Ok so the anchor.css text controls the New Top text within the forum. The css is:
@import url(../../base/css/anchor.css);
/* universal links */
a:active {
color: rgba(2, 136, 209, 1.0); /* equal to #0288D1 */
a:hover {
color: rgba(2, 136, 209, 0.8);
a.bx-btn:active {
text-decoration: none;
color: #ffffff;
a.bx-popup-element-close:active {
text-decoration: none;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
.bx-anchor-link {
padding-top: 44px; margin-top: -44px;
Now the problem is the colors in that css are mainly blues. Problem being the header for my template is blue. So cant see the New Topic text. If I change the rgba(2, 136, 209, 1.0) to 255.255.255 which it need to be to be seen loads of other sitewide links change. So I need to change the class and links css just for the forum integration New Topic text.
I dont need the new text to behave like a link with hover etc.
So If I create a cnew class in the anchor.css file then reference that class by changing the class of the blue text that needs to be white.... Would that solve the issue.
I am realizing how stupid this sounds as I describe it and should infact try it to find out. Gonna do that now. Thanks.