Dolphin hosting rms

I seem to have dolphin working on my server but I'm wondering if I can install it on a virtual server. After searching the forum till my eyes are bloodshot I still am not sure what the answer is exactly.

Is it just the RMS (Ray Media Server) that is the issue? (i.e. ffMPEG)

Why would that affect the forum ? or would it? (i.e. xslt extensions not installed)

Here's a nice link to what is supported at hostgator

Notice the Dolphin, Ray, Orca is checked "yes" even though ffMPEG is checked "no" (on the virtual server)

What's the deal here? Why all the smoke and mirrors? And why is Boonex sending us to these hosting services if they don't support Dolphin ? ...other than the great affilate programs they have.

HostGator Live Chat - The only servers you can run dolphin on is a dedicated server

HostGator Knowledgebase - This software will work on our shared servers, however you will NOT be able to use the video/audio sections of the websites, as they require ffMPEG, and other audio/video codecs.

Boonex has made a fix for this, and they allow customers to use their own media, called "RMS", or Ray Media Server. (Absolutely free to use!)

Now all I need is for someone to say "Search the forum !!!"

Quote · 25 May 2009

I don't think HostGator is a good choice for Dolphin. I've seen other posts about problems with them hosting Dolphin, though I doubt if I could find them again.


One of the hosts that is listed here is


It is run by DosDawg. He is a long-time member here and a good guy IMO. He has a free trial too.


Another one that is Dolphin compatible is Joombyte


I can't speak to how good or bad they are & I'm not sure if they are listed here or not.


You can purchase RMS hosting from both of the places I listed above. That will separate it from your shared server account - should you choose to go that route. I would still be careful with HostGator if they are being that wishy-washy about whether they will host Dolphin or not.


I use ANHosting (MidPhase related), and they support Dolphin with external RMS. They even set it up for me once upon a time (when I didn't know what I was doing.)(Not that I do now - LOL)


I hope this helps you a little bit.


If I didn't have hosting already, I would choose Megabyte just for the fact that he has helped so many folks here and is a dedicated Dolphin user.  FYI

Quote · 25 May 2009

just a heads up its that dosdawg owns and runs and yes he offers great hosting with free rms on select hosting plans.   i have used him for a long time now and can tell you that his service is very good.


i have also hosted with host gator and there shared hosting worked fine for my small site.  as far as ffmpeg goes on shared hosting it works just fine for me. 


xsl needs to be enabled in php.ini     extension=php_xsl.dll   if this is on hostgator   you can look in the cpanel for php quick config  and i think this might be under that as well.


as for the virtual server i am not to sure about that one.    i have dolphin installed on my local (windows server) with rms media server installed and that seems to work ok as well. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 25 May 2009

just a heads up its that dosdawg owns and runs and yes he offers great hosting with free rms on select hosting plans.

Ouch! My bad.


Ok, it's that I meant to refer you to. (Sorry about that DosDawg)

I've edited the post above to reflect the proper URL


Thanks for straightening it out for me dolphin_jay

Quote · 25 May 2009

One of the hosts that is listed here is

It is run by DosDawg. He is a long-time member here and a good guy IMO. He has a free trial too.

Yeh, I heard about this guy... seems to be the only thing this forum agrees on lol.

Quote · 25 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.