How do we keep the pages active but create a whole new navigation system. There are too many links on the main menu. Ability to create sidebars or links just on the home of that link like video home....has all the other links on it
So we can have the links wherever we want them or not at all.
For the usability purposes the end user needs as little to distract them as possible.I am limited with coding but I am the end user. I have many ideas that would help the site owners to increase traffic and keep them engaged on the site. The navigation the way it is leaves no room for customization and when you see a boonex site, you know it because they all look the same. This is a huge drawback for the site owner and probably a deterrent for potential users of dolphin. Customization is difficult and costly.
i noticed that Andrew has made modules for WP so he knows what is available. I have to say that I haven't had as many issues with the site crashing because of the modules as I did with WP but some of them are really difficult to install for someone who isn't a developer. I like the fact that the site could be user ready from the onset if necessary but customizing it is very difficult. I did manage to find a tutorial about using phpadmin about the design boxes and such which gives you a better idea about how to change the look a little but it was hard to find.
I would really like more tutorials that someone could use and not have to be a developer to do it. or pay 100.00 for every module. Most of WP stuff is free and the software itself is free.
I can't afford to purchase the license now. But I have stuck with this because of it is ready to use if you want to use it as it is. I am getting more familiar with changing things but having to go into files and rewrite code to load a module should not be necessary. There are many reasons I like this software but customization and integration with other modules isn't one of them. there are may modules that work with WP, Joomla, Drupal etc. and none of them work with Dolphin. A year ago dolphin offered things that those scripts did not. Today it seems the situation has reversed.
I am only writing all this because as I said I am the end user. I would love to be able to do some of the cool things offered but most other sites charge 5-25 dollars for addons. here the average is more like 35-100.And I don't want to lanuch my site half-assed so I keep putting it off til I can hire someone and I have already spent a few hundred on modules. I am reluctant to buy the one navigation module I saw because I don't want to spend 50 dollars on a module that may not even do what I am looking for. I spend my last dollar on these things trying to get this thing going and it is frustrated that unless I have 1000's of dollars to spend or the time to learn to write code I cant' get my site up or integrated to 3rd party modules.
I would at least like to find some tutorials that explain how to change the menu completely! Any help would be welcomed. Looking forward to seeing the release of Dolphin 8 it looks like it may solve many of these issues.
Just wanted to share that with you. I am going to stick with it but if I could afford the 100's of dollars to rework the site, I could afford to have someone write it for me.