So, who owns the most,
who owns the most 'unused' ones
who owns the best ones!
Come on, we've all bought domains before to go with some 'big idea' of a site that never happened... fed up with annual bills for renewing that golden idea that sits on the shelf gathering dust?
Who knows, someone else here might want what you got and take it off your hands!
I admit to owning 59 domains, hardly any currently being used.... (shame)
Here's some of the 'better' ones (in my ideas anyway!) that are not being used! - inspired after visiting LV... was going to be an affiliate site, ticket sales, banners etc... currently empty! - dev site for a UK only network - focus on business listings and community stuff. Actually got to 'test' launch stage a couple of years ago and had a great response... made £3000 in the first month going 'shop to shop' and selling listing space on it! Lost track as I had some investors wanting to buy into it, then that messed the whole thing up... before I knew it it had lots its momentum and I had lost the desire to do much with it after being messed around by investors. Still sitting on my server doing nothing!
also bought - - - amongst others when I was going to take over the world! ;-) - the original incarnation of iliveuk was my local lively town - Brighton! started developing it as a local network site, before moving it to the UK idea... currently has a test version of 7.1 installed and nothing else!
Also bought a few others to go with this, (as I was going to move there!), (incase Florida didn't work out...) and others!
others that never went anywhere but were good ideas
(the brackets were the IDEAS not what they became!) (chat - clubbing site idea) - (online talent site with prizes, pay to enter) / - model agency for a certain 'celeb' over here - was in talks but never went through so I kept the domains. (maybe a fundraiser site?) (used to be a Judo instruction site with former world champ Neil Adams! - now offline) (as above but for Jiu Jitsu with world champ Braulio Estima) (martial arts instruction video site now offline) (alternative community site?) (UK skating community idea) (guitar teaching site?) (clothing site) (luxury Holiday site!) (martial arts community - used as test for 7.1 install) (uk wedding photography/video idea)
There some more but not so interesting...
So, how many 'pending' idea - sites do you own?! Can you beet 59?!
At least 10 of the above at one point had functional Dolphin sites working on them, all pre - 7.1
Then with the big update, they all ended up being wiped and starting over as they were not busy enough at the time to keep using 7.0.9... then came issues with modules being slow to update, and so on and the rest as they say is history. Or, non-story in this case!
So, might be having a clear out of some of the above?
Anyone interested in anything let me know, Im willing to sell some up if they are of interest to anyone?
Not looking for a fortune as they are all just domains, but a bit more than the bottom rate would be nice ;-)
Anyway, wasn't meant to be a sales post... more interest in seeing what anyone else has sitting on servers gathering virtual dust or am I the only one!???