tried in /orca/classes/Forum.php
// check user permissions to delete or edit posts
$gl_allow_edit = 0;
$gl_allow_del = 0;
if ($this->_checkUserPerm ('', $forum_type, 'edit', $forum_id))
$gl_allow_edit = 1;
if ($this->_checkUserPerm ('', $forum_type, 'del', $forum_id))
$gl_allow_del = 1;
$u = $this->_getLoginUser();
$r = $fdb->getPost($post_id, $u);
// acquire user info
if (!$ui[$r['user']])
$aa = $this->_getUserInfo ($r['user']);
$ui[$r['user']] = array ('posts' => (int)$fdb->getUserPosts($r['user']), 'avatar' => $aa['avatar'], 'url' => $aa['profile_url'], 'onclick' => $aa['profile_onclick']);
$allow_edit = $gl_allow_edit;
$allow_del = $gl_allow_del;
if (!$allow_edit && $r['user'] == $this->_getLoginUserName())
if ($this->_checkUserPerm ($r['user'], 'own', 'edit', $forum_id))
$allow_edit = 1;
if (!$allow_del && $r['user'] == $this->_getLoginUserName())
if ($this->_checkUserPerm ($r['user'], 'own', 'del', $forum_id))
$allow_del = 1;
you have to recompile every test change
I want it right out so I just took it out of:
code to remove:
<xsl:if test="allow_del = 1">
<xsl:element name="a">
<xsl:attribute name="style">margin-right:5px;</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="href">javascript:void(0);</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="onclick">f.deletePost(<xsl:value-of select="@id" />, <xsl:value-of select="../forum/id" />, <xsl:value-of select="../topic/id" />, true);</xsl:attribute>[L[Delete]]</xsl:element>
have fun Again...please noteNO changes in orca will reflect till you recompile hit the "en" if ya know what i mean