When you view the admin dashboard and you have video(s) that are "disapproved", they show up as pending. If they are disapproved, it would mean they have already been reviewed so shouldn't show up in the pending list.
Hi, When you view the admin dashboard and you have video(s) that are "disapproved", they show up as pending. If they are disapproved, it would mean they have already been reviewed so shouldn't show up in the pending list. Thanks |
I believe that there is some confusion here, there are several pending files in videos/sound modules: - video/audio which is pending conversion - video/audio which is pending admin approval In many places pending conversion is just named "pending" to save some space Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Right I get that. But videos/sounds that have been "disapproved" need no further action or reminder. It also send the daily report saying there are pending videos.... but there isn't. They are disapproved. I believe that there is some confusion here, there are several pending files in videos/sound modules: - video/audio which is pending conversion - video/audio which is pending admin approval In many places pending conversion is just named "pending" to save some space
Still some confusion: - video/audio which is pending conversion - named disapproved - video/audio which is pending admin approval - named pending So there is translation typo, I think we need to rename disapproved to approval. Will it be more clear ? Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Even those changes aren't clear as to the state of the video. Video processing/conversion should be seperate from any moderation/admin review/approval. Is it possible then to have another category, rejected? Processing (Either queued to process or in the processing state) You might suggest the if they are rejected they should be deleted, however there is the possibility that the contact may have to remain for investigation purposes etc... |
It's not possible to add new statuses. Also it isn't possible to combine statuses, since the functionality is different, for example it is possible to delete "Pending Conversion" videos, but impossible to delete "Processing Conversion" videos. So we should to treat them differently. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
anything is possible but if you don't feel like doing them just say so. Mark it on your to-do list for 8. |
It isn't possible because it's difficult or so, it make no sense in this situation. What is make sense here is changing lang translation - and we are working on it. anything is possible but if you don't feel like doing them just say so. Mark it on your to-do list for 8.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |