Upgrade problems from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8
1. We forgot to include SQL for version changing for the following modules:
- pageac
- smtpmailer
- zipcodesearch
To fix this problem you can do using the ONE of the following ways:
a) reinstall above mods, but please note that you will need to re-enter all the settings in the modules.
b) run the following SQL:
UPDATE `sys_modules` SET `version` = '1.0.8' WHERE `uri` = 'pageac' AND `version` = '1.0.7';
UPDATE `sys_modules` SET `version` = '1.0.8' WHERE `uri` = 'smtpmailer' AND `version` = '1.0.7';
UPDATE `sys_modules` SET `version` = '1.0.8' WHERE `uri` = 'zipcodesearch' AND `version` = '1.0.7';
clear /cache/ folder after above SQL queries are executed.
This variant will preserve all the settings in the module.
2. As we already said before forum template structure was changed and you need to ask template's author for the update.
If you are the creator of the template or you feel you can do it by yourself you can follow these steps on how to update the template:
a) delete the following folders manually via FTP and or SSH:
- modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_XX
- modules/boonex/forum/layout/TMPL_XX
- modules/boonex/forum/classes/XX
- modules/boonex/forum/js/XX
- XX is language code, for example js/en
- TMPL is template name, for example layout/uni_en
b) Copy all XSL files from layout/uni/ folder to layout/templatename/ (where templatename is your forum template folder).
You will need to make changes in forum template again if needed.
But now you can have more control since the following XSL template files were added:
- attachments.xsl
- avatar.xsl
- box.xsl
- paginate.xsl
- signature.xsl
For example, now you can change box.xsl if you changed designbox_1.html template.
c) recompile forum language file form Dolphin admin panel -> Modules -> Orca Forum -> Manage Forum -> Compile Lang: XX
(where XX is language code). If you have several templates, you will need to switch to every template and click compile language.