Would you like to make real money with Dolphin7, then this module Owned for you. System credit represents a certain internal systems of payments for various services, for example - profiles can view the video with the availability of credit or fill files, everything is limited by your imaginations.
How it works:
1. Members of your site can buy credits for real money using PayPal (as of now)
Also you can allow your members earn credits for different activities
(for example: Adding video comments to profiles, adding a post in the
forum, etc)
This module is very easy to tie to any dolphin module to enable any
possible action consider the credit amount. The system as well is
suitable for buying membership levels.
4. Possibility to transfer credits between profiles.
IMPORTANT!!!! SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER!!!! You can download the new membership module for Dolphin which allows to pay credits for membership levels.
You can see demo on : http://www.dolphinteam.net
See modules : Duels, Greetings
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I have a problem with SMSCoin. I want to set up this thinb, but i see only this:
1. Register in SmsCoin 2. Create new service - Purses 3. Write in "Result URL" and "Success URL" this url : 4. For "Fail URL" write this url 5. Enter recived Bank ID and Secret code below
I have a problem with SMSCoin. I want to set up this thinb, but i see only this:
1. Register in SmsCoin 2. Create new service - Purses 3. Write in "Result URL" and "Success URL" this url : 4. For "Fail URL" write this url 5. Enter recived Bank ID and Secret code below
Hm... very strange can your provide me with your site URl, I will check it ?
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
But wierd why i don't see this, but now i can to do this.
Hi again.
I have new problem with credit system. i send sms to this code what smscoin says and all is OK until i press next and then script says PAYMENT WAS FAILED. And no credit.
i hope you understand, what i mean 
Hi again.
I have new problem with credit system. i send sms to this code what smscoin says and all is OK until i press next and then script says PAYMENT WAS FAILED. And no credit.
i hope you understand, what i mean 
Hello send me your FTP, admin and SMS coin account. I will check everything
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Hi there
We have just installed the Credits system from eSASe, looks good, but we have A CRITIAL ISSUE :) When user reaches 0 credits, he can still do actions for wich credits are needed !
Exemple: we charge 20 credits for photo upload. it is charged correctly. When arriving at 0 credit, user can still upload, without any messages saying that he has no more credits :(
Thanks for your help !
Hi there
We have just installed the Credits system from eSASe, looks good, but we have A CRITIAL ISSUE :) When user reaches 0 credits, he can still do actions for wich credits are needed !
Exemple: we charge 20 credits for photo upload. it is charged correctly. When arriving at 0 credit, user can still upload, without any messages saying that he has no more credits :(
Thanks for your help !
Hmm... very strange I don't make this functionality
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Hello, sorry, I didn't get you ?
This is an issue, a critical issue, that mean, even if you have 0 crédits, you can do unilimited actions...
How can we fix that problem, can you release an update for it soon ?
Hello, sorry, I didn't get you ?
This is an issue, a critical issue, that mean, even if you have 0 crédits, you can do unilimited actions...
How can we fix that problem, can you release an update for it soon ?
By default my loan credits is added or reduced depending on the action. If you want your nick to be able to send pictures of the loans it needs to be done separately. Write me at my mailbox!
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I dont think the author understands the point aweb06 is making.
I am having the same problem. I cannot see how to prevent a member from performing a 'paid' action even though they have no credits. So for example, a member wants to post a video. Admin sets this at 20 credits. BUT even is member has 0 credits they can still post the video. Surely the member should be taken to a 'buy credits' page in this case?? Otherwise I can't see the point of the module.
Also, this module is supposed to allow credits to be used to buy membership levels. i have installed the author's MEMBERSHIP module to allow this to be done BUT again I don't see in admin how to set this function up.
I emailed the author about these points but he has not replied with assistance other than to request payment for support. The instructions are non existent with the module zip files.
Perhaps it is time to ditch this module.
I dont think the author understands the point aweb06 is making.
I am having the same problem. I cannot see how to prevent a member from performing a 'paid' action even though they have no credits. So for example, a member wants to post a video. Admin sets this at 20 credits. BUT even is member has 0 credits they can still post the video. Surely the member should be taken to a 'buy credits' page in this case?? Otherwise I can't see the point of the module.
Also, this module is supposed to allow credits to be used to buy membership levels. i have installed the author's MEMBERSHIP module to allow this to be done BUT again I don't see in admin how to set this function up.
I emailed the author about these points but he has not replied with assistance other than to request payment for support. The instructions are non existent with the module zip files.
Perhaps it is time to ditch this module.
You do not know what requires such modules. They allow members of your site to earn or buy credits, and how you spend these loans is that you must decide for itself. I can make integration them to purchase options for viewing video. Or to purchase send Greeting. You decide
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Plse tell me
does this mod work with smscoin now??? i want it and it is so confuse. if it work and you help me to link and set up with my smscoin i will buy it
thank you
Plse tell me
does this mod work with smscoin now??? i want it and it is so confuse. if it work and you help me to link and set up with my smscoin i will buy it
thank you
No SMS coin is not integrated with credits
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
I thought that this DID work with SMS Coin:
5. Added new payment provider SMS coin!
Sorry I dont understand what you mean.
I posted two different questions but one has been deleted for some reason.
Apologies if you are confused.
Try to explain to all of you in more detail:
1. This module allows the admin to the site to make money using credit.
2. Credits can be purchased or earned by the members of your site. For example (I've created a new event, and received a 5 credits).
3. Credits will not prohibit any to applicable website. I repeat, you can either buy them or earn their actions on the site.
4. Where do they spend, you ask?
5. Received or purchased credits you can use the module. For example sending Greeting buy or renew his membership level.
6. Look, I have a lot of modules allowing you to spend credits - buy Greeting, to hide from spy, to create a running line.
If you need any other actions - such as watching videos of the credits - I just can do it for a small fee.
PS. I hope I fully explained the principle of work credits;)
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Thanks for taking the time to explain but:
I still do not know how to set up using credits to buy memberships - can you explain how I do this please? i don't see this option in admin. Where do I look? I have uploaded the replacement membership module I was given.
Thank you
Thanks for taking the time to explain but:
I still do not know how to set up using credits to buy memberships - can you explain how I do this please? i don't see this option in admin. Where do I look? I have uploaded the replacement membership module I was given.
Thank you
If you put my module membership levels that follow these rules:
1. Go to the page - your_site.com/administration/memb_levels.php 2. Create a New Level (VIP for example) 3. Ask for him the price 4. Then, for the purchase of the membership level you and your users need to go to the page - your_site.com/m/membership/ There you can buy a membership level using credits
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Hi again Sasha
I did create a new member level (and called it VIP like your example) but I see nowhere to add price:
Please see screenshot.
PS I do apologise if I am just not understanding your fine module. I love the idea of it - just can get it to work for me
Hi again Sasha
I did create a new member level (and called it VIP like your example) but I see nowhere to add price:
Please see screenshot.
PS I do apologise if I am just not understanding your fine module. I love the idea of it - just can get it to work for me
1. Enable your created membership first
2. Than you will see the price link
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Yaaaaayyyyy - I worked it out. I needed to 'activate' new level first then I got a 'pricing' link.
EDIT: Our posts crossed - lol :)
Hi, Me again!
"" 4. Where do they spend, you ask?
5. Received or purchased credits you can use the module. For example sending Greeting buy or renew his membership level. ""
I understand how to earn credits and I can now buy membership levels with these credits but can you give me an example of how to set up sending greeting with credits in admin - to use your example.
Thanks again
Hi, Me again!
"" 4. Where do they spend, you ask?
5. Received or purchased credits you can use the module. For example sending Greeting buy or renew his membership level. ""
I understand how to earn credits and I can now buy membership levels with these credits but can you give me an example of how to set up sending greeting with credits in admin - to use your example.
Thanks again
Ok look here:
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
OK so what you are saying is that the credits extension I bought is meant for offering credits but I have to buy other extensions to be able to spend the credits.
OK so what you are saying is that the credits extension I bought is meant for offering credits but I have to buy other extensions to be able to spend the credits.
Yes or you can make integration with other products that you liked!
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
OK thanks for your reply.
I am confused though, how does this module make me money? It offers the ability to earn credits for my members but how does that earn money for me?
Hope you can help.
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
New version was realized : 4.0.0!!!!
1. Added new payment provider - Web Money
2. Added new payment provider - Robokassa
3. Added new payment provider - Rbkmoney
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
New version was realized : 4.1.0!
1. Added new payment provider - Liqpay
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Why does this issues double credits? .5 = 1 credit 5 credits issues 10 credits etc..... How can I add additional Credits for Actions? View games, lyrics other otions I may want to add? Is there more documentation for this mod? |
New version was realized : 4.1.1
1. Bug fix with web money payment system.
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
"Why does this issues double credits? .5 = 1 credit 5 credits issues 10 credits etc.?"
Doesn't understand you.
"How can I add additional Credits for Actions? View games, lyrics other otions I may want to add? Is there more documentation for this mod?" - You can add all your new alerts here : modules\esase\install\sql\install.sql
see this section for example :
-- `sys_alerts` ;
`unit` = 'profile',
`action` = 'join',
`handler_id` = @iHandlerId;
`unit` = 'profile',
`action` = 'login',
`handler_id` = @iHandlerId;
If you'll have some troubles send me PM please here
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
New version was realized : 4.1.2!
1. Fixed trouble in - Robokasa
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
We bought your credit system module. Congratulations that is very nice module. But we have a problem. Our site is for Europeans. The current payment providers not good for Europeans. Can you add a new payment provider for us? I want use PayGol(http://www.paygol.com) and ZayPay(http://www.zaypay.com) they are useful for the european.
Best Regards
We bought your credit system module. Congratulations that is very nice module. But we have a problem. Our site is for Europeans. The current payment providers not good for Europeans. Can you add a new payment provider for us? I want use PayGol(http://www.paygol.com) and ZayPay(http://www.zaypay.com) they are useful for the european.
Best Regards
Hello PM me about this
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
We bought your credit system module. Congratulations that is very nice module. But we have a problem. Our site is for Europeans. The current payment providers not good for Europeans. Can you add a new payment provider for us? I want use PayGol(http://www.paygol.com) and ZayPay(http://www.zaypay.com) they are useful for the european.
Best Regards
Hello PM me about this
Can you add PayGol and ZayPay as payment provider (like smscoin) to your module?
Also a good for you an the customer from europe..
Because Smscoin takes too much commission from europe.
Version 4.1.3 was realized - bug fix with PayPall We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
1/"credits" is a very good mod but only paypal mod is interessant for me in europe it will be good to add
european mode of payement as Allopass , PayGol or ZayPay
2/ is it possible with "credits" to do an action for a given time
after that tima has elapsed then the action disappears.
If members wishes to keep his action he must pay again.
for exemple i put my groupe or my place for 365 days only.
(sorry for my poor english)
Having Issues Trying to install on 7.06
Module install fails for Credits with no drop down tree to indicate the error.
"I Followed the instructions in the readme properly."
Suggestions? Compatibility??
I have managed to resolve this problem on my own....
The Installation instructions fail to mention that you need to manually create a folder "credits" underneath folder esase. In addition you must move the files and folders underneath credits from esase in order for Dolphin to probably see the modules for installation. once this is complete you will be able to install and use this software.
FYI the membership Mod will require you to move the members folder underneath the esase folder, and not the credits folder in order to install.
Just a few questions here about the mod before i buy it.
1. can you use the credits to buy items from the store?
2. can members of the site set the price of an item in their own profile store using points, which would mean the member gains the points value for the item ? ex. member adds a photo down load to the store and wants to charge 10 point for other members to down load. once it is bought the member that uploaded the photo will receive 10 points and the member that bought the download will loose 10 points from their point total.
3. Can the admin or site members transfer the points back in to money say via paypal . ex. I set up my store and i sell items for points. I gain 1000 points which equals $100.00 us. Can i make a request and give back my 1000 points to the admin for $100.00 in cash . Thus i lose 1000 points but i have $100 in my bank account for the items i sold?
horrible treatment,
Buy this module for 15days and not working, also does not answer emails.
desperate to talk to him, before buying you time to respond Spain, 3am, 7am, 12am, 14AM, after buying the best answer you only 3am.
I do not like
will this work with modzzz send a drink module? MY SITES http://viptopia.net general social networking | http://www.rangerschat.com/ niche site |
will this work with modzzz send a drink module?
Modzzz has a points and credit system for his own modules. Looking at the code for his, it could be pretty easy to add it to other modules.
http://www.mytikibar.com |
new version was realized - 4.2.4 - small fixes in RbkMoney payment We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Hi...I will buy from you credits module but I is a begginer in web instalation.If you can help me install this module I ready to buy now credit module from you.
Hi...I will buy from you credits module but I is a begginer in web instalation.If you can help me install this module I ready to buy now credit module from you.
yes of course I can help you
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Module is available for Dolphin 7.1 We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |