When you go to my website theincasempire.com the main page is not loading correctly. It shows the links but none of the CSS sheet or the actual page. I was wondering if there is a simple fix for this issue. I have reinstalled several times each time gives the same results. It looks normal after you click on one of the links on the page but the initial load is not loading correctly. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Christopher Reidenbach |
You have something weird going on with your domain configuration.
Your trying to go to http://theincasempire.com/ but all the links on the site are for http://www.reidenbach.org/theincasempire/
It's that configuration that is most likely causing it. https://www.deanbassett.com |
You're running the 'site' in a frameset.
"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>The Incas Empire </title>
<meta name="description" content="We are building an Internet that will people closer."> |
<meta name="keywords" content="Peru, Bolivia, United States, Online community, Sales, Advertising, "> |
</head> |
<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0"> |
<frame src="https://www.reidenbach.org/theincasempire" frameborder="0" /> |
</frameset> |
</html> |
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Look at your stylesheet references.
Are they being called correctly?
Or, are they being called at all.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel - Meta-Travel.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
LOL. I did not notice that. But i also did not look at the source either.
Yea, that is not going to work properly. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thank you for taking a look. The reason Why I am asking this is because my other sites Reidenbach.org and Meetsinglesnow.com are working fine. That is why I was removing and reinstalling the applications. How do I go about resetting the frameset as well as checking to see if the style sheets are being called. I am new in the respect when it comes to actual coding. Christopher Reidenbach |
I think I found out where the frame set is coming from. It is coming from my Domain Registrar when I create a 301 with masking redirect from the company that is maintaining the domain names. They are adding a frameset when redirecting my domain name to my hosting company. I will try to remove the 301 Redirect with masking and use just a regular 301 redirect if I do that then in the title bar you will see the actual path name in the address bar which I do not want to show. Is there another away to hide the actual path in the address bar and just show the domain name? For example instead of www.reidenbach.org/theincasempire just theincasempire.com? Christopher Reidenbach |
Just wondering, which domain do you have the licence for?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel - Meta-Travel.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I have meetsinglesnow.com and the incasempire.com licensed at this time.
Christopher Reidenbach |
Get your site (MeetSinglesNow) set up with an SSL certificate (https).
A good host should be able to do that (for free).
Looking closely, MeetSinglesNow is actually https://reidenbach.org/meetsinglesnow/
I would say....
Sort yourself out and decide what you really want to do/be/appear as/appeal to.
It's all mixed up; smokescreens and mirrors and leaves you with little credibility.
If you get spammers, you'll be lucky. Real people? Tough sell!
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
The worse thing is because you have another 'frameset' set up, the http (non secure) will continue to show.
For some reason, people will get put off.
Cloaking is not great, so just put a target="_top" on all links, or a 'base href', to break out of the (worthless) 'frameset'.
What you're doing is what HTML 'wizz kids' did 20 years ago.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
You're totally messed up.
Go back to square one.
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Unless you break out of the frame, you will have problems tracking down where the fails are.
I haven't got time, but much from here is broken:
Two chats; one good, one not configured.
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |