wonder why i cant type in this editor, i have to call up the html thingo to type a message. might be on time out :)
guys what rms are you connecting to? i was having the problem tryin to connect to my rms installation. cyberxing schooled me on the fact that i would need to stop the process and invoke it again, as it may not be able to read th access.dat file on the fly. i took his advice, and dropped the processes, restarted, and HELL YEAH, it worked.
anybody who is trying to connect to rms.boonex.com and having bad luck, if you want to try my rms server, just to ensure its not your install, then let me know and i will put you in my access.dat, that does mean of course that i have to stop and restart the process, but i can do that just so you guys know your install is up to par.
i do have both rms servers running thanks to cyberxing. he has some special mojo that he rubbed on there and it hooked itself up..
just tag me and let me know.
a one week access will be granted for everyone that requests it, but you must also go to the blog, and give a thumbs up for cyberxing, mrpowless, and myself, as we are on the ballot for community approval for moderator, and the rules require that we get community approval.
if you need to purchase rms hosting please shoot me a message. if you need rms installed on your server, send me a message. if you just want to say hello, send me a message.
holla all,
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