Display Membership Badge on Profile Page

creating a php block and adding the following code produces the result of showing the members profile type.


echo GetMembershipStatus($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID);


that is fine, however, what i am trying to show, is just the membership level badge



so instead of showing the text of i.e.

Gold Member

(View Allowed Actions)

expires: never

I just need to grab the membership level badge for the php block.

though, just looking at this more, and seeing that some of this is beneficial:

You are a standard member.

(View Allowed Actions. )

Click here to upgrade.


so the click here to upgrade is fine, if this is doable without too much trouble.


Show Membership Level Badge

if upgradeable, show option to upgrade here.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 11 Jul 2011

Could this free mod help you ? http://www.boonex.com/m/Membership_Badge

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 11 Jul 2011

update @Deano if you read this:


i used the pages blocks tool copied the My Status Block to my custom page, and its just blank on a two column design. the block shows up on the page in the admin panel as a special block, but is not showing up on /page/_pmtResult


so not sure if this is one of those blocks that is not able to be copied or what?


at any rate, thought i would update the post, since this was something i had attempted.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 11 Jul 2011

 very well might do it. i am wondering if i can get the block to copy?


i am trying to create return page from 'paypal' that would reflect the badge once the payment gets processed. gonna give this a try and see what it gets me.

Could this free mod help you ? http://www.boonex.com/m/Membership_Badge

 thanks M.S.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 11 Jul 2011


update @Deano if you read this:


i used the pages blocks tool copied the My Status Block to my custom page, and its just blank on a two column design. the block shows up on the page in the admin panel as a special block, but is not showing up on /page/_pmtResult


so not sure if this is one of those blocks that is not able to be copied or what?


at any rate, thought i would update the post, since this was something i had attempted.

 No. That block shows up as red in color in my tools indicating it is of type special. So it cannot be copied.

Quote · 11 Jul 2011

I wipped up some code that can be used in a PHP block.

This example will show the membership badge with the membership name under it.

Unfortunatly there is no built in function in dolphin to get those images. That is built into the membership module.

So this code extracts it from the database.

$iMemID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];
$sImagePath = 'media/images/membership/';
$aInfo = getMemberMembershipInfo($iMemID);
$iLvlID = $aInfo['ID'];
$sLvlName = $aInfo['Name'];
$sLvlIcon = db_value("SELECT `Icon` FROM `sys_acl_levels` WHERE `ID`='$iLvlID'");
echo '
<div><img src="' . $sImagePath . $sLvlIcon .'"></div>
<div>' . $sLvlName . '</div>

Quote · 11 Jul 2011

php code is working great.  Thanks Dean

https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 11 Jul 2011


thanks for the post-back. well i am color-blind, so had no clue there was something that was 'red'.


thanks to jay for testing as well. will get this implemented momentarily and post my success story. thanks a ton.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 11 Jul 2011

@Deano, this worked beautifully. thank you once again for this snippet.


i suppose we need to get this moved to tips and tricks, because this is a fabulous tweak.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 12 Jul 2011


BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 Jul 2011

ok got too excited too soon. i suppose this is something relatively easy to fix. (hopefully)


the code you provided does indeed display "my membershp badge" however, the intent was to have the membership badge display of the member when viewing a profile



/nickname1 should show nickname1's membership badge

/nickname2 should show nickname2's membership badge


that is what the other source was showing as the membership status, but i want it to show as you have partly done here, the membership badge.


echo GetMembershipStatus($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID);


help if you can, if not, ugh, but i thought this would be neat, to be able to view the other members badges.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 12 Jul 2011


echo GetMembershipStatus($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID);


 Should be easy. I am guessing this piece of code in your example gets the member id of the profile being viwed.


If so, just replace the line in my example ....

$iMemID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];


$iMemID = $this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID;

But if the block is on the profile page then this would be the proper way. It's the same way the profile page does it.

$iMemID = getID( $_GET['ID'] );

So to clarify. This code gets the member ID of the logged in member.

$iMemID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; Or this could also be used. $iMemID = getLoggedId();

And this code gets the member id of the profile being viewed. (Only works on profile page)

$iMemID = getID($_GET['ID']);

Quote · 12 Jul 2011

I wonder if there is a way to get the membership level into the avatar pictures like the on/offline indicator.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 4 Jun 2012

  If you're looking for a module... this one works http://www.boonex.com/m/premium-membership-badges

I wonder if there is a way to get the membership level into the avatar pictures like the on/offline indicator.


Quote · 4 Jun 2012

Thanks, thats what i am looking for. I will try to do code it by myself and if its not working i still can use this mod.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 4 Jun 2012

The code works great!

I didn't put it in a php block because i have already too many blocks on my site. So i added it directly to dolphins base code. Still don't know where the best place is to put this badge but its working already! See photo

test.png · 21.7K · 545 views
Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 4 Jun 2012

hello all i am trying to replace one of my membership badge and can not figure out how to do it, can someone help?

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 6 Oct 2012

 The default badges are found in this folder :



hello all i am trying to replace one of my membership badge and can not figure out how to do it, can someone help?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 6 Oct 2012

Can this be done 7,0.9? i want to show the users membership on there profile!


Quote · 6 Apr 2013

I put together a module for 7.0.9 and 7.1.x so the badge and member level can be displayed anywhere in dolphin (no extra block or big code changes needed). I want to publish it for free in the market but still lack some information on how to become a vendor lol. As soon as i have everything together and some time i will upload it.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 6 Apr 2013

does this badge become part of avatar ? I like if badge & symbol for membership level appear as small watermark symbol straight on user avatar.

Quote · 6 Apr 2013

Can i have that mod please as im running 7.0.9

Quote · 6 Apr 2013

- As soon as i have access to the market you can download it from there.

- The badge is not per default on the avatar but i think its possible too with some additional coding. I will provide 3 examples on how to display them in various places

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 6 Apr 2013

I uploaded the mod now


It contains three examples for 7.1.x and one for 7.0.9

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
Quote · 10 Apr 2013

Hello I know this is a really old thread but I used the codes above and got a result which I liked, I am in the process of creating a verified badge for members who submit the documentation needed to us. We will switch it manually. How ever 2 problems 1 I do not want members to have the option to upgrade to the verified members membership, I strictly want that to be manual on admin end and 2 visiting the page when not logged in does not show the members membership, it shows the visitors which is for some reason non member badge I want the badge to reflect the page owners member ship not the visitors see here https://loudspaces.com/admin Note back the page when logged in shows the verfied membership badge

jhytjhhg.PNG · 1M · 235 views
Quote · 6 Sep 2021
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