I have got a database error for 2 days; My hosting company can't find out what is the problem since the problem occurs when one of the members perform an operation ( I don't know what or when the operation is perform). Boonex says That they only they only focus on software development and I should find the answer here in the forums
Database Error 1
Database error in Social network service, meet new people, make Friends, upload fotos, chat
INSERT `sys_acl_levels_members` (`IDMember`, `IDLevel`, `DateStarts`, `DateExpires`, `TransactionID`) VALUES ('2943', '3', FROM_UNIXTIME(1344582831), FROM_UNIXTIME(1352358831), 'NULL')
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '2943-3-2012-08-10 02:13:51' for key 'PRIMARY'
Found error in the file '/home/qantroco/public_html/inc/membership_levels.inc.php' at line 657.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
[Zarcon: Edited to remove all API keys and any other sensitive data. Left database error itself]