Dolphine can support Arabic language by using language settings. It can automatically sets all the settings.
Dolphine can support Arabic language by using language settings. It can automatically sets all the settings. |
Arabic is a right-to-left language. Does Dolphin has the features that make the users able to change the direction while entering the text? |
For Dolphin to fully support Arabic there is a lot to be done to fully translate the templates and switch directions and some graphics as well. It is not impossible but it takes a hell of a long time and testing. I will dedicate an hour or so everyday to translating the whole script but this will take few weeks. I still have to look closely at the code to really figure out all that needs working on. |
Your site is not working and your e-mail bounces back. I hope you still have the Arabic module. I really want it. Can you please e-mail me?!! admin @ habibimatrimonials dot com? |