Thanks I looked at it and modified it to the following to also get the senders details as well:
// Limit notification summary to how many characters?
$jQNlimit = 100;
$jQNMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];
$jQN_recipient_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE New='1' AND Recipient='$jQNMemberID'");
while($jQN_recipient_row = mysql_fetch_array($jQN_recipient_result)){
$jQN_sender_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE ID='$jQN_recipient_row[Sender]'");
while($jQN_sender_row = mysql_fetch_array($jQN_sender_result)){
/////// Notification Parts ///////
$jQNsubject = $jQN_recipient_row['Subject'];
$jQNsummary = $jQN_recipient_row['Text'];
$jQNsender = $jQN_sender_row['NickName'];
$jQNsenderPic = $jQN_sender_row['Picture'];
if (strlen($jQNsummary) > $jQNlimit)
$jQNsummary = substr($jQNsummary, 0, strrpos(substr($jQNsummary, 0, $jQNlimit), ' ')) . '...';
Now I was wondering...that pulls up a number for the senders display picture, how can I turn that round and get the actual URL of their display picture?