I would like some changes made to my site. They are mostly cosmetic, and only a small change to the template;
I think they are pretty self explanatory. As for the MEMBER'S RIDE, I believe that it is hardcoded, and it never was supposed to be, but the programmer I paid to do it, did that anyway, and now he wants to charge again to put it the way it was supposed to be. The page template for ALL the pages is supposed to be a full width column across the whole page under the the LOGIN bar, and then three columns under the full width column. The whole template of the whole site should be that way, and it should be changeable from the pages blocks section. Please send me a price on changing the template, or each page set up, so that I can put anything, from MEMBER'S RIDES, to a flash banner there, and be able to do it in the pages block. If I choose to put nothing there, then the pages just ignores that block, and everything else in the three columns below just move up....
This is a link to the grapic showing the changes I would like to have made. http://www.riderocks.com/image/1screenshot.jpg
Please email me at mitch@riderocks.com