Dolphin Roadmap - next version / "next big thing"

Hi all, 


If you are like me, you want to be fairly conservative with your mods - otherwise, you can have a real mess when you go to upgrade.  When I read the Dolphin blog about their eighth birthday and plans for "the next big thing" at first I thought- "well that is really cool".  On reflection though, I realize I am not getting good enough information to manage my development properly.  As I understand it, Boonex will continue incremental development of Dolphin 6.x, then there will be another major upgrade to Dolphin 7 which will be a "bridge version" then another upgrade to Dolphin 8 - which will be "the next big thing".  My concern is there are no timeframes at all for any of this, nor do we have any idea what will be included in each incremental version.  There are at least a dozen things I would like to modify in Dolphin- some of them are things I think should have been included long ago.   I don't what to make these changes if they are going to be fixed next week, but I might if it will be six months.  


The Boonex blog post that just cam out says "the Dolphin roadmap is publicly available, so you can track what’s going on" - but it isn't - the link they posted goes to a blank page.   Does anyone know why this page was removed, or have another link with more recent information?  I'd appreciate it if someone from Boonex would weigh in on this - or anyone with inside information.  Instead of getting us all excited about "the next big thing" and how we are going to conquer the world, I would settle for knowing when (and if) 6.1.5 will be released, and what will be included in that version.



Quote · 3 Sep 2008

Hello Rob,


Quote · 3 Sep 2008

Thanks Synergy, that link is not broken, but doesn't contain much useful information either.  I still don't know what will be in the next incremental release, or have even a rough date of when it will be available.


Quote · 3 Sep 2008

Yes, roadmap here:

But "next big thing" is not current dolphin 6

Yes, this time we will support Dol6

Quote · 3 Sep 2008

Andrey, thanks - it is tough to get much information out of that though.  There are no target dates, and I can't see anything at all about 6.1.5.  Maybe you could just tell us - will there be a 6.1.5?  What will be in it?  Could you give us at least a guess of the release date?  There are some things I'm sure we would all like to see in the new version.  Here is my wish list.


Maybe you could just tell us a few things that you think will be in the next version. 





Quote · 3 Sep 2008

The answer you are looking for is this - NO, none of your mods will work.

YES, every greedy expertzzz will charge you again for that mod you just have to have.

YES, when the next best upgrade comes after the next best thing, you will have to do it again.

Community THIS IS NOT.   A business it is.

I'm fine with that, but I can't stand a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Quote · 3 Sep 2008

We will produce versions of 6, of course, and some development continious now too.

I don`t know nothing about dates. Not I set it. I just developer. I just execute all tasks that I have.

I don`t know exactly which version will next, maybe 6.2? :)

Yes, we now prepare some features. One of them is enhanced Articles, etc.

I`m not Big Boss here, I can`t decide nothing about dates :)

Quote · 3 Sep 2008

Andrey - I understand, and I want you to know that I really appreciate your participation in these forums.  You are one of our few links to Boonex here.  Just so you understand the issue there are several functions we have found on Dolphin that just don't work properly.  Here is one example - we found that the advanced search function doesn't really work the way it should, so one user has proposed a way to fix it:  Now this is something I and a few other users need.  Do you recommend we do this modification, or should we wait until Boonex fixes it?  There are several issues like this, that is why a better roadmap with date estimates would really help.  Maybe you could mention this to your management.

Thank you


Quote · 4 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.