I think this is the fix you need but be careful and save you current BxBaseMailBox.php file first!!!
Open templates/base/scripts/BxBaseMailBox.php
Find the function genMessagesRows()
Find $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($aItems['Sender']); and replace it with $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($aItems['Recipient']);
Find $sMemberIcon = get_member_icon($aItems['Sender'], 'left'); and replace it with $sMemberIcon = get_member_icon($aItems['Recipient'], 'left');
Find $sMemberLocati alt= getProfileLink($aItems['Sender']); and replace it with $sMemberLocati alt= getProfileLink($aItems['Recipient']);
Find (around line 1294) 'author' => $aLanguageKeys['author'], and replace it with 'author' => 'Recipient'
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