I seem to have dolphin working on my server but I'm wondering if I can install it on a virtual server. After searching the forum till my eyes are bloodshot I still am not sure what the answer is exactly.
Is it just the RMS (Ray Media Server) that is the issue? (i.e. ffMPEG)
Why would that affect the forum ? or would it? (i.e. xslt extensions not installed)
Here's a nice link to what is supported at hostgator
Notice the Dolphin, Ray, Orca is checked "yes" even though ffMPEG is checked "no" (on the virtual server)
What's the deal here? Why all the smoke and mirrors? And why is Boonex sending us to these hosting services if they don't support Dolphin ? ...other than the great affilate programs they have.
HostGator Live Chat - The only servers you can run dolphin on is a dedicated server
HostGator Knowledgebase - This software will work on our shared servers, however you will NOT be able to use the video/audio sections of the websites, as they require ffMPEG, and other audio/video codecs.
Boonex has made a fix for this, and they allow customers to use their own media, called "RMS", or Ray Media Server. (Absolutely free to use!)
Now all I need is for someone to say "Search the forum !!!"