DeeEmm's TinyMCE Media Browser

Does anyone konw how to implement it to D7.1?

This was working in previous version D 7.0.9:

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 27 Jan 2013

I had this implemented on 7.0.9 and I plan on implementing it on the 7.1 site when I find time to do so.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 27 Jan 2013


I had this implemented on 7.0.9 and I plan on implementing it on the 7.1 site when I find time to do so.

 geek_girl ,

I had this in 7.0.9. as well.

I tryed to implement it to 7.1 but the instructions which are OK for 7.0.9 are not valid for 7.1 version.

Files in D7.1 are diffrent as described in instructions, some are not present any more... so how to implement it??

I haven't got a clue, I hope you have it...

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

DeeEmm is gone, switched to another platform; so there will be no help coming from the mod developer.  There is another solution; there is a mod in the market that will incorporate the MCImageManager; which is not free.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

If you go to TinyMCE's website, there are detailed documentation on TinyMCE which will aid you in implementing this on 7.1.  In cases such as this one, understanding the underlying principles will take you far.  If I can find the time, I will see if I can get this to work on 7.1.  The file manager in question is not under active development and to get even the next version now requires one to pay a small fee.  The problem with the file manager not being under active development means it could cease to function as changes are made in browsers and flash.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

Actually, implementing this in 7.1 is quite simple.  I am reluctant to post code here as I am not a programmer; I probably did not do this in the correct fashion.  Let's see what the real programmers have to say.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

deano92964 helped to streamline the code.

You upload TinyBrowser just like in the original instructions and configure it as in the original instructions.  In Dolphin 7.1, you will find the TinyMCE configuration in /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php  you will need to add the file browser callback to each editor where you want this file manager to be added.

file_browser_callback : 'tinyBrowser',

You can add this before or after theme: 'advanced',

In order for the TinyBrowser to be active you have to load the javascript to the page that contains the editor.  In BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php scroll down to the bottom and find the section that handles loading the necessary bits to the page,

     * Add css/js files which are needed for editor display and functionality.
    protected function _addJsCss($bDynamicMode = false, $sInitEditor = '')
        if ($bDynamicMode)
            return '';
        if ($this->_bJsCssAdded)
            return '';

        $aJs = array(BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js');


        if (isset($GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']))

        $this->_bJsCssAdded = true;
        return '';


Change the bit in green above to the red below.


    protected function _addJsCss($bDynamicMode = false, $sInitEditor = '')
        if ($bDynamicMode)
            return '';
        if ($this->_bJsCssAdded)
            return '';

        $aJs = array(BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js', BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php');
        if (isset($GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']))
        $this->_bJsCssAdded = true;
        return '';


Note: as in the original instructions, the forum editor is separate; however, the procedure is similar.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

No, no, that is OK, no need to thank me.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 29 Jan 2013


No, no, that is OK, no need to thank me.

 I'm so very sorry about you thinking that I'm so rude not to say thank you for the code you have shared on the Forum.

Dear geek_girl belive it or not but I haven't got the time last week to work on Dolphin so I'haven't visit the forum. I was working on 10 laptops which I had to do fresh instalation of windows, ubuntu etc. so I was realy busy.... and I have to do it to the date - today. 

It is now 2:30 AM here in Slovenia and after one week I finaly got the time to continue to work on Dolphin.

I hope you'll accept an apology.




"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 2 Feb 2013


Note: as in the original instructions, the forum editor is separate; however, the procedure is similar.


I've managed to test the code and settings which have to be done in order that TinyMCE Browser works and almost everything is OK.

The only problem that I still have is Forum.

I can see the TinyMCE Browser button:


but when I click on it I got Error 404 page not found insted of Browser...:


What am I missing?

call_ok.PNG · 106.4K · 2406 views
not_found.PNG · 47.1K · 2415 views
"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 3 Feb 2013

Will look into this later; bit busy at the moment.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 3 Feb 2013

No rush geek_girl. I understand "bit busy at the moment" perfectly....

Thanks for reply.

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 3 Feb 2013

OK, I added this to the forum and it worked as it should; no 404 for me.  Did you add the javascript to the page?

<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php"></script>
Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 4 Feb 2013


OK, I added this to the forum and it worked as it should; no 404 for me.  Did you add the javascript to the page?

 Where did you put that:

<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php"></script>

I did exactly as you wrote in previous post. But I'm a bit lost about where to put (write) in Forum. Which files, where?

Can you please lead me.



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 4 Feb 2013

You can put it at the bottom on the canvas_int.xsl  Without that javascript line added, the file manage is not going to work.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 4 Feb 2013


You can put it at the bottom on the canvas_int.xsl 

 I did. I've put it in:

- /modules/boonexforum/layout/base/xsl/canvas_int.xsl

- /modules/boonexforum/layout/base_en/xsl/canvas_int.xsl

and - /modules/boonexforum/layout/base_si/xsl/canvas_int.xsl

I've put it at the bottom of the page between last </script> and </xsl:template>

But no change. Still got Error 404.

I was looking at code you've posted:

<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php"></script>

I'm not sure but is there missing upper single quote at the end of .php ?

But as I wrote, it didn't change the behaviour.

Is it possible for you to attach your edited files?

And while I was testing how it works on other parts of site I've found out that it is working while composing new message but it is not working when replying to someone's message. ??

uh..., I hope you won't give up on me.....


"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 4 Feb 2013

404 is path not found error.  It is looking for the TinyBrowser but not finding it where it is told to look.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 4 Feb 2013


404 is path not found error

 Yes, I know that, so I did some digging due to the fact I am not useing apache but lighty... and changed your code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php' "></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php"></script>

 and now it works in Forum.

Still don't know why doesn't work on reply to mail message but it works in compose new message??

But anyhow, we are almost 100%


I am really grateful for your help geek_girl.



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 5 Feb 2013

Hello i checked but unsure where to put what where.

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 22 Apr 2013

OK, I will see if I can put together a tutorial with where to add what to where.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 22 Apr 2013

thank u geek_girl

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 22 Apr 2013

I just did this and it works in 7.3.


  • Save to your computer and use a proper editor like Notebook++ and configure the following file included in the download. As per DeeEmm's Setup instructions, remember this config_tinybrowser.php file is in the download not in your site.
    • /*[SETUP]=====================================================
      	Before installation you will need to set some 
      	configuration parameters. In a text editor open up the 
      	following file.
      	The following items need to be configured to suit your 
      	$tinybrowser['obfuscate'] - change this string to any                          
      	random value. This is used to secure flash uploads if                                              
      	session control is not enabled. 
    • *All the following files do not need to be changed- Personal choice. Rem. Save the file before closing
    • $bUseNickName - change this to 'FALSE if you want to use       
      	userid for folder names instead of nicknames.
      	$tinybrowser['path']['XXXX'] - you should not need to 
      	change these settings from the default unless your 
      	installation is not in doc root, or you decide 
      	to use different folder locations. 
      	The following settings deal with which types of files are allowed 	
      	to be uploaded, by default most file types are allowed. The 
      	settings are permissive (whitelisted), so to allow extra 
      	extensions, add them to the lists.
      	$tinybrowser['filetype']['image'] - permitted image file 		
      	$tinybrowser['filetype']['media'] - permitted video / media
      	file extensions
      	$tinybrowser['filetype']['file'] - other file types (NOTE 
      	the default is to allow ALL file types - *.*)
      	$tinybrowser['prohibited'] - this is an array containing 
      	prohibited (blacklisted) file types, these will not be 
      	allowed to be uploaded. 
      	The following settings set allowable user actions - their
      	usage should be self explanatory.
      	Other settings in the configuration file may be changed
      	as necessary. Once finished, be sure to save the file.


  • FTP the Tiny Browser file into the plugins folder at public_html/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins.

This is where to find the Tiny Browser file in your download: 


DeeEmm TinyMCE\DeeEmm Dolphin 7.x.x Tiny MCE Browser V1.2\FILES MODDED INSTALL\plugins\tiny_mce\plugins\


  •  Then follow GG's instructions mentioned above. Find public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php open this php with a code editor


add                                                  file_browser_callback : 'tinyBrowser',


After or before, I went after,             theme : 'advanced',


There was 3 instances in Dolphin Version 7.3


  •       In BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php, (this is the same file as above in previous Step) scroll down to the bottom and find the section that handles loading the necessary bits to the page,


     * Add css/js files which are needed for editor display and functionality.
    protected function _addJsCss($bDynamicMode = false, $sInitEditor = '')
        if ($bDynamicMode)
            return '';
        if ($this->_bJsCssAdded)
            return '';

        $aJs = array(BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js');


        if (isset($GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']))

        $this->_bJsCssAdded = true;
        return '';




Change the bit in green above to the red below.




    protected function _addJsCss($bDynamicMode = false, $sInitEditor = '')
        if ($bDynamicMode)
            return '';
        if ($this->_bJsCssAdded)
            return '';

        $aJs = array(BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js', BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS . 'tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tb_tinymce.js.php');
        if (isset($GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']))
        $this->_bJsCssAdded = true;
        return '';


  • Save the changes and close the file.


  •  Clear Cache and Public_Cache leaving the htaccess files in both and clear your cache in the Dolphin Admin section under tools
  • Done




I wanted to clarify this for others, because there was instructions in DeeEmm's instructions that did not need to be followed.


I want to Thank GG and Deano's for helping out the community without them this would not have been possible. Thumbs up to both. Thanks GG for the confidence and help when navigating this today. It works and members are pleased. ;)

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
Quote · 1 Jul 2013

You are welcome; it is why we are on the forums.  I ask for help and try to give help where I can.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Jul 2013

GG is this what you helped me with or is this an upgrade from the one in which u helped me with? Do u remember?

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 1 Jul 2013


GG is this what you helped me with or is this an upgrade from the one in which u helped me with? Do u remember?

There is only one at this time, no upgrades.  Now if you want to use the upgraded Tiny Browser, you can, you have to pay a small fee for the latest one; not much, maybe around five pounds, might have been more.  As for DeeEmm's integration, he is gone from the Dolphin Community.  He is now supporting other social platforms.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Jul 2013

Wow thank's

Everyday is a new beginning.
Quote · 1 Jul 2013

Note, they have a notice in red on their page that currently the browser only works in TinyMCE 3.x versions.  The group that releases TinyMCE has made some big changes in the code base for TinyMCE 4.  Currently TinyMCE 4 does not work in Dolphin; although some are working to integrate it.  Outside the interface changes, I am unsure what TinyMCE 4 is bringing to the table; is it even something we want to play with at this time?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Jul 2013

Please help! The browser is working in forums, groups...everywhere except the page builder.  I can't figure out what file to edit and how to edit it.  I've followed triple checked all of the instructions already. Thank you for any advise

Quote · 2 Aug 2014

I just did this for 7.1 and I'm getting a 403 Error. Can someone please help?

Quote · 10 Dec 2014


I just did this for 7.1 and I'm getting a 403 Error. Can someone please help?

Boonex has indicated they will be incorporating a media file manager in Dolphin Pro when it is released.  Of course we don't know when it will be released.

403 is a permissions error; where are you seeing this error?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Dec 2014

I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

Quote · 10 Dec 2014


I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

If you want me to test, PM me a link to the site with a test user account.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Dec 2014


I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

Check the permissions for the user directory.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Dec 2014

 Sent. Thanks so much


I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

If you want me to test, PM me a link to the site with a test user account.


Quote · 10 Dec 2014

 Sorry it took so long to reply. The permission for the User Directory is 777


I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

Check the permissions for the user directory.


Quote · 11 Dec 2014


 Sorry it took so long to reply. The permission for the User Directory is 777


I get to the Browse window, the error comes on once I click 'Upload'

Check the permissions for the user directory.


Maybe the permission error is on the upload script; you try to access the upload script but you don't have permissions to run that script.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 11 Dec 2014

I was able to perform all the other functions except upload. Checking the file permission in the tinybrowser plugin, all the files have a permission setting of 644. I don't know where to look next? I hope it's not in the config file.

Quote · 11 Dec 2014


I was able to perform all the other functions except upload. Checking the file permission in the tinybrowser plugin, all the files have a permission setting of 644. I don't know where to look next? I hope it's not in the config file.

Try looking in your server logs and see what is reported.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 11 Dec 2014


I just did this for 7.1 and I'm getting a 403 Error. Can someone please help?

 Looking at the read me file in public_html/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/readme.txt

I see this


If you receive a 403, 406 or 412 status error on uploading files, please create
an .htaccess file in your tinybrowser directory with the following contents:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

If you use Linux and the Squid proxy, you need to add a "ignore_expect_100 on"
flag to the squid config file to avoid a 417 status error.

Not sure if this is your issue, but perhaps

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
Quote · 22 Feb 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.