A little education is needed for those who are not proponents of couples profiles.
There is no need to message one or the other of a couple as they have created their profile as a couple. They have a common email address attached to their profile. Editing of the 2nd half of couples profiles has been functional in previous versions of Dolphin - it just needs some tweaking to get it going ok in Dolphin 7.
Just in the swinging community which we represent in our small part of the world - it is estimated that 14% of adult couples are involved in or are interested in swinging. The same figures apply to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South East Asia and most other modern parts of the world. Not a small part of the world population by any measure and with a demand to have the latest contact and communication technology that is available in the world today. Many other community sectors, religious groups, social groups and common interest groups have simlar demands and a desire to have functional couples profiles.
The contacts between people in the swinging community and other comon interest groups often create long lasting freindships. These relationships are as valid in the cyber community as any others.
We are not the only group that uses Dolphin as a contact method for couples - although our site is fairly unique as it is free. We did contribute as much as we could at the time that Boonex were asking for donations to assist with the development of D7 and would do so again if they need a boost in funding.
Our website is completely oriented to couples profiles. It is very important to us to have functional couples profiles.
So people who are unknowing of the demands, demographics, needs, wishes or enjoyment of couples can just disable the couples part of their website but we would prefer that you did not enter opinions about the development of things that you have little understanding of.
best wishes to all and good onya Boonex.