@newton27 AlexT solution will work, but you will end up with a folder that has lots of json files which you will need to archive all of them before you can transfer the dump file to another server and restore it..
The alternative is to backup your mongodb and archive the files on the fly:
Lets call source db: HR_PROD
and target db: HR_STAGE
>> Backup
Now, lets backup HR_PROD on server-A and restore it on server-B with a different name:
Server-A> mongodump -d HR_PROD --gzip --archive='HR_PROD_BACKUP.gz"
>> Restore backed db and rename it to something else:
Server-B> mongorestore -d --nsFrom "HR_PROD" --nsTo "HR_STAGE" --drop --gzip --archive="HR_PROD_BACKUP.gz"
Note: I added the parameter --drop which means drop the target db if it already exists and then restore.
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