Database query error :(

Santa Claus brought me a gift earlier this year Embarassed

Although we have not modified (uptated) anything at the site, for over a year, suddenly the next error occurred.

Database query error

If I go in CPANEL and Check Database the following errors are displayed:

_dolphin.sys_greetings repair Error Incorrect file format 'sys_greetings'
_dolphin.sys_greetings repair error Corrupt
_dolphin.sys_acl_levels_members repair Error Incorrect file format 'sys_acl_levels_members'
_dolphin.sys_acl_levels_members repair error Corrupt
_dolphin.sys_ip_members_visits repair Error Incorrect file format 'sys_ip_members_visits'
_dolphin.sys_ip_members_visits repair error Corrupt
_dolphin.sys_messages repair Error Incorrect file format 'sys_messages'
_dolphin.sys_messages repair error Corrupt

If i go in PHP My Admin and choose to repair this table, these errors still occur, nothing changes.


I modified in inc/classes/BxDolDb.php at line 26, define( 'DB_FULL_DEBUG_MODE', false ); and change it to define( 'DB_FULL_DEBUG_MODE', true ); 

This are the new information:

SELECT `sys_acl_levels_members`.IDLevel as ID, `sys_acl_levels`.Name as Name, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sys_acl_levels_members`.DateStarts) as DateStarts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sys_acl_levels_members`.DateExpires) as DateExpires, `sys_acl_levels_members`.`TransactionID` AS `TransactionID` FROM `sys_acl_levels_members` RIGHT JOIN Profiles ON `sys_acl_levels_members`.IDMember = Profiles.ID AND (`sys_acl_levels_members`.DateStarts IS NULL OR `sys_acl_levels_members`.DateStarts <= FROM_UNIXTIME(1507148364)) AND (`sys_acl_levels_members`.DateExpires IS NULL OR `sys_acl_levels_members`.DateExpires > FROM_UNIXTIME(1507148364)) LEFT JOIN `sys_acl_levels` ON `sys_acl_levels_members`.IDLevel = `sys_acl_levels`.ID WHERE Profiles.ID = 0 ORDER BY `sys_acl_levels_members`.DateStarts DESC LIMIT 0, 1
Mysql error:
Incorrect file format 'sys_acl_levels_members'
Found error in the file '/home/skinbook/public_html/inc/' at line 150.
Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:.............


The only error i received by email form Cronos is:

Subject: cd /home/***********/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php

Content:                 <div style="border:2px solid red;padding:4px;width:600px;margin:0px auto;">

                    <div style="text-align:center;background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;">Error</div>
                    <div style="text-align:center;">Database query error</div>

If i Go in ADMIN TOOLS in Bonnex Administration section 

I have the next errors

Software requirements

  • post_max_size = 8388608 - WARNING (should be >= 52428800)
  • upload_max_filesize = 2097152 - WARNING (should be >= 52428800)
  • disable_functions = mail,eval,system - FAIL(must be without exec,shell_exec,popen,eval,assert,create_function,phpinfo,getenv,ini_set,mail,fsockopen,chmod,parse_ini_file)



  • query_cache_size= 8388608 -FAIL(must be >= 16777216)
  • thread_cache_size = 0 -FAIL(must be > 0)


To apply this optimization you need to have deflate_module Apache module - FAIL (You will need to install deflate_module for Apache)


I have DOLPHIN 7.3.3

IT specialist colleague is not available to help me, and the site is offline for 30 days Cry


Errors occurred shortly after the hosting company moved its servers to another location.You think it can be their fault? 


Any help is welcomeKiss

Quote · 4 Oct 2017

The answer is yes.  Do you have control over the MySQL settings?  What type of hosting do you have.  30 days is a long time for a site to be off line; why so long?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 5 Oct 2017

Try using repair table "TABLENAME" use_frm;

use_frm will force to repair the index.  However, you may have to reset the auto_increment value so that it indexes to the next correct value.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 5 Oct 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.