Chat+ V 25

So, Rocket.Chat is now at version 25, and after playing around a bit, I decided to share what new features there are.


Starting with what may be the most important - the OAuth connection. While Boonex team was nice enough to create a simple dolphin connect within the chat server - it unfortunately lead to a lot of questioning posts. So, with version 25 (or any other version for that matter) it is easy to create a new OAuth connection - and it also adds a new feature of how to send token info.

There is also a section for an iframe login. Instead of the normal login block - it is replaced with an iframe of whatever url you like. I tried to figure it out, and screwed up, so be careful if you play with this section - keep in mind - it replaces the login block - so if you enable it with or without a url, you will have no login block to get back into your server.


Next big topic - the look of the chat. V 25 comes with more options for customization of the chat servers look. Also - there is the ability to add custom css AND scripts. So with this new addition of scripts - I am hoping there is a way to somehow work the Dolphin site and the Chat server so when you log out of one it logs you out of the other and same with logging in.


So, not really anything else added. But they did add a warning in regards to using Force SSL - which a few of us have managed to enable by mistake.

"Caution! Force SSL should never be used with reverse proxy. If you have a reverse proxy, you should do the redirect THERE. This option exists for deployments like Heroku, that does not allow the redirect configuration at the reverse proxy."

iframe login.jpg · 177.8K · 380 views
layout main.jpg · 157.5K · 428 views
Quote · 11 Apr 2016

Hey Prof - What you are doing could be very helpful to Boonex team while they are planning to upgrade to next Chat+ version. You can keep testing and post results accordingly, that's how things get done properly before they get implemented to Prod..
On aside note, I was playing with some of the Chat+ features, I enabled registration & forced the email validation on the Login Form. I created an Acct, and then I got a message to check my email to validate - good so far.. But, I have not received any email from my Chat+ site.. I was wondering if there is anything else I need to setup in Admin to make sure the emails verification do go out..

If anyone would like to join me in testing Chat+, you are welcome to visit my site:

By the way, { Begag } is a word in Moroccan language which means almost the same thing as Tweets. The real meaning is sarcasm and talking about others simply because they have nothing else to do that is productive - Thus, that's how Twitter & Facebook came to light.  Do you really want to know what I had for breakfast this morning ? But strangely enough, some people do Innocent


Quote · 11 Apr 2016

you need to setup the smtp - also - check your logs - i set mine to show everything, not just errors. the logs are a real great help. the only error i have ever gotten was that I had not setup the email. Using the development version - when a user creates an account - they get an email. But looking in the logs, it shows email was not sent because smtp settings not setup.
Quote · 11 Apr 2016

Using the custom css is simple. Just open an element inspector and make whatever changes you want. then copy into custom css block. images attached

element inspector.jpg · 126.3K · 363 views
custom css.jpg · 180.2K · 380 views
using custom css.jpg · 211K · 440 views
Quote · 11 Apr 2016

Cool, I will try the custom css using inspector..

Regarding SMTP, yes you are right, my SMTP section is blank - I have a dedicated server, how do I get the info below ?

> SMTP Host  - is this my main sever IP ?
> SMTP Port   ?

> and SMTP Username & password, is this email has to be part of my domain ? for instance, ?



Quote · 11 Apr 2016

this is an area I am unsure of - it took me a few days to get my email working and figured out - just in general. Not using a cpanel or whm does make a few things difficult. In the end, I just stuck with my domain registrar for my emails.
Quote · 11 Apr 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.