Dolphin installs but Database query error persists

Hey guys,

I'm getting more than a bit frustrated at this point.  I've attempted the install twice now and each time it runs to completion, and tells me that the install has succeeded.

When I navigate to the main site, I get a red bordered error message that there was a "Database query error".  I went into the database that I'd set up using the username that I'd set up to administer things (not root), and checked the table entries to see if anything had happened, and I saw that some process somewhere had been able to put tables in the database as below.  I know that I didn't do it.  The admin panel seems to be operating but I sure don't want to mess with it if the site's not even navigable:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_dolphin              |
| AdminBanList                   |
| AdminLinks                     |
| AdminMenu                      |
| AdminMenuCateg                 |
| Admins                         |
| Articles                       |
| ArticlesCategory               |
| Banners                        |
| BannersClicks                  |
| BannersShows                   |
| BlockList                      |
| BlogCategories                 |
| BlogPosts                      |
| Blogs                          |
| BoughtContacts                 |
| Classifieds                    |
| ClassifiedsAdvertisements      |
| ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia |
| ClassifiedsSubs                |
| CmtsBlogPosts                  |
| CmtsClassifieds                |
| CmtsProfile                    |
| CmtsSharedMusic                |
| CmtsSharedPhoto                |
| CmtsSharedVideo                |
| CmtsTrack                      |
| ColorBase                      |
| Countries                      |
| DailyQuotes                    |
| FriendList                     |
| GalleryAlbums                  |
| GalleryObjects                 |
| GlParams                       |
| GlParamsKateg                  |
| Groups                         |
| GroupsCateg                    |
| GroupsGallery                  |
| GroupsMembers                  |
| Guestbook                      |
| HotList                        |
| IMessages                      |
| Links                          |
| LocalizationCategories         |
| LocalizationKeys               |
| LocalizationLanguages          |
| LocalizationStringParams       |
| LocalizationStrings            |
| MemActions                     |
| MemActionsTrack                |
| MemLevelActions                |
| MemLevelPrices                 |
| MemLevels                      |
| Messages                       |
| Modules                        |
| News                           |
| NotifyEmails                   |
| NotifyMsgs                     |
| NotifyQueue                    |
| PageCompose                    |
| PaymentParameters              |
| PaymentProviders               |
| PaymentSubscriptions           |
| PreValues                      |
| PrivPhotosRequests             |
| ProfileFields                  |
| ProfileMemLevels               |
| Profiles                       |
| ProfilesMatch                  |
| ProfilesPolls                  |
| ProfilesSettings               |
| ProfilesTrack                  |
| RayBoardBoards                 |
| RayChatCurrentUsers            |
| RayChatMessages                |
| RayChatProfiles                |
| RayChatRooms                   |
| RayChatRoomsUsers              |
| RayGlobalTrackUsers            |
| RayImContacts                  |
| RayImMessages                  |
| RayImPendings                  |
| RayImProfiles                  |
| RayMovieFiles                  |
| RayMoviePlayLists              |
| RayMp3Categories               |
| RayMp3Files                    |
| RayMp3PlayLists                |
| RayMusicCategories             |
| RayMusicFiles                  |
| RayMusicPlayLists              |
| RayShoutboxMessages            |
| RayVideoStats                  |
| SDatingEvents                  |
| SDatingMatches                 |
| SDatingParticipants            |
| SiteStat                       |
| Stories                        |
| Tags                           |
| TopMenu                        |
| Transactions                   |
| VKisses                        |
| Votes                          |
| VotesPhotos                    |
| ZIPCodes                       |
| aff                            |
| aff_banners                    |
| aff_members                    |
| gmusic_rating                  |
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| gphoto_rating                  |
| gphoto_voting_track            |
| grp_forum                      |
| grp_forum_cat                  |
| grp_forum_flag                 |
| grp_forum_post                 |
| grp_forum_report               |
| grp_forum_topic                |
| grp_forum_user                 |
| grp_forum_user_activity        |
| grp_forum_user_stat            |
| grp_forum_vote                 |
| gvideo_rating                  |
| gvideo_voting_track            |
| media                          |
| media_rating                   |
| media_voting_track             |
| members_as_aff                 |
| moderators                     |
| polls_a                        |
| polls_q                        |
| pre_forum                      |
| pre_forum_cat                  |
| pre_forum_flag                 |
| pre_forum_post                 |
| pre_forum_report               |
| pre_forum_topic                |
| pre_forum_user                 |
| pre_forum_user_activity        |
| pre_forum_user_stat            |
| pre_forum_vote                 |
| profile_rating                 |
| profile_voting_track           |
| shareMusicFavorites            |
| sharePhotoFavorites            |
| sharePhotoFiles                |
| shareVideoFavorites            |
| smiles                         |
147 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So, clearly there's a database, and it seems to be open for editing and modification by the user that I'd set up.

What is going on here?


Quote · 3 Apr 2009

Dont keep installing over and over with the same database, us phpmyadmin or other and empty the database, then try reinstall, if you have a qyery error in your database just reinstalling will only compound the problem..

Quote · 3 Apr 2009

OK, I didn't make that clear; after the first install failed, I went into mySQL as root, and deleted the dolphin database.  Then I deleted the dolphin install itself.  Then I went back into mySQL and created the DB again but with the changes that I described.  For some reason when I used double quotes around "user"@"domain", when I would try to go back into mySQL as "user" I would hit an error having to do with "user"@"localhost".  It didn't seem to think I was serious about the domainname.

Anyway, so I tried it with single quotes and mySQL seemed happier.  SO I went back through the install, but hit the same problem soooooo, after searching through a few different forums I found some folks who'd had problems due to a mismatch between character sets utf8 (I guess that's what Dolphin is expecting) and latin1 which I guess is the default for mySQL.

I just tried a third time by dumping the database, setting the default charset to utf8, creating the DB, and reinstalling Dolphin and I STILL get the same error.

Quote · 3 Apr 2009

OK, tried that.  Didn't get a different result.

Does mySQL cache databases?  I've been assuming that when I dump a DB and recreate it, the new DB is indeed new.  Do I need to clear a cached file somewhere?

Quote · 3 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.