Hey guys,
I'm getting more than a bit frustrated at this point. I've attempted the install twice now and each time it runs to completion, and tells me that the install has succeeded.
When I navigate to the main site, I get a red bordered error message that there was a "Database query error". I went into the database that I'd set up using the username that I'd set up to administer things (not root), and checked the table entries to see if anything had happened, and I saw that some process somewhere had been able to put tables in the database as below. I know that I didn't do it. The admin panel seems to be operating but I sure don't want to mess with it if the site's not even navigable:
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_dolphin |
| AdminBanList |
| AdminLinks |
| AdminMenu |
| AdminMenuCateg |
| Admins |
| Articles |
| ArticlesCategory |
| Banners |
| BannersClicks |
| BannersShows |
| BlockList |
| BlogCategories |
| BlogPosts |
| Blogs |
| BoughtContacts |
| Classifieds |
| ClassifiedsAdvertisements |
| ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia |
| ClassifiedsSubs |
| CmtsBlogPosts |
| CmtsClassifieds |
| CmtsProfile |
| CmtsSharedMusic |
| CmtsSharedPhoto |
| CmtsSharedVideo |
| CmtsTrack |
| ColorBase |
| Countries |
| DailyQuotes |
| FriendList |
| GalleryAlbums |
| GalleryObjects |
| GlParams |
| GlParamsKateg |
| Groups |
| GroupsCateg |
| GroupsGallery |
| GroupsMembers |
| Guestbook |
| HotList |
| IMessages |
| Links |
| LocalizationCategories |
| LocalizationKeys |
| LocalizationLanguages |
| LocalizationStringParams |
| LocalizationStrings |
| MemActions |
| MemActionsTrack |
| MemLevelActions |
| MemLevelPrices |
| MemLevels |
| Messages |
| Modules |
| News |
| NotifyEmails |
| NotifyMsgs |
| NotifyQueue |
| PageCompose |
| PaymentParameters |
| PaymentProviders |
| PaymentSubscriptions |
| PreValues |
| PrivPhotosRequests |
| ProfileFields |
| ProfileMemLevels |
| Profiles |
| ProfilesMatch |
| ProfilesPolls |
| ProfilesSettings |
| ProfilesTrack |
| RayBoardBoards |
| RayChatCurrentUsers |
| RayChatMessages |
| RayChatProfiles |
| RayChatRooms |
| RayChatRoomsUsers |
| RayGlobalTrackUsers |
| RayImContacts |
| RayImMessages |
| RayImPendings |
| RayImProfiles |
| RayMovieFiles |
| RayMoviePlayLists |
| RayMp3Categories |
| RayMp3Files |
| RayMp3PlayLists |
| RayMusicCategories |
| RayMusicFiles |
| RayMusicPlayLists |
| RayShoutboxMessages |
| RayVideoStats |
| SDatingEvents |
| SDatingMatches |
| SDatingParticipants |
| SiteStat |
| Stories |
| Tags |
| TopMenu |
| Transactions |
| VKisses |
| Votes |
| VotesPhotos |
| ZIPCodes |
| aff |
| aff_banners |
| aff_members |
| gmusic_rating |
| gmusic_voting_track |
| gphoto_rating |
| gphoto_voting_track |
| grp_forum |
| grp_forum_cat |
| grp_forum_flag |
| grp_forum_post |
| grp_forum_report |
| grp_forum_topic |
| grp_forum_user |
| grp_forum_user_activity |
| grp_forum_user_stat |
| grp_forum_vote |
| gvideo_rating |
| gvideo_voting_track |
| media |
| media_rating |
| media_voting_track |
| members_as_aff |
| moderators |
| polls_a |
| polls_q |
| pre_forum |
| pre_forum_cat |
| pre_forum_flag |
| pre_forum_post |
| pre_forum_report |
| pre_forum_topic |
| pre_forum_user |
| pre_forum_user_activity |
| pre_forum_user_stat |
| pre_forum_vote |
| profile_rating |
| profile_voting_track |
| shareMusicFavorites |
| sharePhotoFavorites |
| sharePhotoFiles |
| shareVideoFavorites |
| smiles |
147 rows in set (0.00 sec)
So, clearly there's a database, and it seems to be open for editing and modification by the user that I'd set up.
What is going on here?