The chat (not im), but the main chat, needs a option to set LIMITS.. The way it is now, users can spam all they want, and 1-2 idiots can ruin it for everybody, because they can spam unlimited.
Please fix this ASAP!
Here is a picture to illustrate what I mean.. Look at the timeline how fast I can post.. 2-3 times a second..

Possible it will be done in future, but now u can:
1) Turn this "idiots" to ban status.
2) Close them by IP.
It's called flood control. This shouldn't be that difficult to add now. All you have to do is require a minimum interval between the chats that any given member can post.
How hard can that be? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Other standard features of every decent chat room on earth:
Shout filter
Bad word filter
Chat logs
Maximum Message Length!!!! Without this, even flood control won't help. All someone has to do is paste lengthy text into the chat, and it renders the chat room useless. And Hey..... without those chat logs, you may not find the people that do these kinds of things.
Idle Mode > after a period of user inactivity, the chat room goes into idle mode and stops requesting xml.php every 5 seconds until the user refreshes the page. Believe me.... this can save a lot of BW.
It's hard to believe some of these basic features are still missing.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Why there is no possibility of auto shrinking the chat transcript. I have already raised this even in D6 but only a clear button is given as a workaround.
Autoshriking the trascript will also help in flooding control. When the chat transcript becomes very long, IE will not become responsive and its cpu consumption will be very high that will hand the system. This is repro in laptops with slow processor and in 256kbps connections.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
user b: how are you?
user a: i am fine.
Guest: which is this site?
user a: this is a new one?
user b: join here to chat with us?
user a: come on guest?
Above is example of a trascript. The line count for this transcript increases as the chat goes on. Sometimes it will reach thousand when 20 people chat for an hour?
My question is to keep only the last 100 posts on the chat from different users and wipe away those are old. Is there any use of keeping the chat transcript that exceed half an hour.
Take the example of para chat,
You will find that this java chat autoshrik its chat transcript as you progress your chat session. This is one of the best chat available in the market.
I understand your concept with "no new things only bug fix" but some things ARE acually a MAJOR problem. This is one of them.
When you have a site with many many users, you can't wait up to 1 year before 7.1 is out with such critical problems.
Please check the screenshot and tell me HOW IS THIS FAIR?
I really thought they would consider this before 7.1
There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I really thought they would consider this before 7.1
There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.
Re-open the ticket for RC3... This is a SERIOUS bug that can't wait 1 year..
FIX TICKET FOR RC3!! this is an urgent bug that pretty much ruins the chat and shoutbox
I am afraid, that in Boonex's eyes. this is not a bug. It is an enhancement. If I reopen the ticket, it will only piss them off. I created another ticket a long time ago, asking for a simple delete button next to all the shouts, and couldn't even get something as simple as that. I tried to make the argument that as long as the shoutbox was a part of Dolphin, it may as well be usable. Others around here, called it as 'non-critical' as it gets, or wondered why people would even use a shoutbox. I created a blog in an attempt to draw attention to all the problems with the shoutbox -->
I can't think of anything else to do, that might convince them not to put this off until 7.1. My position on every single feature of Dolphin is consistent, whatever that feature may be: If it's going to be a part of Dolphin, it really should meet commonly accepted standards of usability. Regrettably, the D7 shoutbox is doomed.
I cannot imagine using the module as-is, so I either will not use one at all, or have a third party shoutbox integrated.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |