does anyone know how to change the URL that my members send to each other?
For example, if a member would send someone else a like to, instead of taking the user to upon clicking, it would link to a script on my server like"" or something like that.
Facebook and Twitter I know for sure have this feature, I just took a random example from a friends post:
The user above posted a link to,
but when you click it, it takes you to facebooks script to the website. The use for this is to administrate any URL that is posted on my website and if the URL is blacklisted or viewed as spam or not appropriated, The user is shown a error page or simply taken to my sites /index.php page.
Thank you for your help! I have already developed a script in html, (but can use any file extension like php,) that will redirect any URL here:
Just change the path after the ? to go to the site you want.
Thanks Again! I know this is long and complicated.