, and let the trial period lapse...
I sort of assumed the boonex ticketing thing would be a fruitless avenue. Just my experience with open source providers. Thought I would just rely on the boonex community to help, as maybe the normal case. Which has sort of happended now ;o)!
BTW, the magento problem ticket ended up being Streamlines standard response i.e. Mcrypt is disabled so that security is not comprimised. Despite the php component really having nothing to do with server security being comprised and more to do with increased security for webby cash transactions... BUT yes it increases demand on server resourses... which is what they really have said...
Btw. popen() was disabled. Just check. I did not see that requested in the install requirements.
yeah i dont see it listed either as a requirement.
PHP 4.3.6 and higher (register_globals must be Off, safe_mode must be Off, exec() must be allowed and allow_url_fopen also must be On) with mbstring, domxml and xsl extensions (they are required to run Orca forum and support UTF-8)
but if dolphin is bitching about it, i would turn it on.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Congrats on 400th post.
This is about the 400th time I have tried to post this btw :oP
Easy now...
I am not really blaming boonex but rather I just stated that it was not in the list of techincal requirements. I agree with you, Boonex cannot list a complete list of php settings and I realise this now.
As for the service provider being inept, not really, I suspect that disabling these features was an purposeful and intentional act and they are pitching their services at type of user that just want run a bog standard webby as cheaply as possible. It was probably me that was a bit naive in my selection of provider. However I am new to this sort of thing and I will make mistakes, so it is good that we have people who can impart superior knowledge in such a sensitive way...
Lastly, I did not ignore the minimum requirements. Maybe I did not mention it enough times in the topic but I certainly did mention it at least once.