Dolphin really needs a manual!!!

I mean its not like they can not afford to hire someone to create one, it would sure make it easier on everyone...

Quote · 11 May 2015

anything you are looking to know? Or just making a point!

Prob is, it could be a very large manual!

Quote · 11 May 2015

At the very least, a 'better' "Member sourced" Wiki.

Far better too much info, than not enough.

Quote · 11 May 2015

This has been suggested so many times over the years. I'm surprised no one has put out an actual book. Phpbb has a user guide and WordPress has a zillion books on Amazon. 

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 11 May 2015


This has been suggested so many times over the years. I'm surprised no one has put out an actual book. Phpbb has a user guide and WordPress has a zillion books on Amazon. 

jtadeo had a book out for 6.1, and was working on one for 7.0 at one point. Perhaps a wiki outside of Trac is in order.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 11 May 2015


 jtadeo had a book out for 6.1, and was working on one for 7.0 at one point. Perhaps a wiki outside of Trac is in order.

 Perhaps Zarconia could host one..?  the extra traffic wouldn't hurt business, i bet!

Quote · 12 May 2015


Perhaps Zarconia could host one..?  the extra traffic wouldn't hurt business, i bet!

I don't like splits in the community. I thought of doing this a few times, but BoonEx should be the one behind this. Install DokuWiki or similar and open up edits to anybody.


Edit: That and was taken.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 May 2015

You know I do not know if this would work but maybe if people were to write in to that place that makes all those For dummies books, I bet they would be willing to make one...

Quote · 13 May 2015

They just publish books, someone would still have to write it..

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 13 May 2015

Well publishers know writers they may know someone who be interested in trying...

Quote · 13 May 2015

This discussion got us to finally go ahead and launch an "external" documentation wiki. It's not just for Dolphin. It's for all sorts of social software.

Software vendors generally have their own documentation, but we believe that bringing together docs for different products, all in unified format would greatly help webmasters that have to work with more than just one platform. Moreover, vendors are biased, so their sites would normally not show certain "unrecommended" tips, less-than-favourable reviews or objective comparisons. So, we're launching the new wiki-based collaborative repository that will include alternative documentation, reviews, tips, faqs and comparisons. 


Welcome to !

Anyone can add and edit content, participate in structuring the site and generally share what they know about social software products. BoonEx will be maintaining the site, striving for allowing full editorial independence.

We have added a few example products and some info on DolphinPro to get it started. You are now very welcome to contribute to building a comprehensive documentation repository of social software information.

It is important to understand that must not be an aggregator of existing documentation available at websites of software vendors. Entries must be written with full respect to copyright laws and with references to sources of any quotes content. Whenever possible unique content must be added. 

Heart Head Hands
Quote · 18 May 2015

Good on you, Andrew. Far better late to the party than to never make a showing at all!

Im sure this will be a big 'boon' (see what i did there?) for Dolphin..

Thank you.

Quote · 19 May 2015

I'm going to disagree with this approach.  IMHO, setting up an online document site for a wide range of competing platforms will NOT help us, as Dolphin developers and site admins, to create an up-to-date manual for the current version of Dolphin.  What we need is a shared document site... possibly(?) restricted to registered site members... that's focused only on BoonEx Dolphin issues. 

Hopefully such a site would eventually cover many related topics and thus become an online collaboration for sharing often "learn by trial and error" information about checking for system requirements, installing core code and basic modules, suggesting simple tests to confirm potential issues, sharing ways to tweak the layout to make our sites look unique, reviewing new modules to see if they do what the developer claim, maybe even suggesting modules for certain types of websites, and occasionally helping to fixing unforeseen issues due to sudden 3rd-party (e.g. Google API) changes, ... plus offer tips for how best to upgrade to the most recent Dolphin version. 

Yes, you could argue that the BoonEx forum does much of that now... but each topic soon fades into the background and eventually adds to the overall disorganization with the forum.  I think we'd all benefit from an organized document that can easily be amended, edited and searched.  How often have you searched for something in the forum and found much of the information is outdated?
Quote · 19 May 2015


Welcome to !


My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 19 May 2015



Welcome to !



Always so Lively ...  (G)

donate_blood.jpg · 10.8K · 350 views
Quote · 27 May 2015


Anybody help me in fix video module issue.

I reinstall video module in 7.1.4

After re installation my old videos are not showing on site.

Can you please tell me how I can fix it.



first.png · 1.3M · 355 views
second.png · 901.6K · 362 views
Quote · 27 May 2015



Anybody help me in fix video module issue.

I reinstall video module in 7.1.4

After re installation my old videos are not showing on site.

Can you please tell me how I can fix it.



When you uninstall a module, all the module data's is deleted. If you have a backup, you'll need to restore either the site or the necessary bits for videos. If this is a shared server, your host may have an account backup available that can work. If there's no backup, I'm afraid the videos are gone.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 May 2015

Thanks for your reply.


You can see in first.png image. Number of Videos are showing.

But don't show on video page.

Quote · 27 May 2015



Anybody help me in fix video module issue.

I reinstall video module in 7.1.4

After re installation my old videos are not showing on site.

Can you please tell me how I can fix it.



I am assuming you uninstalled the module as part of re-installing it.

I should inform you as i am guessing your not aware of it. Uninstalling a module removes all of it's database tables which results in a loss of all data.

So the only way your going to get back all of those videos is to restore a database backup done prior to the removal of that module.
Quote · 27 May 2015


Thanks for your reply.


You can see in first.png image. Number of Videos are showing.

But don't show on video page.

It's a bit confusing having two areas for this, so I've replied here:


As it's a separate issue than the topic of this thread, I recommend continuing there. Otherwise others may not see it.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 27 May 2015

I have all videos in files folder and you can on dashboard also showing number of videos.

Quote · 27 May 2015

Well I checked out do not feel that it will work for me not going to go into details, All I want is is detailed hard copy manual that shows you how to do everything there is to do with lots and lots of easy to see detailed pictures

Quote · 22 Nov 2022

Hello Methen!


I guess it is still the best variant to learn Dolphin:

Quote · 22 Nov 2022

I suggest you take up Leonid's suggestion Methen. A Manual for Dolphin is never going to happen because Dolphin only has a year or so left before it and this forum are likely to go into the history books. Dolphin is one of the most complex and most powerful Social Networking scripts written and a basic manual would fill several hundred pages. Make that several thousand if lots and lots of pictures were to be added. Who on earth would write such a manual when this forum barely attracts a post a week, compared to dozens of posts a day a few years ago? Even then, nobody was interested in writing a manual.

If you look at older posts on the subject of manuals, I mentioned on this forum that such a manual would have greatly increased Dolphin's sales, plus made money for Boonex through sales of the manual itself. ZenCart, one of the best eCommerce scripts around is (or was) partly financed through sales of its 400 page manual.

I've written dozens of tutorials for Dolphin and some appear on this forum. Sadly there was never a way for me to publish them as a group so I gave up. There are also dozens of great tutorials still out there on the Internet, but I'll bet you that none, or very few, cover the things you want to know. That's the nature of the beast

Good luck!

Quote · 24 Nov 2022
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.