Change Main Flash logo in 6.1


I had 60003 installed and to replace the flash logo on the homepage I just made a new logo.swf and replaced the one in tmpl_uni/images

I did this in my new 6.1004 setup and nothing changes. The Boonex flash remains.

How can I replace it in this version?


Dan V

Quote · 31 Aug 2008

look patientlly after all the original jpgs were displayed and your flash file doesnt load,  the promo block may not be accepting flash file or your file is too big.

Quote · 31 Aug 2008


Thanks Ted - I mean Ive made a new swf that doesnt use the pix at all.

In 60003 it was enough to just replace logo.swf and it used my file  with no problems.

Something must have changed though now.

Is it really neccessary to

"add a custom HTML block that calls the new swf. " ?

I cant just replace the Boones swf with my own one which is the same dimensions?

If I have to go to the trouble of making a custom block I would also like to make it higher.

Like 960 x 480px.

Instructions on how to make the block and set its height would be much appreciated.


Dan V

Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Replace the base/images version  .....

Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Ahhhh I just figured out ,,,

The promo block is NOT a flash file any more !

So now I have to do what Ted said above !

Yes please Ted instructions would be great.

Boy... so everyone who made a custom flash and upgrades has to go through this :-(

Seems like Boonex is cutting down the number of flash files to an absolute minimum for some reason.


Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Hi Ted.

No problem understanding them.

Looks like this js file is a better fix than others Ive seen for the allow activeX problem in IE.

Is it pretty recent?

Is it okay like it is without linebreaks?

Ive seeen recommended a javascript based system called swfObject for embedding any flash file on an html page.

It was more complicated than this!

Okay Ill try it out today and post back here whether it worked for me or not.

Thanks very much.

Dan V

Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Hi Ted


1) The Javascript file can be downloaded from

as the version you posted below has had the line breaks stripped by Unity.

2) Havent yet found the httpdocs folder :(

"Upload the swf to your httpdocs folder."

From the look of the code I thought the swf file should go in the Admin folder too - no ?

3) Where you say replace yourfile.swf with the name of the swf - the first two times your code does not have the .swf ?

The second two times it does. Thats correct?

4) And the most puzzling question - when I paste the code into the html box and update - it gets stripped by the tinyhtml editor and what comes through is this - (Ive changed some sizes and file names).


// --> // -->

<span class="mceItemObject" height="409" width="818" codebase=",0,40,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"> <span value="medium" name="quality" class="mceItemParam"></span> <span value="transparent" name="wmode" class="mceItemParam"></span> <span value="/admin/topflash.swf" name="src" class="mceItemParam"></span><span class="mceItemEmbed" height="409" width="818" src="/admin/topflash.swf" mce_src="/admin/topflash.swf" wmode="transparent" quality="medium" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></span> </span>


Its removing the whole first section of the script, and the object and embed tags and noscript tags.

What am I doing wrong?

There is one section in your code that Im not sure about.

Its to do with the line breaks again.

Where you have

AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','960','height','480','src','yourFile','quality','high','pluginspage','','wmode','transparent','movie','yourFile' ); //end AC code
// --></script>

Im not sure if something is meant to be commented out or not?
It doesnt seem like it as then there would be nothing between the scipt tags?


Dan V

Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Um.  Microsoft has resolved that licensing issue and the 'click here to activate' is now gone, as long as you use windows update, no matter what version of IE.

So... there are MUCH simplier ways now.  IE, firefox, opera, all use <object> tags correctly.  :)

Makes development so much easier now.


Quote · 31 Aug 2008

Hi Ted

No I was using the html inserter box. It didnt like something in the code obviously.

Anyway Im trying a different approach now.

This is the code Im using and it works for most browsers but not all...

Perhaps you can suggest how to make it more friendsly to more browsers?

Especially I think some versions of IE have problems with this.

<object height="222" width="796" codebase=",0,40,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000">
<param value="FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />
<param value="center" name="align" />
<param value="/admin/topFlash.swf" name="src" /><embed height="222" width="796" src="/admin/topFlash.swf" align="center" bgcolor="FFFFFF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

Have you discovered the very very cool free service at ?

I think this address takes you straight to my screenshots...

Thanks for your help

Dan V

Quote · 1 Sep 2008


Well after all that I think I found an easier way with more control.

Code in html box of Admin/BasicSetting/UseCustomHTMLblock is

<p><iframe id="topFlash" name="topFlashbox" src="admin/mypage.htm" frameborder="no" height="222" scrolling="no" width="796"></iframe></p>

Now I can use any method I like to embed the flashfile.

It wont be affected by the TinyMCE problems.

Can also colour the html page background

and even put the flash file in a table with a picture as the background of the table

and have the picture function as a message for thos who dont see the flash !


Thanks again Ted for your advice without which I probably wouldn't have got this far :-)

Dan V

Quote · 1 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.