Display couples


I have a concern.
When someone signs up as a couple. It does not appear in the block of the last members registered.

Someone can help me?
thank you

Quote · 23 Mar 2012

yea, i have same problem

THINK FOR YOUSELF! Its not illegal...YET ! www.NebLife.com
Quote · 26 Mar 2012

Any idea?

Quote · 19 Apr 2012

They do appear. It's just the way boonex designed it. They are placed in a specific order.

Standard profiles listed first, then the couple profiles appear after them.

Quote · 19 Apr 2012


the member who registers as a couple and activates his account does not appear at all in the last part of the block.

Quote · 21 Apr 2012

I explained how boonex designed it above. Couples are listed in the block before the single profiles.

If you want to changed it you will need to edit some code. Make a backup of the file you change. Backups should always be made before editing a file.

Open templates\base\scripts\BxBaseIndexPageView.php

Look for the following code at about line 356

        foreach( $aModes as $sMyMode ) {
            switch ($sMyMode) {
                case 'online':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$iOnlineTime." MINUTE)";
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Online');
                case 'last':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode)
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Latest');
                case 'top':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);
                        $aSql        = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`Profiles`', '`ID`');
                        $sqlOrder    = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC, (`pr_rating_sum`/`pr_rating_count`) DESC, `pr_rating_count` DESC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC" : $sqlOrder;
                        $sqlMainFields .= $aSql['fields'];
                        $sqlLJoin    = $aSql['join'];
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `pr_rating_count` > 1";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Top');

Change it to look like this. Changes are highlighted.

        foreach( $aModes as $sMyMode ) {
            switch ($sMyMode) {
                case 'online':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$iOnlineTime." MINUTE)";
                        $sqlOrder = "";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Online');
                case 'last':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode)
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Latest');
                case 'top':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);
                        $aSql        = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`Profiles`', '`ID`');
                        $sqlOrder    = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? " ORDER BY  (`pr_rating_sum`/`pr_rating_count`) DESC, `pr_rating_count` DESC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC" : $sqlOrder;
                        $sqlMainFields .= $aSql['fields'];
                        $sqlLJoin    = $aSql['join'];
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `pr_rating_count` > 1";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Top');

NOTE: I have not tested these code changes. I do not have couples enabled on my site. I find the couples feature in dolphin to incomplete to use.

Quote · 21 Apr 2012


I explained how boonex designed it above. Couples are listed in the block before the single profiles.

If you want to changed it you will need to edit some code. Make a backup of the file you change. Backups should always be made before editing a file.

Open templates\base\scripts\BxBaseIndexPageView.php

Look for the following code at about line 356

        foreach( $aModes as $sMyMode ) {
            switch ($sMyMode) {
                case 'online':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$iOnlineTime." MINUTE)";
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Online');
                case 'last':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode)
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Latest');
                case 'top':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);
                        $aSql        = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`Profiles`', '`ID`');
                        $sqlOrder    = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Couple` ASC, (`pr_rating_sum`/`pr_rating_count`) DESC, `pr_rating_count` DESC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC" : $sqlOrder;
                        $sqlMainFields .= $aSql['fields'];
                        $sqlLJoin    = $aSql['join'];
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `pr_rating_count` > 1";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Top');

Change it to look like this. Changes are highlighted.

        foreach( $aModes as $sMyMode ) {
            switch ($sMyMode) {
                case 'online':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$iOnlineTime." MINUTE)";
                        $sqlOrder = "";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Online');
                case 'last':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode)
                        $sqlOrder = " ORDER BY `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Latest');
                case 'top':
                    if ($sMode == $sMyMode) {
                        $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);
                        $aSql        = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`Profiles`', '`ID`');
                        $sqlOrder    = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? " ORDER BY  (`pr_rating_sum`/`pr_rating_count`) DESC, `pr_rating_count` DESC, `Profiles`.`DateReg` DESC" : $sqlOrder;
                        $sqlMainFields .= $aSql['fields'];
                        $sqlLJoin    = $aSql['join'];
                        $sqlCondition .= " AND `pr_rating_count` > 1";
                    $sModeTitle = _t('_Top');

NOTE: I have not tested these code changes. I do not have couples enabled on my site. I find the couples feature in dolphin to incomplete to use.

 I find the couples feature in dolphin to incomplete to use.

true    :(

Quote · 30 May 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.