Dolphin 6.1.6 video upload error

Hi, I began to use recently Dolphin 6.1.6


Installation has passed normally, and all works.

Only video loading occurs to an error - "uploading file error"


i have this parametres in.htaccess


php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
php_value post_max_size 100M
php_value output_buffering on
php_value max_execution_time 1000
php_value max_input_time 1000
php_value memory_limit 64M
php_value register_globals off


At me sensation that a problem in the rights to folders...

Someone can to me can help with this problem?




Quote · 23 May 2009
please help me
Quote · 23 May 2009

Did you upload the ffmpeg file?? Are you sure the file you are uploading is good?

Quote · 23 May 2009
And on freebsd it is necessary to do it? It seems to me, In this case installation on another occurs? yes?
Quote · 23 May 2009

And on freebsd it is necessary to do it? It seems to me, In this case installation on another occurs? yes?


It would be helpful if you posted some details about the server you are trying to run this on.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 23 May 2009

What details?
Anything you like:)

Quote · 23 May 2009

What details?
Anything you like:)

I was just wondering how close your server configuration is to the recommended specs here:

Are there any requirements listed that are not in your server configuration?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 23 May 2009

And on freebsd it is necessary to do it?

That means you probably haven't installed the ffmpg...Videos won't work without it..

Quote · 23 May 2009
And also it is necessary wine? You could not establish to me ffmpg?
Quote · 23 May 2009

And also it is necessary wine? You could not establish to me ffmpg?

Stepan, we have a little language barrier here.  Wine =  alcoholic beverage made from grapes.   Could you try to clarify your question please?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 24 May 2009

And also it is necessary wine? You could not establish to me ffmpg?

Stepan, we have a little language barrier here.  Wine =  alcoholic beverage made from grapes.   Could you try to clarify your question please?

not THAT wine houston, I guess this is the linux windows emulator - stepan, you don't need wine (except to dull the pain) - just make sure all the files are there and that the file permissions are correct as per the installation docs.  Check what the others are asking and when you've confirmed everything is there, if it still doesn't work we can move forward.  Now I'm off..for a glass of wine.

Quote · 24 May 2009

2 houstonlively

Between good people there can not be barriers)


Especially behind a bottle of good wine)))
But at us in Russia not to be afraid of bears, and not to freeze from a cold - we drink with them vodka)))



As to a theme - I would name it so -


Penguins,    dolphins,      and wine)))))






In Russia))))))))


Le Chateau Margaux for freebsd ))



All thanks,
The problem is solved

Quote · 24 May 2009

2 houstonlively

Between good people there can not be barriers)

Especially behind a bottle of good wine)))
But at us in Russia not to be afraid of bears, and not to freeze from a cold - we drink with them vodka)))

As to a theme - I would name it so -

Penguins,    dolphins,      and wine)))))

In Russia))))))))

Le Chateau Margaux for freebsd ))

All thanks,
The problem is solved

OK, looks like I am the one with the  language barrier.  I see the word 'wine' and I think of only one thing.... a glass of Vintage Port - Dow '77

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 24 May 2009

I same)))


At us in Russia not all know well English)
But, I think, and USA Russian know even less)))

Quote · 24 May 2009


i immediately have the question in my mind, what is the file extension that you are trying to upload. there are some conflicts with what ffmpeg.exe can convert, and this could be what you are facing. the php values that you have are not the problem, there is an underlying problem with your ffmpeg as mentioned on here already. please check the permissions on ffmpeg should be 777 as best i recall.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 May 2009

And also it is necessary wine? You could not establish to me ffmpg?

in regards to ffmpeg exe, it may not run on freebsd, and you may well need to get the linux distro of ffmpeg.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 May 2009

I same)))

At us in Russia not all know well English)
But, I think, and USA Russian know even less)))

True.  Your English is much better than my Russian.  I can speak some Czech, but only swear words.  My parents spoke fluent Czech (and English) but they would only use Czech for swearing, so that's all I learned.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 24 May 2009

2 DosDawg,


Thanks big,
I have above written that a problem have solved


That others did not stumble on the similar the problem has been solved so


At installation dolphin on freebsd it is necessary make symbolic link

ln-s (part+ffmeg) (part+ffmpeg.exe)


And all works :)

Quote · 24 May 2009

2 DosDawg,

Thanks big,
I have above written that a problem have solved

That others did not stumble on the similar the problem has been solved so

At installation dolphin on freebsd it is necessary make symbolic link

ln-s (part+ffmeg) (part+ffmpeg.exe)

And all works :)

i also think you could look at the distro of ffmpeg for linux, and then you wont have the problem of having a sym link. good job just the same, and thanks for posting your resolutions.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 May 2009
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