Dependent Fields from AntonLV

Hello everybody.

This is a support forum for our Dependent Fields module.

If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Related modules:

1. Self Manageable Dependent Fields - a new version of this module with more useful features.

Best Regards AntonLV -
30 Jan 2013

Hello, I'm going a little too soon after installation, I is not looking to make changes after activating the module, you can send them to me so I can finish the installation.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
7 Mar 2013


Hello, I'm going a little too soon after installation, I is not looking to make changes after activating the module, you can send them to me so I can finish the installation.

 I'm not sure that I understood you. If you're saying that you didn't applied custom modifications to files as was requested in post installation instructions then we suggest you to simply reinstall the module to be able to see those instructions again.

Best Regards AntonLV -
8 Mar 2013


Thank you, I have successfully installed, can you tell me where I can even demonstrate the administration module, because I am French and I do not really understand all the explanation has to get set up my forms with view a demo I understand better.

thank you

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
9 Mar 2013



Thank you, I have successfully installed, can you tell me where I can even demonstrate the administration module, because I am French and I do not really understand all the explanation has to get set up my forms with view a demo I understand better.

thank you

 Unfortunately we are not offering an admin panel demo. I suggest you to take instructions from the "Notes" section of the module and try to translate it via google translate for example. It think that could help you to understand how to use it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
11 Mar 2013

Google translates poorly Frown

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
11 Mar 2013


Google translates poorly Frown

 I don't know how else we could help you. If you wish you can provide us with your admin panel and tell us what kind of a field do you want to have and we will create it for you.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Mar 2013

Dependent Fields will not load -  see image screenshot  Should load list of business industries when Account Type set to "Company"  but continues to show "loading ...." message but selections will not load

DFFail.gif · 6K · 608 views
26 Mar 2013


Dependent Fields will not load -  see image screenshot  Should load list of business industries when Account Type set to "Company"  but continues to show "loading ...." message but selections will not load

 Can you provide a link to your site? Or even FTP + Admin panel access via PM to speed up the process?

Best Regards AntonLV -
26 Mar 2013

Sent site link  in message to you now

26 Mar 2013

I'm not sure if database is updating correctly  so I added these 2 images of the DF database sections

aqb_df_dependencies  and aqb_df_custom_dependencies  as    custom dependencies may not be updating properly

I have 2 Top level Lists each with it's own dependent list under it so shouldn't there be more in the  aqb_df_custom_dependencies   table?

aqb_df_dependencies.gif · 12.3K · 642 views
aqb_df_custom_dependencies.gif · 14.6K · 568 views
26 Mar 2013


I'm not sure if database is updating correctly  so I added these 2 images of the DF database sections

aqb_df_dependencies  and aqb_df_custom_dependencies  as    custom dependencies may not be updating properly

I have 2 Top level Lists each with it's own dependent list under it so shouldn't there be more in the  aqb_df_custom_dependencies   table?

 Everything is ok with aqb_df_custom_dependencies, that table is responsible for custom dependencies (those which are not on join/edit/search pages).

Best Regards AntonLV -
27 Mar 2013

I've created a 'New Dependent List' 

In profile builder I add a New Item, add name, description etc.

When I click on 'Dependencies' the alternative from the 'New Dependent List' is not available.

Could it be related to moving from 7.1 to 7.1.1?

7.1 My favorite number
28 Mar 2013


I've created a 'New Dependent List' 

In profile builder I add a New Item, add name, description etc.

When I click on 'Dependencies' the alternative from the 'New Dependent List' is not available.

Could it be related to moving from 7.1 to 7.1.1?

 I doubt that it is related to Dolphin version. Ensure that you have a field which uses the top level list. For example if you have a dependent lists Category->Subcategory then in order Subcategory to appear in Dependencies options you should create a field which will be using Category list first (that field of course will not be dependent, see Country field as an example of such a field).

Best Regards AntonLV -
28 Mar 2013

Ok to begin with the installation went easy and smooth. to test the mod I have created a top list and called it ABCD . Then I created two dependent list to this top list and I called them BBB and CCC .so we have    ABCD ---> BBB     and ABCD ---> CCC  .

1) how can I delete these two dependent lists and the Top list from the site.

2) how can I add them to my Join and profile pages? I tried the process you recommended but the dependencies tab is empty .. 

3) can we add these lists to other mods like classified and groups as well ?



20 Nov 2013

Okay, Never mind my questions ... I figured out all the above problems ...

Thanks for this great mod .... I am still discovering the Dolphin (10 days now) .... I am learning about the functionality and the set up of the classes PHP files and etc.  The dolphin could be more object oriented but nevertheless it is a great tool and lots of work has been done around it ... I really appreciate the great mods from Anton and Andrew .. these two are the best developers on the boonex market place. 

21 Nov 2013


You're welcome.

By the way, regarding "3) can we add these lists to other mods like classified and groups as well ?" - it is possible but require code modifications here and there across those modules, because changing of create/edit forms is just the half of the task (DF have an interface for making custom dependencies), but it is also necessary to modify all places where fields supposed to be displayed.

Best Regards AntonLV -
21 Nov 2013

Thanks Anton for the tip. I am currently working on those files to add and/or modify the original codes .

Also I have seen on your demo site that in  the IT section the dependent fields changes on the same 

select dropbox menu, however in my case since I have 8 dependent fields all coming from the same list

it creates 8 dropdown menu under my parent list. It looks ugly and not practical for my application. Don't get me wrong if you need just one dependent list per parent list it is perfect, however in my application I need them to be all in one dropbox but upon selection the below dropbox values changes based on the selection , like what you have in business category dropbox. Also how can I make the user add to the category options (list) like the way you set up. Spasibo Balshoyeh

Last but not least I loved the way you set up the member type on join page. Based on user type (ie. Police, criminal, Personal) a new blocks will pop up .. it is a very handy and genius way .. is there any mod for that ? if not can you let me know how can I change the codes in PHP or html files. I am familiar with coding but new to Dolphin . so I need help.

Thanks Anton.    ...Zaraniye Blagodarien


21 Nov 2013

Ok , I figured out that I should have purchased the Self manageable DF  instead of just DF ... well it is too late now. I just purchased the SMDF now and will install it soon and I will let you know if it will do the job for me or not.

21 Nov 2013

Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to show values of 8 fields in a single dropdown. That would require to heavily modify existing Dolphin's fields system and raises a lot of questions (like, for example how to determine to which of 8 fields a value must be set to).

The module which changes join form (and actually many more) depending on profile type selected is called Profile Types Splitter:

Best Regards AntonLV -
22 Nov 2013

Ok Finally I managed to uninstall the DF and all its lists to install my new SMDF on a clean DB. Since DF and SMDF are similar I didn't want to have conflicts on declarations of variables , etc. and calling wrong modules. Just if you are trying to upgrade from DF to SMDF make sure you follow the instruction of Anton and uninstall properly with  modifying the codes back to their originals for 3 files in "root/inc/classes/" directory.

It works like a charm and the use of this mod is to not worry about all the possibilities on the list you make. Now your members can add items which you didn't thought of to your list.

Thanks Anton great module, I paid extra $40 to get DF instaed of SMDF but it was my mistake .

Great job thanks.

22 Nov 2013

 Thanks Anton for the tips on the Profile Types Splitter. I will get this one too soon .

Ok now about the 8 fields problem:

You have implemented the Business Category as the main list and Business Subcategory drop-down box which is dependent of business category fields. I attached the image to this post.

Now for any selection from the Business Category the dependent list will show only in one place "Business Subcategory". However in my case for every selection there is a separate drop-down box .... how can I make my selections all show in one spot like your in a subcategory drop-box but their values change upon selection from the top list? I hope you understand what I am trying to say.Below is what I did:

1) In SMDF module I created 6 (I reduced them from 8 to 6 ) lists and all these 6 lists are dependent of top level list called "Member"

2) Then I added a New_Item to the join page with system name  "Member" , this is my top or parent  list.

3) Under this Item I added 6 New_Items for Dependent lists. I named each System name the same as the dependent list name.

4) They are all working fine , except there are 7 drop-boxes  in a row. When I choose an item from the top list , the correspondent drop-box shows the proper dependent list and other drop-boxes show an empty list. It works fine but very ugly and unprofessional , I was wondering if you can give me a hint as how you did it with yours? maybe I am doing something wrong here... thanks for the help.


Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to show values of 8 fields in a single dropdown. That would require to heavily modify existing Dolphin's fields system and raises a lot of questions (like, for example how to determine to which of 8 fields a value must be set to).

The module which changes join form (and actually many more) depending on profile type selected is called Profile Types Splitter:


SMDF.jpg · 191.3K · 583 views
22 Nov 2013

You were able to contact us and pay the difference only ($30) to get an upgrade of the module. Anyway you have a $40 deposit from us now. :) Just contact us when you'll want to trade it for something.

As to the fields configuration, it seems to me that you've made it incorrectly. Instead of creating 6 dependent lists, you should create just one and use it for just one field. Here is how it is configured for our demo site:

Free Image Hosting at

dependent values you must provide separately for each category, but all of the dependent values must belong to the same list.

Best Regards AntonLV -
22 Nov 2013

For the $30  balance thanks , it was a nice gesture . It was my mistake to begin with however sure I can use some extra cash to purchase  your  Profile Types Splitter Premium. Does Premium have all the other functionality of the Basic too?

As for the configuration , Yep you were right. I tried it and now It works like a charm. Thank you guys, YOU ROCK .... 

About the top menu on your demo site that you said it is UNI , well your UNI version is way different than mine Laughing Please check the attachments to see the differences. I like the simplicity and cleanness of your menu tabs.

Menu.jpg · 46.6K · 552 views
MyMenu.jpg · 58.6K · 557 views
22 Nov 2013

Yes, PTS Premium includes everything PTS Basic have.

As to UNI - it was slightly changed from Dolphin 7.0 to Dolphin 7.1. - Dolphin 7.0 - Dolphin 7.1

Both are running a default UNI template.

Best Regards AntonLV -
22 Nov 2013

Thanks for your reply.

It is too bad that on the menu tab department Dolphin took one step backward. I liked the 7.0 version. Now I have to go and adjust the menu tabs manually. Foot in Mouth

Great news about PTS Premium . I will get it today.

Once again thanks for everything and better yet for your great support here in public forum and via our private messages.

*** If I get some hiccups on PTS Premium I know I can count on your support.  

thankyou.png · 57K · 556 views
22 Nov 2013

How soon will this be updated to be compatible with 7.2?

26 Aug 2015

How soon will this be updated to be compatible with 7.2?

 As soon as 7.2 will be released.

Best Regards AntonLV -
26 Aug 2015

goood post I have read...

Garrett Goil
Garage Door Repair Services 

Garrett Goil
31 Aug 2015

This does not seem to work in 7.2. I can only get the State dependency on Country to work. Anything outside of this does not work.

I followed the steps exactly when trying to do custom dependencies, but when I try to add the fields in the fields builder, only the Country is available as an option.

8 Sep 2015

 The module makes no difference to the name of fields/lists. So if it works for Country->State then it must work for anything else.

If only the Country is available as an option - then most likely you don't have any other selector fields that are using a top level values list. For example, if besides Country->State dependent values lists you have the Category->Subcategory lists, then first you have to create a regular selector field that will be using the Category list. Only after that the newly created field will appear in the list of options for dependencies.

This does not seem to work in 7.2. I can only get the State dependency on Country to work. Anything outside of this does not work.

I followed the steps exactly when trying to do custom dependencies, but when I try to add the fields in the fields builder, only the Country is available as an option.


Best Regards AntonLV -
8 Sep 2015

I tried loading the People Search page on your demo site, and it takes a long time for the search box to load. It displays the spinner for at least 30 seconds. Is this typical? And it is caused by the Dependent Fields module or something else?

17 Jan 2016

I tried loading the People Search page on your demo site, and it takes a long time for the search box to load. It displays the spinner for at least 30 seconds. Is this typical? And it is caused by the Dependent Fields module or something else?

May be it was a temporariy problem? At the moment the page fully loads for us in a few (2-3 seconds). And this is mostly due to Profile Types Splitter installed there (that spinner icon is from Profile Types Splitter while it is loading all of the search forms). With Dependent Fields module installed the speed of that page loading shouldn't differ in any way from a non-modified search page.

Best Regards AntonLV -
18 Jan 2016

Can a new list depend on the built-in country field? Or would a need to create a custom country field?


The built-in country field is used in various places throughout the code, and I don't want to interfere with that. But I want to have a province field in edit and search forms that depends on country.

30 Jan 2016

 Yes, sure. Any existing list can be used as a top level list for dependent list creation. 

Can a new list depend on the built-in country field? Or would a need to create a custom country field?


The built-in country field is used in various places throughout the code, and I don't want to interfere with that. But I want to have a province field in edit and search forms that depends on country.


Best Regards AntonLV -
30 Jan 2016

How can I add a field called All, which includes all the states of a country?

8 Aug 2017



In value=0

8 Aug 2017

I follow all the steps of the note, it is not the dependencies tab, I have installed dolphin 7.3.5

23 Jul 2018

I follow all the steps of the note, it is not the dependencies tab, I have installed dolphin 7.3.5

  Have you followed the step #5 of the installation manual which asks to complete installation by modifying 2 files per instructions given right after module's installation? If yes then I suggest you to reinstall the module and verify that you've applied all modifications correctly. One of the most common mistakes that happens sometimes is that in instructions the words above and below aren't treated correctly. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
23 Jul 2018


I follow all the steps of the note, it is not the dependencies tab, I have installed dolphin 7.3.5

  Have you followed the step #5 of the installation manual which asks to complete installation by modifying 2 files per instructions given right after module's installation? If yes then I suggest you to reinstall the module and verify that you've applied all modifications correctly. One of the most common mistakes that happens sometimes is that in instructions the words above and below aren't treated correctly. 


re-install and work fine, thanks

23 Jul 2018

it is possible to search in select box by ajax ?

23 Jul 2018


it is possible to search in select box by ajax ?

 If you mean an ability to load subvalues of a dependent field via AJAX then yes, just tick the "Enable AJAX" for a dependent field.

But if you mean an ability to search for values directly in a select box then no, the module doesn't offer new kind of form control. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
24 Jul 2018


But if you mean an ability to search for values directly in a select box then no, the module doesn't offer new kind of form control.

 The   Self Manageable Dependent Fields   have search values in a select box?

24 Jul 2018

Is there any limit in the dependent field to load more than 200 records in the child field?

24 Jul 2018



But if you mean an ability to search for values directly in a select box then no, the module doesn't offer new kind of form control.

 The   Self Manageable Dependent Fields   have search values in a select box?

 No, the SMDF just allows additionally to type in users' custom values if a desired value is not in the list. 


Is there any limit in the dependent field to load more than 200 records in the child field?

No, there is no any limit for values in a child fields. 200 values is not a problem at all. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
25 Jul 2018

After the update to 7.4, the module works well changing __construct where it corresponds, but the only problem is on the search.php page In the country field, the established order is not respected. Also the search block are repeated. it can be fixed?

6 Mar 2019

Does the Country field dependant on some other field? The order of the values should be the same as on predefined values or sorted alphabetically for the Country field. 

As to the search block - can you provide a link to your search form so we could see what exactly do you mean? The Dependent Fields module doesn't have any functionality to add/edit search blocks, it just alters the dropdown fields and their values lists. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
6 Mar 2019

The error is that the countries are arranged alphabetically and not the predefined order. The country does not depend on anything. The province depends on the country but that works correctly.


6 Mar 2019

This has nothing to do with the Dependent Fields module. This is a default behavior of Dolphin for Country field. If you'd like to disable this then you have to edit the file


the line

  var $bForceSortCountries = true;

change to 

  var $bForceSortCountries = false;
Best Regards AntonLV -
6 Mar 2019

Ok, thank you so much

6 Mar 2019
6 Mar 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.