Dolphin2Facebook Mod - Support Thread

This is the official support thread/forum for our Dolphin2Facebook Mod.

Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Combo -
19 Jul 2010

Hi folks,

A big thanks for showing such a great response to our mod!

We have been getting lots of emails regarding inquiries about the next release e.g. features which will be included, ETA etc. So here's a quick update on our present status with the D2Facebook mod -

We are almost done with some new features i.e.

Features Done:
Like button for every feed - Users will be able to like the items from the feed.
Feeds in user profiles -  Users will be able to see feeds, post comments, update status etc from their profile.s

Features In-Progress:
The invite feature - It works fine but the user has to explicitly login to facebook to invite friends (unless he/she has logged into the site using facebook connect in which case an active fb session already exists or he has some other active fb session). We are trying to use the access token that we have for the user but so far we are unable to do it as facebook has a bug for promote_session method which allowed this functionality in previous versions.

Not Done:
Share -  The "Share" button works but it's causing an issue with the automatic ajax feed refresh. It works for the first time but after the refresh the button disappears. To make it work, we will have to disable the auto feed refresh which we don't want to cannot handle the ajax refreshes, so probably this feature will be delayed.

We will see how many features we can get in the next release.

ETA for next release: 5-10 days

Mods4Dolphin (Armaan)



Update - August 02, 2010

As we were developing ver 1.1 ( mainly bug fixes and invite and like feature), we thought that it would be better if instead release ver 2.0  because this would save lot of time for upgrades and support. And in turn, the users will get most of the features they requested and extra goodies from our side :)

So we would be postponing the ETA by 3-4 days more  and hope to get version 2.0 ready by around august 9-12.


Let us know if you guys have any feedback.




Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Combo -
26 Jul 2010

Additional suggestions/observations

-if you stopped while typing a comment or updating your status in mid sentence while the auto ajax refreshes it wipes out all of your text...I noticed this in both the Facebook mod and the Twitter mod

-it would be nice as some others suggested in the market  the like feed, add link, add photos, etc  i understand some of these issues will be addressed in an upcoming release...

-option tab to view "older post" as facebook does on the bottom of last feed (for both facebook & Twitter)

-allow comments on twitter mod (sorry i know wrong thread)

29 Jul 2010

Additional suggestions/observations

-if you stopped while typing a comment or updating your status in mid sentence while the auto ajax refreshes it wipes out all of your text...I noticed this in both the Facebook mod and the Twitter mod

This can be easily corrected, open classes/BxD2FacebookPageMain.php and find this line:

<td><textarea id="status" name="status" cols="70" rows="1" alt="document.fbform.status.value='';">What's on your mind?</textarea></td>

Change it to:

<td><textarea id="status" name="status" cols="70" rows="1">What's on your mind?</textarea></td>


<td><textarea id="status" name="status" cols="70" rows="1"></textarea></td>

Add links, photos, attachments is currently under development and would be released under v2.0 major release of the mod.

Twitter comments feature will be supported in the next release.

Thanks for your suggestions,


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
29 Jul 2010

I know it may not be possible but is there any way to stop all those stupid farmville updates from coming through? Is there something in Facebook I can do maybe.. UGH..

Nothing to see here
2 Aug 2010

I know it may not be possible but is there any way to stop all those stupid farmville updates from coming through? Is there something in Facebook I can do maybe.. UGH..

Click on the application name, and then select 'Block Application'



Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation
2 Aug 2010

I know it may not be possible but is there any way to stop all those stupid farmville updates from coming through? Is there something in Facebook I can do maybe.. UGH..

On your home page hover just immediately right from the entry you don't want to see. There will appear a button marked "hide". Click it and select hide *person name* to not see notifications from that person again or select hide *application name* to not see notifications from that application. In case you change your mind later you can allow for those notifications from your account settings.

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
3 Aug 2010

hey how are you

by some reason my mod stop working correctly it does not show anything but at the same time if you post or share something it will show up on facebook

do you have any ideas I reinstall everything from scratch and delete the facebook app and made it again but still the same issue nothing shows up not friends events or wall but you can update your wall from my site

9 Aug 2010
Hi, We checked your server and it looks like your host has disabled "file_get_contents" method. Facebook uses the file_get_contents method to retrieve data. Can you check with your host provider and see if they can enable it since its rare to disable that method. Thanks
Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
12 Aug 2010


We have released a new version 2.1 of the D2Twitter Mod which should fix the following: V2.1 Features:

Basically it's a bug fix release and contains the fixes for the following bugs reported in v2.0:
- Duplicate page for admin screen
- SearchResult errors
- Member menu disappears when search block is enabled etc

Combo Link:

Mod Link:

Please download it from the mods page.


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
18 Aug 2010

Did you mean to post the same thing in this forum and the D2Twitter forum post? According to the D2Facebook module page, it is still at version 1.0. Just checking...

Nothing to see here
18 Aug 2010



We have released a new version 2.1 of the D2Twitter Mod which should fix the following: V2.1 Features:

Basically it's a bug fix release and contains the fixes for the following bugs reported in v2.0:
- Duplicate page for admin screen
- SearchResult errors
- Member menu disappears when search block is enabled etc

Combo Link:

Mod Link:

Please download it from the mods page.


Sorry Zarcon, posted here by mistake...that upgrade is just for D2Twitter.

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
18 Aug 2010

Hello Armaan,

The facebook module appears to be broken at where I tried to access the demo version of this module?

Can you please check the Admin configurations so that I can check this module as I was hoping that any remaining bug fixes would've been completed by now as per your email to have the invite friends feature working in IE8.



19 Aug 2010


Hello Armaan,

The facebook module appears to be broken at where I tried to access the demo version of this module?

Can you please check the Admin configurations so that I can check this module as I was hoping that any remaining bug fixes would've been completed by now as per your email to have the invite friends feature working in IE8.



We are working to release the new version v1.5 of the mod today and that's why the demo site might be a bit unstable ... Give us couple of hours and everything should be updated with the new version.

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
19 Aug 2010

Hi Friends,

We were aiming for 2.0 but it needed much more time, so we decided to release v1.5 as it contains some exciting features and we wanted our customers to get them asap. Here's the list -


V1.5 Features:
- Like functionality added
- Share functionality added
- Invite Friends functionality added
- Profile Feeds added
- New Ajax based menu
- Better performance, lots of code cleanup and optimizations
- Social plugins support for Like Box added
- Bug fixes e.g profile link bug, sub-domain issue etc


Please download the new version from the Market i.e.

D2Facebook Only:


Combo Package:


Let us know your feedback or any issues you encounter.





Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
20 Aug 2010

Hi, I've just upgraded my FB installation to 1.1?? I downloaded v1.5 but in Admin/tools/modules it says version 1.1??


Having said that, looking good!

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
20 Aug 2010


Hi, I've just upgraded my FB installation to 1.1?? I downloaded v1.5 but in Admin/tools/modules it says version 1.1??


Having said that, looking good!

It should not affect anything, but you can download again and you will see 1.5 now :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
20 Aug 2010

Hi Armaan,

Can you update your site so I can see this new version 1.5 in action please?  It's still not functioning.



20 Aug 2010


Hi Armaan,

Can you update your site so I can see this new version 1.5 in action please?  It's still not functioning.



Hi Amit,

The site has been already updated and everything seems normal to us, what's not functioning?

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
21 Aug 2010

Hello Armaan,

Would you kindly be able to assit with the Facebook module as well please?  My conultant is not able to assist at present and I am still without a module installation.



27 Aug 2010


Hello Armaan,

Would you kindly be able to assit with the Facebook module as well please?  My conultant is not able to assist at present and I am still without a module installation.



We will help you tonight with the installation.



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
27 Aug 2010

Ok, silly question but how do I know what version I have installed? It doesnt say in my Admin  panel

My signature can beat up your signature!
27 Aug 2010


Ok, silly question but how do I know what version I have installed? It doesnt say in my Admin  panel

No question is silly :)

If you go to Tools->Modules, you should see the version there under installed modules, something like this:

D2Facebook version 1.1 by Mods4Dolphin

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
27 Aug 2010

Mine says D2Facebook module by Mods4Dolphin

I wonder who Mods4Dolphin is? Sealed

My signature can beat up your signature!
27 Aug 2010


Mine says D2Facebook module by Mods4Dolphin

I wonder who Mods4Dolphin is? Sealed

There are just two versions released so far v1.0 and v1.1, not sure why the version no. is not showing ... If you see events, groups tabs next to home tab then it's v1.0. If you see home,invite and settings tab then it's v1.1

Mods4Dolphin is Armaan :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
27 Aug 2010

Hi Armaan,

The facebook module has installed however when the information API keys etc are placed in the settings and you try and save the settings,  you get the following error:

You don't have permission to access /modules/index.php on this server.  Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Please advise.



28 Aug 2010

It looks like it was a permissions issue which I fixed.  However just like Twitter, I am seeing Facebook button in a couple of other areas so you will need to take a look at it.  Twitter is also acting up for some unknown reason.



28 Aug 2010

Recently one of our customers asked us how to add advertisement blocks to the d2facebook pages. This is a very good question and we want to share the answer with other users as well:

The easiest way to add advertisement block is to use Deano's "Add PHP Block to Page Builders" mod, which can be found here - LINK

Install the module and add a PHP Block with the advertisement code to any of D2Facebook pages

Next, go to Admin Panel->Page Builders->D2Facebook Home or the page where you have added the block and move the block to the desired location.

Clear cache and view the page, the advertisement should show up ...

That's all..Enjoy!!!!

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
2 Sep 2010

We noticed that one of our packages missed the image file from the home link in the menu...if you have this icon missing in your site, please download the package again from boonex market and just copy all the files over to your server, no need to uninstall and install the mod....just copy the files.

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
4 Sep 2010

Hello Armaan!

Ive almost completely set up my FB mod like I want it but Ive ran in to one issue... under the Info section, I can not find the files to edit the "Home, Profile, Friends" Etc area. Please direct me to it?

My signature can beat up your signature!
5 Sep 2010

Which mod supports facebook share link on blogs, articles,groups, videos, sounds?



20 Sep 2010


Hello Armaan!

Ive almost completely set up my FB mod like I want it but Ive ran in to one issue... under the Info section, I can not find the files to edit the "Home, Profile, Friends" Etc area. Please direct me to it?

Snafu please pm us your exact need and we will try our best to help you out....

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
21 Sep 2010


Which mod supports facebook share link on blogs, articles,groups, videos, sounds?



Not this mod for sure....

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
21 Sep 2010

Has your Facebook and Twitter mods been updated for D7.0.3.?

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
2 Oct 2010


Has your Facebook and Twitter mods been updated for D7.0.3.?

The 7.0.3 versions will be ready by tomorrow...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
2 Oct 2010

Excellent service as always!



Has your Facebook and Twitter mods been updated for D7.0.3.?

The 7.0.3 versions will be ready by tomorrow...


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
2 Oct 2010

Were can I get the updated version for dolphin 7.0.3 I upgraded the site and I cant install the module.

3 Oct 2010


Were can I get the updated version for dolphin 7.0.3 I upgraded the site and I cant install the module.


Sorry still working on it, will let you guys know once it's ready...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
3 Oct 2010



Were can I get the updated version for dolphin 7.0.3 I upgraded the site and I cant install the module.


Sorry still working on it, will let you guys know once it's ready...

Awesome! :D  I'm looking forward to it.

4 Oct 2010


We checked our mods with D7.0.3 and they are working fine so we don't have to upgrade anything...You don't have to uninstall and install the mods again or do anything .... The only thing we would recommend you to do is the following:


Open "modulesmods4dolphind2facebookinstallconfig.php" and change

'7.0.0' , '7.0.1', '7.0.2'


'7.0.0' , '7.0.1', '7.0.2', '7.0.3'


Same for Twitter module....that's all !!!

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
4 Oct 2010



I've added the facebook and twitter update blocks on my home page and created one input to update twitter, facebook and the site as another block

everything works ok, except to be able to comment on other updates on facebook and reply on twitter updates

any eta one the version that would be made to work on the home page rather than use the custom that is on mine?



10 Oct 2010

Some good news for our customers, We have updated our demo site with v2.0, you can see it live here (login required) -> DEMO LINK

V2.0 is almost ready and expected release data is Nov 9,2010. Some of the new features added in v2.0 are:

- Photo import support added to allow users to import photos from Facebook to Dolphin
- Events import support added to allow users to import events from Facebook to Dolphin
- Groups import support added to allow users to import groups from Facebook to Dolphin
- Photo upload support added for post updates
- URL support added for post updates
- Navigation support added for friends and photo albums
- CSS clean up including new menu icons

We are working on other features that we can add before Nov 9.

We have updated our demo site with v2.0 and here's a sneak preview of v2.0:

We are still fixing some last minute bugs.....


Any feedback is welcomed.




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
31 Oct 2010

Videos supported has been added as well as shown below:



If  any of our existing clients wants to get their hands wet before Nov 9, let us know ...

We would love to have extra beta testers :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
31 Oct 2010

JUMPING UP AND DOWN!  Can't wait to try it  :D

31 Oct 2010

We are very pleased to announce the v2.0 release of our D2Facebook Mod today. You can find it here - LINK

Some of the new features added in v2.0 are:

- Photo import support added to allow users to import photos from Facebook to Dolphin

- Events import support added to allow users to import events from Facebook to Dolphin

- Groups import support added to allow users to import groups from Facebook to Dolphin

- Videos support added

- Inbox support added to allow users to read inbox messages without leaving your Dolphin site

- Photo upload support added for post updates

- URL support added for post updates

- Navigation support added for friends and photo albums

- CSS clean up including new menu icons

We have also launched a dedicated support site for our mods, check it out here -


Upgrade from v1.5 to v2.0 -

Just go to admin panel->facebook and save the facebook app id, app secret, license key and salt for your domain.

Uninstall v1.5 mod and delete it from your server using FTP

Upload v2.0 mod folder to your server and install it and then re-apply the facebook app id, app secret, license key and salt. DONE!


There's no data upgrade path from v1.5 as some new permissions were added in v2.0 and the member's anyways have to re-connect. If you really need an upgrade and don't want to use the new features e.g. inbox, video etc then contact us and we will help you upgrade from v1.5 to v2.0


Existing customers can download the new version from the same link where they downloaded the old version for FREE. You can find the link under Account->Shopping History.



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
9 Nov 2010

I followed the instructions for the install by uninstalling 1.5, and then deleting the files....

I uploaded the 2.0 and did INSTALL.

Recieved the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/mysocial/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1

Now the module is listed as installed, but you cannot uninstall or go to the module within Admin without getting the same error.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
9 Nov 2010


I followed the instructions for the install by uninstalling 1.5, and then deleting the files....

I uploaded the 2.0 and did INSTALL.

Recieved the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/mysocial/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1

Now the module is listed as installed, but you cannot uninstall or go to the module within Admin without getting the same error.

Please post it in our forum - and we will have a look....

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
9 Nov 2010

Same problem and did the post..

9 Nov 2010

cool! I will try it tonight and let you know if i have any problem.  You rock! :)

9 Nov 2010

I tested it and it works fantastic. I really appreciate your hard work on this.  I love the facebook inbox thing.  ;)

10 Nov 2010

I had the same problem. You have to add the php to <?php at the beginning of the disputed file(s) and delete the space and line after the closing ?> Stuart

I followed the instructions for the install by uninstalling 1.5, and then deleting the files....

I uploaded the 2.0 and did INSTALL.

Recieved the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/mysocial/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
10 Nov 2010

Im getting the message " Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/snatfu10/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPageInvite.php:101) in /home/snatfu10/public_html/inc/ on line 133 " across the top of my site. Then, if I click on a link on the left side box for navigation, everything goes haywire and my site shows up under the Status area.

What do I do?

My signature can beat up your signature!
10 Nov 2010


Yes i got the same issue. Be sure there's 100% no spaces after ?> in all php files in classes folder. I removed them and it works just fine for me.

10 Nov 2010


Im getting the message " Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/snatfu10/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPageInvite.php:101) in /home/snatfu10/public_html/inc/ on line 133 " across the top of my site. Then, if I click on a link on the left side box for navigation, everything goes haywire and my site shows up under the Status area.

What do I do?

You can download the package again and that should resolve your issue or just apply Patrick's solution from above...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
10 Nov 2010

Thanks guys. I will try! Im new at all of this.

My signature can beat up your signature!
10 Nov 2010

<?php is already there in the BxD2FacebookService.php file and there is no space after ?> but still getting the same error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/..../modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1

How to fix?

I had the same problem. You have to add the php to <?php at the beginning of the disputed file(s) and delete the space and line after the closing ?> Stuart

I followed the instructions for the install by uninstalling 1.5, and then deleting the files....

I uploaded the 2.0 and did INSTALL.

Recieved the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/mysocial/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1



Another Day past.............................
10 Nov 2010


<?php is already there in the BxD2FacebookService.php file and there is no space after ?> but still getting the same error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/..../modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1

How to fix?

I had the same problem. You have to add the php to <?php at the beginning of the disputed file(s) and delete the space and line after the closing ?> Stuart

I followed the instructions for the install by uninstalling 1.5, and then deleting the files....

I uploaded the 2.0 and did INSTALL.

Recieved the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/mysocial/public_html/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookService.php on line 1



We are working on it...

In the meantime for anyone who wants to un-install it, copy the classes folder from v1.5 and then it will allow you to uninstall the mod.

Note: Only copy the classes folder, do not copy any other folder or files

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
10 Nov 2010

Oh wow! I just uninstalled it. Im waiting for the word that its fixed. This is hectic for me!

My signature can beat up your signature!
10 Nov 2010

Okay, all the problems reported have been fixed, please download the package again and install it.

The problem occurred as one of the files got garbled when it was transferred over from unix to windows and the line returns caused the issue, so hopefully everything should be fixed now....

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
10 Nov 2010


I attempted to install it again after the update and Im still getting the message. Let me make sure Im understanding something...

in the classes folder, I need to go through each and every .php file and check for all of the spaces? Or do I need to do as add the php to <?php at the beginning of the disputed file(s) and delete the space and line after the closing ?>" ?

My signature can beat up your signature!
10 Nov 2010

Worked and runs great.. Thanks a lot for the update..

Still have the css problem with other templates though..

10 Nov 2010

Yell Anyone willing to help me with this?

My signature can beat up your signature!
11 Nov 2010


Yell Anyone willing to help me with this?

PM us the ftp and admin access and we can have a look...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
11 Nov 2010


Yell Anyone willing to help me with this?

I just copied over the files and everything seems to work fine, please check...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
11 Nov 2010

Sorry I didn't see this.  I'm not sure about stuart's suggestion. Usually, when you see this... "Warning: Cannot modify header information - blah blah blah", it tells you to go to that file and make sure there are no spaces after "?>".  It will go away once you fix it.  It's not a serious bug but you will see this sometimes from any mods.  It's like a hiccup. :)


I attempted to install it again after the update and Im still getting the message. Let me make sure Im understanding something...

in the classes folder, I need to go through each and every .php file and check for all of the spaces? Or do I need to do as add the php to <?php at the beginning of the disputed file(s) and delete the space and line after the closing ?>" ?


11 Nov 2010

Thanks for the responses.

I just want to tell everyone how much I appreciate the guys at mods4dolphin! I continuously tried to correct the problem myself and nothing worked. I asked them for help and they fixed it with a pretty quick response time! These guys are AMAZING!

I look forward to doing more business with them!

My signature can beat up your signature!
11 Nov 2010


Thanks for the responses.

I just want to tell everyone how much I appreciate the guys at mods4dolphin! I continuously tried to correct the problem myself and nothing worked. I asked them for help and they fixed it with a pretty quick response time! These guys are AMAZING!

I look forward to doing more business with them!

Thanks for your kind words :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
11 Nov 2010

The purpose of this review is to formally and publicly commend Mods4Dolphin for the excellent service they provided to EvaModels. In my opinion, the level of service that Mods4Dolphin extended to our company was far beyond our expectations.

I felt compelled to go on record with my praise. These people truly deserve it. In an era where exceptional one-to-one customer service excellence has virtually disappeared, the work that Armann and his team did should be held up as an example for others to try to emulate.

What particularly impressed me about the level of service provided by Mods4Dolphin was that there were no additional financial costs involved. It appears that it was simply the team's extraordinary commitment to excellence in customer service and support that motivated them to always go the extra mile.

Their example even had a positive impact on the attitude and productivity of our own staff!
In closing, I believe that Armann and his team truly deserve to be congratulated and rewarded for providing a service, customer service and support well beyond the expectations of our company.

Mods4Dolphin installed this mod whilst we slept, with no site down time, woke up in morning to a whole new experince.


11 Nov 2010


The purpose of this review is to formally and publicly commend Mods4Dolphin for the excellent service they provided to EvaModels. In my opinion, the level of service that Mods4Dolphin extended to our company was far beyond our expectations.

I felt compelled to go on record with my praise. These people truly deserve it. In an era where exceptional one-to-one customer service excellence has virtually disappeared, the work that Armann and his team did should be held up as an example for others to try to emulate.

What particularly impressed me about the level of service provided by Mods4Dolphin was that there were no additional financial costs involved. It appears that it was simply the team's extraordinary commitment to excellence in customer service and support that motivated them to always go the extra mile.

Their example even had a positive impact on the attitude and productivity of our own staff!
In closing, I believe that Armann and his team truly deserve to be congratulated and rewarded for providing a service, customer service and support well beyond the expectations of our company.

Mods4Dolphin installed this mod whilst we slept, with no site down time, woke up in morning to a whole new experince.


Your kind words mean a lot for us...

Customer Support is our top priority and we will do our best to keep our customers happy :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
11 Nov 2010

When a guest visits my site (they are not signed in) and then goes to the Mods4dolphin Facebook page they see the 'Like' box which shows ONLY the Boonex 'likes'.

I would much prefer they see a general listing of 'likes' portrayed and any specific reference to Boonex removed. I paid for a license to remove all Boonex references.

This is an excellent mod BUT this is a deal breaker for me.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Nov 2010


When a guest visits my site (they are not signed in) and then goes to the Mods4dolphin Facebook page they see the 'Like' box which shows ONLY the Boonex 'likes'.

I would much prefer they see a general listing of 'likes' portrayed and any specific reference to Boonex removed. I paid for a license to remove all Boonex references.

This is an excellent mod BUT this is a deal breaker for me.

That Boonex like box is just an example... The idea is that you will place your page id and your site's page will show up in that block. We could have used Google, Yahoo or our site's facebook page id but we decided Boonex so that Boonex can get more facebook fans and grow faster...

To place the page id, go to admin panel->Modules->Facebook and just place your site's page id and it will start showing your site's like box...

This assumes, you already have a facebook page for your site...

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
13 Nov 2010

Hi, where do I find the facebook page ID for 'like'?



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Nov 2010


Hi, where do I find the facebook page ID for 'like'?



Check this LINK


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
13 Nov 2010

In Firefox 3.6.12 I do not get a properties box (perhaps because I have firebug installed).

I am unable to find the 'Like' info.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Nov 2010


In Firefox 3.6.12 I do not get a properties box (perhaps because I have firebug installed).

I am unable to find the 'Like' info.

Here's another link: LINK

Use some other browser if mozilla does not work for you or PM us your page  link and we will tell you your page id.

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
13 Nov 2010

Ok, sorted!

Many thanks!

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Nov 2010

Hi, You requested that all support inquiries go via your support forum (

This can be a problem, I own many mods and rely on the Boonex forum for support. Can you imagine how many independent forums one would have to 'join' if support was not available in one central place?

Passwords, login names etc....

I would appreciate be able to continue getting support via Boonex if an direct email is not welcome.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Nov 2010


When I write a comment via facebook on my asia-connect web site, it posts it twice on FaceBook.??

If you click on any of the sub item names (see below) you get the following:

This type text message comes up: See image


If you click on the main name in this thread (not shown) everything works fine.


PLUS: You still have the /> in amongst the ‘Events’ pictures.


Many thanks,



facebook_prob1.jpg · 18.1K · 401 views
facebook_prob2.jpg · 12.7K · 366 views
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Nov 2010


Hi, You requested that all support inquiries go via your support forum (

This can be a problem, I own many mods and rely on the Boonex forum for support. Can you imagine how many independent forums one would have to 'join' if support was not available in one central place?

Passwords, login names etc....

I would appreciate be able to continue getting support via Boonex if an direct email is not welcome.



We just requested you to put the inquiries to the support forum for your betterness..that forum is specific to our mod and you will get similar posts from other customers like you who have purchased the mod. Moreover, our other customers who are using the mod will also be able to help you incase we are not around..

Talking about central place, imagine this is just one thread we own here for our mod support and someone want's to search something... Do you think they will like going through the whole thread? But in the forums there are different threads for the mods, so it will be much easier for the customers like you to find something...

By having a dedicated forum for the mod, it's has increased our work load but we want to help the customers as much as possible. Anyways, we never said we will not reply or support the forum here. We are posting the replies here as well, so if you feel that this is better for you, you are more then welcome to do so...



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
16 Nov 2010



When I write a comment via facebook on my asia-connect web site, it posts it twice on FaceBook.??

If you click on any of the sub item names (see below) you get the following:

This type text message comes up: See image


If you click on the main name in this thread (not shown) everything works fine.


PLUS: You still have the /> in amongst the ‘Events’ pictures.


Many thanks,



We were not able to reproduce that double comment thing..can you reproduce it on our demo site?

The sub-item thing is a bug, it's going to the wrong url, we will provide the fix in an hour or so...

Regarding that event thing, one more customer has reported it but we are unable to reproduce that using our account on our demo site or your site. It looks like some character in your event could be causing that issue, we will double check it on our side to make sure we are properly handling all the characters...


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
16 Nov 2010

Here's the fix for the sub-menu item:

Open modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/BxD2FacebookService.php class and change this:

$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";



$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookUrl."profile.php?id={$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";


This should fix the issue...


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
16 Nov 2010

Having updated that file and cleared both caches via ftp, I still have the same problem.

"id": "136556739694414",
"name": "bangkokcitismart",
"picture": "",
"link": "",
"category": "Home_living",
"website": "",
"username": "bangkokcitismart",
"founded": "",
"company_overview": "Bangkok CitiSmart has well established as a full-service brokerage. Having the high experience professionals in property brokerage over the long period of time, we prompt to deliver the ultimate solution in renting and selling services throught our proffessional relationship.\n\nWe are able to offer the numerous choices with outstanding advisory, recommendation and specialization in Bangkok Metropolitant Location\n",
"mission": "Your trusted property agent in Bangkok, Thailand. Offers a full-service Bangkok property brokerage.",
"products": "bangkok property agent, real estate in bangkok, Condominium, Apartment, House, Townhouse, For Sale, For Rent",
"fan_count": 1647

Here's the fix for the sub-menu item:

Open modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/Classes/BxD2FacebookService.php class and change this:

$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";



$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookUrl."profile.php?id={$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";


This should fix the issue...



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Nov 2010


Having updated that file and cleared both caches via ftp, I still have the same problem.

"id": "136556739694414",
"name": "bangkokcitismart",
"picture": "",
"link": "",
"category": "Home_living",
"website": "",
"username": "bangkokcitismart",
"founded": "",
"company_overview": "Bangkok CitiSmart has well established as a full-service brokerage. Having the high experience professionals in property brokerage over the long period of time, we prompt to deliver the ultimate solution in renting and selling services throught our proffessional relationship.\n\nWe are able to offer the numerous choices with outstanding advisory, recommendation and specialization in Bangkok Metropolitant Location\n",
"mission": "Your trusted property agent in Bangkok, Thailand. Offers a full-service Bangkok property brokerage.",
"products": "bangkok property agent, real estate in bangkok, Condominium, Apartment, House, Townhouse, For Sale, For Rent",
"fan_count": 1647

Here's the fix for the sub-menu item:

Open modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/BxD2FacebookService.php class and change this:

$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";



$feedData .= "<div class='fb_statuses_comments'><table><tr><td><a href='".$this->facebookUrl."profile.php?id={$comments->from->id}'><img src='".$this->facebookGraphUrl."/{$comments->from->id}/picture' class='fbstatus_comment_image'></a></td>";


This should fix the issue...



We checked your site and its working fine...


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
16 Nov 2010

Hi, if you click on the facebook_prob1.jpg (link posted above) you will see the sub menu item I am referring to, and no it is still not working properly. You can log onto my website using my FaceBook Connect mod.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Nov 2010

I upgraded my D2Facebook from 1.1 to 2.0 and when I go to the CONNECT button, the box pops up from Facebook, then immediately switches over to ..... any answers? I have tried on a few admin logins as well as different browsers.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
11 Feb 2011

Well im an Anti Facebook AKA Crapbook fan, and i say if you all won't face book then goto their site and and use it and let people who wonna have their own community sites  away from competetors then use DOLPHIN for which is what it was setup to be, you wouldn't get small banks linking to big major banks to send the small bank customers too,

So i say we can do without the Mod and let Dolphin run the way it was ment to be, and let the boonex developers improve on their own coding and media enhancements.


11 Feb 2011

Well Spudnick, this forum was dedicated to support of an application developed for integration, not a place to hear your rants on Facebook.

Anyway, I did find out that the issue was with Facebook and not the app.  For some reason the app setup in Facebook's developers area was de-commissioned, and it just bounces requests with invalid App ID and key to the Google page without an error coming up.

So if anybody has an issue with your mod redirecting to Google, then log into your Google account, and check your application settings like the ID and secret key at Facebook, and check against the values in the Admin of D7.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
11 Feb 2011


Well im an Anti Facebook AKA Crapbook fan, and i say if you all won't face book then goto their site and and use it and let people who wonna have their own community sites  away from competetors then use DOLPHIN for which is what it was setup to be, you wouldn't get small banks linking to big major banks to send the small bank customers too,

So i say we can do without the Mod and let Dolphin run the way it was ment to be, and let the boonex developers improve on their own coding and media enhancements.



As Mr. Richmanfl has already stated above, this forum thread is dedicated to support our mod for our valued customers. If you want to post any rants, kindly create a new thread, we would really appreciate that ...

Secondly, Dolphin is a very generic platform and is not just being used to create facebook clone or social networking sites. It's also being widely used for building sites from different sectors which are not directly related to social networking e.g. lawyers sites, makeup sites, bicycle fan sites etc etc and the owners want to provide a seamless integration with facebook, that's where this mod comes in handy. It's one of the top most selling mod in boonex market, so for sure our valued customers are seeing some value in it and investing their valuable time and money on it. Anyways, if you want to discuss further, kindly create your own thread under the 'rants' section....


Richmanfl, we are glad your issue got resolved. Thanks for sharing the solution with the rest of the community.




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
12 Feb 2011

Hi, We have the d2facebook module installed and it appears to be working fine.  Great mod - good value for money.

Only trouble I have noticed is that the page floats left in the browser instead of centered like all our other pages.  I have attached two images to demonstrate the issue.

facebook left.JPG · 128.1K · 374 views
facebook other pages.JPG · 94.4K · 333 views
16 Feb 2011


Hi, We have the d2facebook module installed and it appears to be working fine.  Great mod - good value for money.

Only trouble I have noticed is that the page floats left in the browser instead of centered like all our other pages.  I have attached two images to demonstrate the issue.

Hi Keith,

Thanks for liking our mod.

Can we have FTP access to our mod, we will try to play around with our css based on your site template.

You can send the FTP credentials to




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
23 Feb 2011

Thanks for getting back to me - I found an error in some customizing that we had done.  Your mod is great!! :-)

24 Feb 2011

Hello Again;

I was also getting the errors:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/10/7398210/html/Community/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPageInvite.php on line 33
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/10/7398210/html/Community/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPageInvite.php:33) in /home/content/10/7398210/html/Community/inc/ on line 133


So I went through each PHP file and deleted the spaces after the ?>   And now All I'm getting is a white page with the errors:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/content/10/7398210/html/Community/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPageInvite.php on line 1
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/content/10/7398210/html/Community/modules/mods4dolphin/d2facebook/classes/BxD2FacebookPrivacy.php on line 2


I have been fighting with this for 5 days now and last Wednesday posted for assistance on

I sent my FTP and Admin Log-in and password.... and have yet to receive an answer or assistance.. Does anyone here have a solution?

I would really appreciate any info that could fix this problem.

Thanks to all;


26 Feb 2011

Hi Gary,

First of all we apologize for the little delay...

We have fixed the issues on your site using the same solution we provided to you earlier, please check it out.

let us know incase of any further questions.




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
26 Feb 2011

Thank you so very much! It works beautifully!

I apologize for getting impatient ... I've had too many bad experiences purchasing products and not getting the support promised.

But You are Fantastic and I will be sure to sing your praises to everyone and I guarantee I will be buying more mods from you!

Thank you once again for your mod and for your support and patience !!!

All my Best;


26 Feb 2011

Would you be able to assit with the Facebook module as well please?  My conultant is not able to assist at present and I am still without a module installation.




[EDITED BY Zarcon]: Do not attach paid modules to forum for anyone to download.

dont.txt · 6B · 344 downloads
14 Apr 2011


Would you be able to assit with the Facebook module as well please?  My conultant is not able to assist at present and I am still without a module installation.




[EDITED BY Zarcon]: Do not attach paid modules to forum for anyone to download.

Sure, we provide free installation of the mod and can install it for you but you will have to create the facebook app as facebook security settings will not allow us to login into your account. If you would like us to install, send us the ftp and admin access via PM.

Kindly never ever post a paid product as part of the forum post...





P.S: Thanks Zarcon :)

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
14 Apr 2011

e-mailed to you thanks matt

15 Apr 2011

Hi Armaan,


I want to automatically post on my FB Page all the photos members upload on my Dolphin.  Is this possible with your MOD?



15 Apr 2011


Hi Armaan,


I want to automatically post on my FB Page all the photos members upload on my Dolphin.  Is this possible with your MOD?



The current version does not support this issue but future version will probably have this feature.


Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
16 Apr 2011

I have just (tried) updated to version 2.0.2.... (downloaded today)

When I go into the folders it says version 2.0.1.

When installed it says version 2.0.0. which is the version I (supposedly) upgraded from????

what's happening here?


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
21 Apr 2011


I have just (tried) updated to version 2.0.2.... (downloaded today)

When I go into the folders it says version 2.0.1.

When installed it says version 2.0.0. which is the version I (supposedly) upgraded from????

what's happening here?


Can you PM us the access and we can have a look?

Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
27 Apr 2011

The Facebook mod is not working right now. It tries to sign you in and then it just comes up with a little box of your facebook page. It doesn't come back to validate that you are signed in now. Anyone else having problems?

Thanks :) Angela

29 Apr 2011


The Facebook mod is not working right now. It tries to sign you in and then it just comes up with a little box of your facebook page. It doesn't come back to validate that you are signed in now. Anyone else having problems?

Thanks :) Angela

Are you still getting this error? If yes, can you please PM us your app settings and we will have a look.



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
1 May 2011

Well Facebook did it again, and the Facebook mod no longer allows comments. Just changes the link to the base of your site, and other features are not working right either. Their APi has changed! Dammit!

Anyone else having problems? We are having them on all sites!

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
22 Sep 2011

I have just installed a fresh install of dolphin...and the d2facebook and d2twitter mod. I get the following error when clicking on the link from my homepage


The requested URL /m/d2facebook/home/ was not found on this server


The requested URL /m/d2twitter/home/ was not found on this server.


Any ideas?

25 Oct 2011

Interesting! Can you please send us your  facebook app settings via PM and we will have a look...

We noticed the same behaviour on your site for standard boonex apps as well e.g. /m/blogs/




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
26 Oct 2011

Any update in progress for 7.0.8?



2 Nov 2011


Any update in progress for 7.0.8?



The same module should work fine for 7.0.8 as well...



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
2 Nov 2011

I've found a few bugs on your facebook mod which I'd like to let you know about..

  1. Whenever someone add's a friend on facebook, you see some random photo of a FB profile pic beside theirs. It's not even the person they added. Very strange..
  2. The Like Box at the base of the page duplicates the user profiles who liked your page.
  3. When you click on a Member commenting on a post it takes you to a URL which looks like this
I've added screenshots of some of these bugs below.  Thanks much!
Multiple instances of SAME LIKES.
Random Photo when friend has been added.
No Pictures Displayed
30 Jan 2012

Is this module still working?

Cos on your demo site it is not is tells me "Please configure the module in admin panel (can't define facebook api keys)"


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
7 Jun 2012

I apologize for getting impatient ... I've had too many bad experiences purchasing products and not getting the support promised.

But You are Fantastic and I will be sure to sing your praises to everyone and I guarantee I will be buying more mods from you! cheap wow gold

Thank you once again for your mod and for your support and patience !!!

All my Best;

8 Jun 2012

I have updated the module to 2.0.3 and the inviter does not work at all. I am logged into Facebook, but do not get the block of friends like it used to.

Is anyone else having issues with the FB inviter

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
30 Jun 2012
i just installed this module but now i get page not found after i do a login with twitter cause it tries to resolve any ideas?
MY SITES general social networking | niche site
4 Jul 2012

ok i got that sorted, i was forgetting the "www" in my url on the call back,, but now the "friends" and followers" blocks are empty and not pulling data

MY SITES general social networking | niche site
4 Jul 2012

sins  yesterday I have a little problem with  the module. 
When I will import event  he will  say: Database query error

i have self change nothing on it. and the import from pictures and groups work normal.
Use  version: 7.0.9  of dolphin    and from the module  version: 2.0.3  


I have try to reinstall it only this give no change .


5 Jul 2012

Hi mods4dolphin

I have updated the mod and now I am unable to find friends, my Facebook wall is not showing and the inviter is still not working.


Please can you help



9 Jul 2012

I have had the same problem for awhile, and the inviter does not even connect at all anymore.  Have not heard anything in regards to a fix for this situation or if anybody is working on the resolution.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
9 Jul 2012



I have had the same problem for awhile, and the inviter does not even connect at all anymore.  Have not heard anything in regards to a fix for this situation or if anybody is working on the resolution.

Any updates on this mod?

Is it being supported anymore?


9 Jul 2012




I have had the same problem for awhile, and the inviter does not even connect at all anymore.  Have not heard anything in regards to a fix for this situation or if anybody is working on the resolution.

Any updates on this mod?

Is it being supported anymore?


 No worries....looks like another mod just hit the market for Facebook invitations.

10 Jul 2012

Hi mods4dolphin

Is there an update for this mod as it is still not working.  If not I will want a refund as these issues have been going on since I bought it.


Please can you reply to this forum!!!!

12 Jul 2012


Hi mods4dolphin

Is there an update for this mod as it is still not working.  If not I will want a refund as these issues have been going on since I bought it.


Please can you reply to this forum!!!!

 Sorry guys, we got busy with development and supporting direct PM issues and forgot to monitor the support thread regularly. WE really apologize for it and please PM us if any of the above issues still exist. We will do our best to fix any issues asap. And yes this mod is fully supported.


We don't know of any known bugs with the module and it's working fine against D7.0.9, the latest version of Dolphin.




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
31 Jul 2012

I sent you email and PM several times but I get no reply.  Still waiting your reply.

2 Aug 2012


I sent you email and PM several times but I get no reply.  Still waiting your reply.

 We have replied to your message, please looks like a configuration issue with your facebook app settings. we created a facebook app for your site under our FB account and everything worked fine. Please check and let us know...




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
2 Aug 2012

Thank you for your support. Now mod is working just fine!!

3 Aug 2012

Is there any way of getting the INVITE page to work? It used to but Facebook changed their programming, and now it does not work at all.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
5 Aug 2012


Is there any way of getting the INVITE page to work? It used to but Facebook changed their programming, and now it does not work at all.

 Can you please PM us your site credentials, we will take a look today...




Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
11 Aug 2012

Any word yet on the Inviter fix? I have the rest of the module working fine, but.... need the invite working as well.

Sent you message via PM, but no reply

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
16 Aug 2012

 I am still waiting for a fix.  Please please please, provide a fix

Any word yet on the Inviter fix? I have the rest of the module working fine, but.... need the invite working as well.

Sent you message via PM, but no reply


18 Oct 2012

Some of the new users have recently informed us about this error message they get - 

API Error Code: 100
API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: Please migrate to OAuth2 and use new /dialog/oauth endpoint. return_session is no longer available.


Facebook has upgraded their API yet again. All Canvas apps must process signed_request (fb_sig will be removed) and obtain an SSL certificate (unless you are in Sandbox mode). This will ensure that users browsing Facebook over HTTPS will have a great experience over a secure connection.


We are working on a fix and should have something in 3-4 days hopefully...



Facebook, Twitter &amp; Instagram Combo -
30 Oct 2012
7 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.