The language key is _bx_groups_map_search_explanation . You interpretation of the logic for the map plotting is incorrect, see the logic used below :
If city and state is entered, it is plotted by city, state and country
If city alone entered, it is plotted by city and country
If no city is entered (but zip code exists), it is plotted by zip code.
PS. The mod has a dedicated support forum which should be used for support requests.
I have Premium Groups version 2.0.7. When you go to Groups - Home, I would like to change the text under Map from 'Enter the City and Country (eg. miramer or miramer,US)' to 'Enter the City and State'. Anyone know where I can go to edit the text? Also, the group location is plotted by city and country. Anyone know how to make it plot city and state or zip code, instead? In the US, many city names are used in multiple states so the groups are often plotted in the wrong location. Thanks.
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