Yeah I brought this up on Boonex members blog posts a couple times...the code behind the promo image will resize the image improperly something like 30% of the time, whether using IE or Firfox. I never got an answer on whether this would be fixed so I got proactive. I went out and found a free image rotator script on the web and plugged it in. I documentetd my steps but I'm not at home and don't have it in front of me at the moment. But basically I did this:
1. Decide on a page width for your index page and commit to it. This is because you'll be disabling the Dolphin image rotator, so the images that you place in your own rotator script will not auto-resize if you change your width later.
2. Google free javascript image rotator. They're a dime a dozen on the web, find one that does what you like..I chose one that loads a new image when the broswer is refreshed, rather than flashing through them, which I find annoying.
3. Once you have the code for the new script, go into Dolphin admin panel basic settings and choose "Use Custom HTML Block" Don't bother entering the code here, just hit save.
4. Now open templates\tmpl_uni\page_1.html. There is a line in there that says __promo_code__ Replace that piece of code with your image rotator javascript code. This will put your new image rotator front and center where the old Dolphin rotator used to be.
Your new script will have instructions about where you should place your images and how to call them. You may need to manually code the image names into the script....depends on which script you pick.
Anyway hope that helps.