I was 'trying' to make a mod, or say an addon for dolphin.
I was able to do most of the wok myself, but got struck at one place.
I needed to create a new page userprofile.php which would be either provided a nickname or userid.
i.e., the page would be called like userprofile.php?NickName=gkcgautam or userprofile.php?ID=1
Now i don't want to use the default Dolphin page profile.php to do this. Reason is that it is heavily coded, and also has Page builder code in it.
But i don't want to use Page Builder system in this page.
I just want to display few fields like
* NickName
* Age
* Sex
* Location(City, Country etc.)
* Headline
* About
* and few others :)
Now i have not been able to code this, even after trying for many times. After giving up, i decided to get it made by some coder for me.
But just at that point it struck in my to code this page with Community participation. That is what Unity for.
But would would all those get in return for helping me? I promise that i would decrease price of the addon by atleast $5. And would even provide much more support for it.
The addon is really a big one...and i've worked on it day and night for many weeks.
But now i've got little tired with the long work. I want to complete it as soon as possible.
Now coming back to the page, i wish to use a page like about_us.php to code this userprofile.php
I mean we need the extra code into this page to make it open profile data. We just need to display the Data if the Profile status is Active. Else just a short message that profile is unavailable.
No need for nice presentation. Just data display. Rest i would manage.
Please help......
Lets Unite!