This forum has potential to become a great information resource or a spam pit. Hosting providers have to be VERY careful here, since we'll be vigorously moderating hosting posts and banning spammers. So, this is a quick list of things that are allowed and not allowed in this forum:
1. Replies to specific requests for hosting with reference to your services. Replies must be relevant to the initial post, and must contain non-affiliate links that directly correspond to the original request.
2. Any discussion of the BoonEx Recommended Hosting Partners.
3. Discussion of server optimisation, sites performance/speed, Dolphin hosting requirements, tweaks.
4. BoonEx Recommended Hosting Partners are allowed to announce new services, offerings, specials, discounts. BoonEx affiliate links must be used. Only relevant links must be posted and announcements should be limited to 1/month on average. Only significant new offerings should make to the announcements.
5. Members opening topics for hosting recommendations/impressions about companies that are not listed as BoonEx Recommended Hosting Partners should not link to those companies directly or indirectly. Just a company name is enough.
6. Hosting providers that are not listed as BoonEx Recommended Hosting Partners may introduce themselves ONCE, without bumping the topics and limiting direct links to only one non-affiliate link. Artificial "bumping" of this topics is not allowed and may quickly trigger "locking" of the topic.
7. Any hosting provider is allowed to open discussion on how they may improve their offerings/services, what are the community needs and what are the best hosting/Dolphin hosting practices. Such discussions, however, should not have any references/links to the actual hosting companies.
Not Allowed:
1. Announcements of hosting companies/services that are not listed as BoonEx Recommended Hosting Partners or don't offer specific Dolphin-related services.
2. Any attacks or negative comments about hosting companies posted by members affiliated with other/their hosting providers.
3. Non-Boonex affiliate links, in any context, and in any part of the discussion.
4. Non-experiential judgements - such as "they must be crap, because they have bad website design". Your critique should be based on hard-facts.
This list is a work in progress and will be changing over time. BoonEx may also remove posts or topics and may allow posts or topics to stay even if this is contrary to the rules listed above.
If in doubt, feel free to ask us first.